

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 5 July 2023

When Pippi got too adventurous!

Oh dear - one moment she was under the bench near me, the next here she was soaked and covered in pond weed . . .I think she must have jumped onto what she thought was grass and dived into the pond instead!  She won't do that again in a hurry!  She was very embarrassed.


Her gorgeous (dry!) sister beneath the Kilmarnock Willow.

Part of yesterday's haul from the little nursery I go to at Crossgates.  Their prices are much more reasonable than the Railway Line, though that's nice to look round.  This lot was £35 (paid for by the Fair I did back in May).  They are Buddleia Buzz Velvet; Hardy Geranium - another Red Admiral; Veronica Moody Blues, half price Clematis boulevard Olympia and Delphinium Guardian Blue.

You can see why I couldn't resist this one!  Plus, I am clearing the bank above the old house wall - hence the need for plants to replace the grass, moss and wild strawberries . . .

A work in progress . . .

The Alchemilla mollis was there already but I've planted a couple more slips in from where they have self-seeded about the place.  The rose on the left is going over now but it's gorgeous - Raubritter - and you can't quite see it, but there is another hardy Geranium I got yesterday, planted already - pale pink Rebecca Moss.

Hardy Geranium Red Admiral was popped in yesterday evening, but as you can see, there's a bit of a challenge with the bank beyond it!!  Today I'm going to transplant a couple of low-growing h. geraniums from the oval bed as they are hidden by the Golden Marjoram and the Lavender which has shot up with its blooms (it LOVED that sunshine).  I am full of plans.

Where that Willow has got settled in, once I've removed it and cleared around the Alchemilla mollis there, the Buddleia will go in.   There's a nice creamy Hydrangea I've seen too . . . The colour scheme here is going to be pinks, a couple of lilac/purple and creams.  I have a long wish-list of roses for Christmas pressies . . .

Enjoy your day.


  1. No fear Pippi! Bless her cotton socks. Bet she will not do that in a hurry again. Aw x

    1. She is very adventurous. Not to mention very clever. Too clever for her own good at times.

  2. Too true. Pippi won't do that again. I'm surprised it wasn't a double whammy, followed by a bath. Super Hall of new plants. which reminds me I need to crossover the street as my neighbour has put a stall of plants in her. carport with an honesty box. In fact, I might get myself together and pop over there now.

    1. I just hope that Lulu doesn't go near the pond as she's not the brightest spark, bless her, and would just blunder in! Did you go and avail yourself of neighbour's plants perchance?

    2. I did indeed but unfortunately almost everything. had gone however, this one post coming up in a few days on my blog with a little with a lovely little story behind it.

  3. A garden is never finished, always a work in progress... thankfully!

    1. That comment made me feel so much better gz!

  4. I could envision Pippi's misadventure perfectly. How funny! Those cats are entertaining.

    1. Indeed. She has slipped in and got paws wet before, but obviously was much younger then and forgot it.

  5. Very lovely flowers! My neighbor has lovely hardy geraniums and keeps giving me some she's dug up for me. I proceed to kill them. No idea why I can't get them to survive. She says I'll figure it out eventually! (Such faith in me!) No, Pippi won't do that again! Does she have intense blue eyes like Lulu?

    1. Oh Ceilie, how heartbreaking. Mind put up with a lot but they do need watering when first planted up. They need well-drained soil and appreciate a mulch of muck heap or good compost.

  6. Lovely collection of plants, and I’m sure Pippi won’t be pond dipping again. I wonder which roses are going on your Christmas list. Today I enlarged and rejigged a border opposite the front door in order to plant Rosa Vanessa Bell. I usually buy my roses bare rooted from Apuldram roses but today I acted spontaneously. I had also told myself no more roses but the soil near the house is rather delicious (our house was built on the site of the stables belonging to the very old house next door) so digging and planting today was a cinch. I am looking forward to cutting my first rose from Vanessa as none of the roses I have growing in the garden really lend themselves to cutting as they are climbers or ramblers growing over the pergola. How I agree with gz that a garden is never finished. Sarah x

    1. I shall do a Roses Wanted post if you like. I have quite a list. It started of as all mid-pinks but has of course deviated as I love the deeper colours and Tuscany Superb HAS to go in. Had to leave one behind at Ynyswen. Vanessa Bell looks delicious and is sure to thrive in that lovely soil.

  7. Poor Pippi, she would have been, indignant, embarrassed, and in denial - "not my fault, who did that to me!" I'm glad she was able to clean herself without the added trauma of a proper bath.

    You got a lot of treasures for your garden - it is certainly a major undertaking, isn't it. We have downsized, from a lovely, labour intensive 65 roses, to a small raised bed for vegetables, and an equally small sunny bank for some bits and pieces.

    1. Oh absolutely Virginia! Not that it stops her getting up to mischief still! I wasn't going to attempt to bath her - claws are sharp!

      I got some beautiful treasures - some are planted and ahem, there may also be a few more to put in.

      Gosh, 65 roses - those must have looked so beautiful. We once viewed (and fell in love) with a beautiful old house and the lady was a VERY keen gardener and had a similar amount of David Austin roses, orchard, fruit patch etc. At the time I really wanted it - now I see it would have been a bit of a millstone round my neck.
