

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 5 August 2023

Trying to find the positives . . .

 Today not turning out as I'd hoped.  Lovely to have Tam here, but Keith has zilch energy today, which is always a worry as we are trying to stop this downhill spiral.  Worried it may take weeks and weeks for him to get back where he was before having a lower dose of his thyroid meds. 

I believe these are from the Cuckoo Bumblebee family.

Then a big bombshell has hit.  I can't discuss it on here but it involves H20 and is another thing to deal with and one we could have done without.  It will eventually be a positive but is VERY much a negative right now. 

Enjoy Sunday. 


  1. Oof ... I do hope things pick up for you soon.

    1. Thankyou. I will just have to deal with each day as it comes.

  2. I can relate to the downward spiral in energy. I do hope Keith's energy levels turn around with his change in medication. Unfortunately, I have had letters from both the Parkinson's nurse and my GP both of which have told me that there's nothing more they can do for me. I've just got to suck it up.

    1. Oh what a dreadful thing to be told. Do you have to arrange to be part of the care system now then? I can see us with Keith in a hospital bed here before long, unless his meds kick in soon. Sending (((HUGS)))

  3. I do hope things work out very soon.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie. It's like trying to get out of a whirlpool right now.

  4. I'm sorry that things are very difficult for now. I hope Keith regains his strength soon and the other problems are resolved without too much stress.

    1. Thank you Celie. On top of everything, my BP is going up again (anxiety I dare say) and my pulse worryingly slow. Back to Doc's I think.

  5. Hope Keith's medication changes will sort out the energy problem and I hope the other big problem is sorted to - it sounds as if it might be expensive

    1. So do I. The other big problem could well be a chunk of money but hoping it can be divided between 3 properties.

  6. So sorry to hear about Keith and your other problem. I do hope things get better for you soon. You are having such a difficult time.

    1. Well, the course of action for the other problem has been decided upon. I had a lovely walk today (Sunday) with Tam and Pam and her dog Foxy. That helped all round.

  7. Life is a bit of a challenge at the moment, I will admit that. I hope it improves soon.

  8. So sorry to read this BB. The effects of MSA on K must be almost beyond endurance. Please try not to worry about practical problems which can always be sorted, albeit at some cost and inconvenience. Yes, one day at at a time is all anyone can do. Despite everything I hope you are having a lovely weekend with Tam and the kittens are being good. Sarah x

    1. It's not making life easy, that's for sure. There is a limit to what he can do and none of it can take place after mid-afternoon . . .

      Kitties have been batting around another shrew from Pippi's war chest and we have had a lovely walk.
