

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 5 November 2023

ALL CHANGE - and all those "useful things" . . .


Pant-y-Llyn lake

We all have them, stashed away in boxes.  I shouldn't really have THAT much, bearing in mind how much we got rid of when we moved, but guess what, boxes and boxes of "useful things" moved with us.  Because the hospital bed arrives tomorrow, Danny, Emma and I have been moving furniture around, and I knew the tin trunk that I have my bedside lamp on and the contents of, would need to be sorted.  Offout to the stables and to the next Fair if necessary.

Then of course I had to empty the sewing things from another spare painted pine box, which will go on Marketplace or Ebay. It's a nice one, but we are going to have to be practical.  In the New Year, Danny, Emma and "I" will be coming to live with us for a few months so they can save properly for a house of their own.  They have some furniture of their own of course, and a cat, so the latter will properly upset the applecart for a bit! 

I have been going through the storage boxes (big black plastic ones) in the linen cupboard upstairs, and hoiked out a big bin-liner full of fabrics, sewing bits etc that I don't need, to go to the charity shop, along with 2 end-rolls of lovely silk fabric which no-one has shown the least bit of interest at Fairs .  I got them from auction at Wooton - put in by a curtain-making shop in Tetbury - and the fabric was something ridiculous like £150 a metre.  Can't get £10 each for them but I hope that the Charity shop will do well.  I support the Bracken Trust (Cancer charity) in Llandod, so will take this all there on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, I need to put all my Heirloom quilt fabrics in one bag and make space in my pine sewing cupboard upstairs.  Fortunately I have woken up with energy this morning, leastways more energy than I've had this past 3 weeks.  I'm sat down resting now with a cup of Earl Grey but at least I don't need to go and lie down on the sofa today.  For the last 10 days I have got Keith breakfast and then have to crash out on the sofa to sleep and get over the effort!

Photos still playing me up - I put them into a folder "November 2023" but cannot find it anywhere!!                                                                                          

I feel hugely relieved that Danny and Emma will be support for Keith and I for a while.  I may be able to keep the carers at bay for a bit longer.  Little "I" has already been booked in at the school down the road, so will have a chance to make friends.  It's a nice area to bring children up.  Danny will work from home, as he does at the moment.

There is other exciting news to tell you, but that will wait for another day . . .

Oh, and was it Ruta who was looking for a Captain's Chair?  We have several here - we know them as Smoker's Bows.  If that is what you're after, I could sell one of these and replace it with a more practical tuck-under-the-table kitchen chair. I will try and take a photo which I can FIND afterwards, to put up on here.


  1. How exciting. I wonder why no one would purchase that fabric?

    God bless.

    1. It's neutrally coloured and not very exciting on the eye, but complete quality. I think people don't make their own soft furnishings any more so can't see a purpose to it.

  2. Good news about feeling better and help with Keith coming.
    Will be interesting to hear about the the visiting puss cat! I envisage a bit of hissing!

    1. Progress will be slow - Keith is now feeling low on energy too, which is NOT a good move forward. As for new puss cat - hope we don't have spray wars!!

  3. How wonderful to be able to give that gift to your children...a chance to save for a house of their own. And to have your little grand in the house will be very exciting too. I love that word 'hoiking'. Lots of hoiking here, as well, when my daughter was home.

    1. Well, I'm sure any family would do that - though wait, there are a couple of lowlifes I've met in the past who don't come in that category!! Having "I" here will be lovely. I don't give her name in full as it is European and perhaps too identifying. I will be glad to get the stuff to the charity shop though I will have to leave early I think to find a place nearby to park. Too heavy to carry far in my current feeble state! Hoik is a good word I feel!

  4. Well, I'm glad to hear Keith is feeling a bit better and I'm very glad to hear you've got family moving in which hopefully will be some relief for you Not so for the cats, though apparently. that could get interesting.
    I'm sure I'm speaking to the choir when I say please be very careful what might get put into a black bin bag. My cousin had to recently confess to me that she had stored the beautiful, custom made mantle runners and buntings that I had made for her two fireplaces, in bin bags. And they had inadvertently been thrown out by her over zealous husband. Fortunately, she loves him. Lol. She didn't know what to do or how to tell me, as the fabric alone costs £60 .

    1. Rustic Pumpkin, I feel for you - that would have been heartbreaking. BUT... my answer (which I'm sure you now know) is to save any BIG plastic bags -like the ones new products come in- and use the clear bags for Treasures, so loved ones won't be 'helpful' and hoik them out.

    2. Oh goodness, she was brave to tell you. I go through everything with a fine tooth comb before it goes to the charity shop or tip, but I daresay zealous tidy husbands will have their moments! You must be hurt that all that hard work was for nothing.

  5. I'm pleased that things are improving for you and that you will have lots more help, especially when you've not been well yourself. There's 'stuff' or as I like to put it 'useful stuff'. I've still got fabric stashes, some from my mother which I guess as soon as I declare the house complete will have to go to the charity shop. I cleared so much when we first down sized but the spare Laura Ashley fabric that I put away for the day when the kitchen curtains faded 20 years on made lovely curtains for my study. you just never know. I'd love to see photos of your chairs, I've a thing about chairs anyway and I would love a vintage wooden chair to keep in our hall/library (well it's got bookshelves) that could also be used at the dining table on the very few occasions we have guests.

    1. Right, you will have to wait until Tam is here as she will be helping me sort these photo problems out. We have FAR too many Windsor chairs here - Keith collects them! The kitchen ones don't tuck in though and that's a problem now we have to use the wheelchair to get him to the car.

      Glad you kept your Laura Ashley fabric. I am regularly taken to task for having cut up a Laura Ashley dress for patchwork . . . what was I thinking of ?! With the benefit of hindsight . . .

  6. How wonderful that you'll have family staying with you! It will be a big relief to have some help. Im sure the cats will figure it out! Great to hear you're feeling better.

    1. It will be a huge relief though obviously make for a MUCH busier house, and I dare say I will be doing the school run on occasion!

      Let's hope you're right about the cats figuring it out!

  7. Lots of good news! You're feeling better! [but please take it slow], the hospital bed is arriving!, no kittens went lost today, and best news Danny and family are coming to stay. So wonderful.
    [I'd probably buy the silk yardage tho I have no use for it. I started a silk quilt years ago and true to form no one wanted it, so I have a bin of silk somewhere too. oh well]


    1. Going steadily here, and making sure each afternoon is spent resting. The hospital bed is all set up and I hope Keith will find it useful and comfortable. I like the fact that you can adjust the height of the bed and also bring the pillow end up to support him when needed.

      Stashes take on a life of their own don't they? I get seduced by beautifully coloured/printed fat quarters but need to turn them INTO something!!

    2. Years ago I made neutral, taupe SILK balloon curtains for a friend decorating her first college apartment. They were so beautiful--but really--what was I thinking? She prob would have preferred wood venetian blinds.

      Glad the bed is working for you and for Keith. You are doing great, under a lot of stress and difficult events.



    3. I'm sure she was pleased with them and kept them.

      The bed seems to be helpful and makes our lives a bit easier. I do my best, but where I am still so tired, it's a hard ask right now.

    4. No she dumped the curtains. But this summer she told me she’d found and was using the batik duvet cover I made her at the same time. Lizzy x

  8. My old Windsor still sits in the corner, a chair I wouldn't get rid of it. I find my family are not into antiques though my daughter has a love of 70/80s stuff. I can't stand the patterns though.
