

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 12 November 2023

A hard day's night

 Last night was the night I had been dreading - the car rally was coming through between 3 and 5 a.m.  We used to have these regularly at Ynyswen too - only they seemed noisier as we were on a Z-bend with a rock "canyon" wall on one side, which held the noise in of frantic gear changes and revving. Last night's was quieter and I was able to nod off again after the initial fast cars came through.  Of course, the cats had to be kept in an Little Whale was NOT amused.  He likes to go out until he chooses to come in (normally on the dot of 9 o'clock once late autumn is here) but sometimes he will be out until the wee small hours but has a nice warm bed in the Utility when he has finished hunting.

        Keith was up before me this morning and in the shower by the time I padded, bleary-eyed, to the bathroom.  Good to see him greatly improved upon yesterday and clearly shaking off the Covid hangover.  Wish I could say the same.  Mine is a slower recovery.  I did half an hour's gardening yesterday, emptying the smaller planters of summer plantings - the Gladiolis in the bigger ones fought back and by evening my right shoulder needed a painkiller to calm it down. 6 pots are emptied though and ready to have bulbs planted in them - if it ever stops raining!   Tomorrow I believe we have another storm coming through - Debi - which is mainly going to hit Ireland, but Wales may get it along the coastal regions.  Hoping it won't be here too.

View through the gate at Hay Castle.

I had a visit from my friend this week.  She brought me some apples  (fallers from a tree on a dog walk she does). We chatted, and it always cheers Keith up to have someone other than me to chat to.  My late ma-in-law had a very pertinent saying though - you can't cut my throat and put a sticking plaster on it!  Very apt in this case.  

        I had a delivery of two big parcels for our neighbour the other side of the Big House (this happens regularly - so many people with the same postcode in our area) and his wife said she'd send him round to change my water filter for me - she knows this is something I always need help with.  That was a couple of days ago and it's already full of mud again!  

        I've just baked two big Cardiganshire Boiled Pineapple Fruit Cakes (like giant Bara Brith) - one is a thank you for the neighbour of P's who has given me a long loan on his brush strimmer so I need not worry about the orchard or the paddock in future - Glyn (gardener) can deal with them.  That's how it works in the country - someone does you a favour, and you do one in return.  I guess if you are a townie this is all a foreign language.  Like thanking other drivers who slow down or pull over or reverse for you. You can always tell the townie holidaymakers.   They are also the ones who walk in a row across the road from the holiday chalets going down into town . . . all wearing dark clothing so they don't show up beneath the trees.

Here's one I made earlier.  Remembering Eira, our nearest neighbour at Ynyswen, who gave everyone this recipe.  Always think of her whenever I make it.

        I have just been tempted by Audible's 60% off offer.  I will write on the calendar when the 3 months is up, but a £2.99 credit has just bought me a compendium of 10 Charles Dickens books, so those should see me through the ironing mountains for the next year or so!

        All our children have been so helpful in the past few weeks - Gabby has organized for the Solicitor to come to the house to sort out the signings of the LPA for Keith.  She will be here too to do her signing part and then we take it down to the GP for them to sign it.  Not long now until Tam and Jon move into their first house together.  When she was here last week she tidied up all the bits and bobs she needed storing until after their move so her bedroom is accessible again.  Danny & Emma bought me a lovely baking book "Bake Me a Cat" which has some lovely ideas to make with little "I".  I have had fun buying sprinkles, pink food colouring and some fine icing decorators in rainbow colours.  We will be having fun.

        Right, I've let my fingers wander on the keys for long enough.  Nothing exciting, but this acts as a sort of diary for me, and I've been nowhere to write about for weeks now.  Hope you have enjoyed your weekend.  

P.S.  Thelma - it seems I am no longer invited to view your blog. When I click on the link I can't get through.  Thankyou for your friendship down the years and hope that you will still drop in here sometimes.


  1. Rallying is a national sport in Wales you should know that though I thought they had stopped road rallies now. I have to confess I did some when I was younger, I'm still a petrol head at heart. I would have been out with my camera if that was me. You could hear my Mini changing gear miles away though my last one which was faster was less noisy. I sold it just over ten years ago. The cake looks delicious

  2. Indeed - I used to live near Brechfa and lots of the neighbours volunteered as Stewards to see the national one first hand. We would also have a few neighbours stood by our front gate to see them round our "chicane". This was a local set up by Eppynt Motor Club, 110 miles around Powys and Carms. This route for the first time since we've moved here.

  3. what on Earth and ungodly hour for a rally to go through. Although I suppose it gets them through when the roads are not busy. Minimal disruption. brought back joyful memories of when I lived in Goodwick. Every. Single. Sunday morning. You could set your watch by them. The dirt bikers in the quarry behind us. Not what you want at 8:00 AM on a Sunday morning. Glad to hear Keith seems to be improving, But sorry it's taking you so long to get over it. It seems it affects everybody differently. Your cake looks delicious.
    Yes, it's a good idea to mark your calendar. I'm always taking advantage of these offers if they're daft enough to keep offering me a free three months then I'm happy to have it. Just make sure I mark my diary two or three days beforehand. So I remember to cancel it.

