

Jennie's recipes

Monday 31 July 2023

Quick update


A Wall butterfly in the garden this week.  Only the 2nd I've ever seen - and the other one was last year in the Elan valley.

A quick update on Keith.  Having spoken to the Dr today, he can carry on with his higher Levothyroxine dose (phew) although it's not ideal.  The oedema is down partly to the lowering of the thyroxine levels and probably also partly to the upping of his blood pressure pills!  Jeepers - almost impossible to get it all balanced - everything has unwanted side effects.  Anyway, he slept about 12 hours last night - he tried getting up at 10.30 and couldn't stand.  Tried again at 1.30 and he could.  He was walking better this morning, but is tired again this evening. Let's hope we can get back to where he was a couple of months ago.

    It was his fortnightly massage today and the horsey gal came along but had to do his back/neck with him sat in a chair as he couldn't have gotten up on her massage table.  

    Lots of rain here today but I managed to get a walk in when it wasn't quite such heavy rain.  It was good to get out and clear my head.

    I'll try for a belated church post tomorrow.


  1. I so hope that Keith's medications can be regulated and he gets some relief.

    Glad you got out for a bit of a walk.

    God bless.

  2. I want to go out for ME today, but I need wood pellet cat litter which means going to Brecon. I fancy going in the opposite direction!

    Only time will tell if we have got the balance right. Meanwhile it's difficult for us both.

  3. A great butterfly sighting for the garden. Wall are exinct these days here in Warwickshire.
    I do hope Keith's medication can be sorted out.

  4. Hope you find somewhere for YOU today. Weather forecast is good for us today after dodging rain on Sunday and Monday so our bed linen is in the wash and once it’s hanging on the line we’re going to Emsworth to walk the Coffin Walk, an interesting five mile walk from the town to the church at Warblington (and back) where several of S’s ancestors are buried. We haven’t been to Emsworth since pre-Covid and I am hoping the junky antique shops are still going. I know the secondhand book shop is still there as the owner often comes into my bookshop for a chat and we will visit the excellent cafe for tea and homemade cake before coming home. Yesterday afternoon we visited Petworth house. It was such a dull day the blinds were up so we could actually see the paintings. We walked around the pleasure grounds in the drizzle to admire the trees, some of which are already starting to colour and ended up in the town to buy a piece of the squidgiest chocolate brownie from the hungry guest deli. As we arrived home the sun came out and I ran down the garden to harvest chard, tomatoes, French beans, courgette, basil, and rhubarb for our supper. Everything is going mad in the veg plot and already I have squash the size of grapefruit and the sweet corn and borlotti beans are forming cobs and pods. I had a great yoga day on Saturday and went to my usual Monday morning class too so am feeling lithe and well, especially with all this homegrown produce. Sarah x

  5. Do hope the medications will work better so he can get moving again.
