

Jennie's recipes

Monday 7 August 2023



Showers to the left of us, showers to the right . . . !

We can now turn the cold tap on and water comes out again!  I have been able to turn the boiler back on  so we even have hot water again and can have the luxury of a shower or bath. The downside is that I spent £15 on bottled water and we cannot now move for it in the Utility!

Thief!  Pippi caught it, but Lulu stole it off her!

I nearly had a hernia moving a big container just 1/3 full of water from my friend's house to the car the other day, but at least we had water to flush the loos with, though we had to carry it upstairs by the bucketful.

For four days our neighbouring farmer (who also had no supply) has been desperately digging up his fields looking for the pipe blockage.  Imagine early Victorian glazed earthenware pipes here . . .  I found him the map of the pipeline route (from over a mile away, where the spring is) so I hope that helped, although the field boundaries had been changed down the years.  I will bake him a proper Welsh fruit cake using a Cardiganshire recipe given me by our neighbour Eira back in Carms.  She gave that recipe to everyone and it even got a mention at her funeral!   It is a lovely rich moist fruit cake with crushed pineapple in it.  I will make two, and we can enjoy the other one.  My friend Gay from Dorset arrives tomorrow, so will hopefully appreciate it too.

Cat in a box . . .   HOW she got in there I don't now as it's sideways on and behind another tall box.

    We had a lovely couple of days with Tam here and Gabby is arriving on Thursday.  She will keep Keith company whilst Gay and I have a longer day out - up to Powis Castle again.  Those gardens are calling me!


  1. It makes you REALLY appreciate water coming out of taps and filling up the toilet when you lose it for a few days doesn't it. We had so much trouble when we were in Wales.

    1. I have never been so careful with water as we were those few days. I never have a deep bath anyway - wartime one suffices - but gosh, I used veg water twice over for cooing first carrots, and then spuds! I'd have used it for gravy but didn't need any.

  2. I have only got cold running water in my bathroom at the moment. Both. my hot water taps need new washers Can I get anyone to come and fix them? Short answer No, I can't. It's too small a job for anybody to even consider. The commodities we take for granted. I now have to lug a bowl of hot water into the sink because I can't run hot water in the bath or the shower.

    1. You need an odd job man. Try Care and Repair Cymru - 01437 766717. I hope that they can help you. (Sure they can). You shouldn't be lugging bowls of hot water around.

  3. Ugh. I wish we lived Tim would be right over to fix those taps. I would play with your kittens and scribble down your recipe. I am off to see if I can find a recipe online.

  4. I'll put the recipe up here tomorrow. Meanwhile, you can fly over with Tim and have a slice or two and go and fix other Debbie's taps. Wouldn't that be lovely?

  5. Thank you. I have found many recipes for 'speckled bread' but none have pineapple.

  6. It would be lovely, wouldn't it? How I managed to mix your post and rustic pumpkin's comment is beyond me.

    1. You may have mixed us up, but it's. a very kind thought. Thank you so much.