    1. Well, no traffic on the roads at that time! I can remember going up the hill (daytime) out of town to go to Brecon over the Eppynts, and suddenly found the rally cars were behind me - though not for long, obviously!! There is one leg which starts off in the town, down by The Strand. Dirt bikers - they make quite a noise and NOT want you want on a Sunday morning. The lovely car boot sale on the Cricket Pitch at Kilgetty got stopped because the people in the nearby bungalows said the noise of the cars going into the boot sale was "too noisy" on a Sunday. Hmmmphh!

      I was going to order just one Charles Dickens (David Copperfield probably) but saw I could have than AND 9 more, and it was a no brainer.

  4. 10 Charles Dickens - goodness - that's 10 more than I would want to listen to!
    Hope the rallies passing your gate are not too often - if it was daytime it would be good to watch but 3am doesn't appeal so much.
    So sorry to find that Thelma has disappeared from blogland - hope it's just temporary

    1. I haven't read Charles Dickens since my teens/20s, but always enjoyed the dramas and films on tv. Havin,g read some wonderfully evocative extracts on FB recently, Dickens will be a good accompaniment to the ironing.

      The rallies always go through in the early hours. Think they change the routes each year so it shouldn't be too often round here.

      Hoping Thelma is back soon.

  5. Used to have rallies going past our last cottage. It would wake the children up and they would cry as our cottage was right on the lane. I got so fed up that eventually I wrote to them saying that I understood that what they were doing was perfectly legal but if they came past our place again I would also be within my rights to drive very slowly back and forward along the lane. They never came back.

    1. Hi Helena. You didn't have such a good spot if you were right on the lane the rallies came along. At least we have a small paddock (the bottom triangle) between us and the lane here (and we had the paddock/orchard at Ynyswen, but those were "rortier" cars and v. noisy. Glad that you persuaded them not to come past yours again.

  6. That cake looks delicious, I could just reach in and cut a chunk off. Its been very wet here, so no gardening and only a bit of housework. Tomorrow I'm being a lady wot lunches, meeting a friend who I haven't seen since July. We do talk regularly but its not the same. Glad both you and Keith are picking up. Have a good week. Hugs Gill Xx

    1. It's a great one as a last minute Christmas cake too as it's moist and rich. I popped in a deep blue Pansy with my new rose this morning. That's about all the gardening I am up to today! Enjoy your lunch with your friend. Isn't it good to meet up and have a good old chin wag?

      Keith is picking up faster than me still!

  7. Glad Keith is we need to see you back up to snuff! I can't imagine living is long the route of a street rally! But Tim would been right out there.

    1. Back on the sofa soon today as standing to bake cakes yesterday did me in, once again. I was going to walk along to my horsey friend up the lane, but legs aren't up to that (not even half a mile!) so if I go it will be in the car.

      We are on a small lane, with bendy bits, which is why this becomes a rally route - off the main A roads and interesting enough to make it demanding. Tim would have loved it I'm sure, and the big National one at Brechfa - oh gosh, he'd have been up a tree all day watching it :)

  8. Jennie it is not permanent, I am I suppose regrouping myself, typing out a long article about Paul, and working through family happenings, which have been rather sad of late. You sound more cheerful anyway and I see cakes are being baked as well. So you are not saying good bye to me yet.

  9. Hope you are feeling better today, and I am glad that Keith is up and about. I need to start my Christmas baking and I want to make some special Christmas liqueurs as well. Must get started on those very soon.

    God bless.

  10. I'm glad the covid fatigue has finally lifted as well as the cough. I still have diarrhea (too much information but apparently it's quite common), but it could be worse. I'm back walking the dogs and feel fine doing that for an hour.

    Hope you're feeling yourself again soon.

  11. Well, I suppose the car rally is over for another year. Cannot see the attraction of tearing along winding country lanes in the dark - you wouldn’t see the beautiful countryside. Hope you are continuing to improve. I don’t think you can or should rush this, it’s grotty weather out there today (after a lovely day yesterday) so I am settling down with some knitting and the radio. The Old Wives’ Tale by Arnold Bennett is currently being read on Radio 4 Extra. Have you read it? I read it bout 20 years ago when AS Byatt chose it as her book on Desert Island Discs and said it was the best English language novel - high praise indeed, but I’m enjoying listening to it now. I potted up my tulips in the sunshine yesterday. I arrived home from yoga at 11 o’clock and thought yes, this is the moment. I planted mine in two largish black plastic pots, 18 white Purissima tulips to each with primrose wallflowers on top and then I slip the plastic pots inside two glazed ‘belly’ pots that belonged to my mum. I even top-dressed the pots with gravel and they look smart either side of the sunny bench where we sit to change into and out of our walking boots. It is pouring down now - oh well it is November - and I think my exercise today should be the ironing and vacuuming - or not! Have a nice relaxing day BB. Sarah x
