

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 8 November 2023

And then the day got worse . . .

 Keith has had another choking episode.  I had to call 999 and the ambulance was here even quicker this time.  Keith had shifted the food by the time they arrived, but they listened to his chest and thought he had aspirated food.  K and I both think it's the last of his chest infection they can hear.  Anyway, he had to be taken to hospital for an X-Ray and has just arrived at A&E and been booked in.  I guess I am going to be bringing him home this evening - just checked the waiting times and it seems to be around the 2 hour mark.  That we can cope with.  If it's much longer (she said they were busy) and into the night,  with his Parkinsons and him stiffening up, Lord knows how I will get him inside, let alone upstairs to bed.  Is there anything else the Universe wants to throw my way to bring me to my knees?  Praying they don't keep him in . . .

Update:  I have been on the phone to the Hospital every hour or two hours when they said phone back. Phoned 7.15 p.m. - phone back in two hours, they're very busy and he's still not had his X-ray yet.  If I CAN pick him up tonight, we're going to be on the road at midnight.  Tam is on her way here, so I will at least have someone with me to keep me awake. If he's been in a wheelchair for the last 5 hours, then he is going to be in agony with his neck as it had seized up earlier and a wheelchair offers no support whatsoever.    Update again: 8.10 - hospital phoned whilst I was out getting fuel - Keith fine, so we can come and pick him up.  Just waiting for T to get here.


  1. If they do keep him in, look at it as a respite for yourself. If it is the last of his chest infection it will be good to have proof of that, as I assume he will have chest x-rays.
    So many times we are given meds to clear something but never have a check to see if they have worked.

  2. You have been having a time of it lately. Let's hope he gets seen and sorted so that you can both go home and rest.

  3. It never rains but it pours - so sorry you are having such a really rough time of it especially when you still haven't fully recovered from covid. I do hope Keith isn't kept waiting too long and you can get him home sooner rather than later. Glad you managed to get out and buy a planter for your Christmas present. Christmas decorations can be extortionate :( Thinking of you.

  4. Hope Keith gets seen quickly at A&E, and they sort out his chest infection. Poor you, you are having a right time and life is throwing all it can your way. Sending hugs. Gill Xx

  5. Well the ambulance got there quickly so that's something to be thankful for. It could be for the best if they decided to keep him there for a few days. It would give you some time off I know you'd need to visit, but at least you wouldn't be on the go all the time.

  6. Oh Jennie so sorry to read what a horrible time you have had today, when you really needed to rest. Please God let tomorrow be better

  7. You must be so overwhelmed. And poor Keith. Yes, it's good the ambulance came so fast, but then the ER wait! I m glad Tam came so quickly to help. Again, your children are stars! Really wonderful and such a credit to you.


  8. Oh Jen x x x enormous hugs my dear friend, enormous hugs x x x

  9. Hopefully you got Keith home and in his own bed.

    God bless.

  10. Has he had a swallow eval? That choking would scare me to pieces and aspiration pneumonia can set in terrifyingly quickly. Keeping overnight might be the best thing. I am sorry you are juggling so much.

  11. Thanks for the updates, good to know Keith is fine and you can take him home. Hope tomorrow’s a nice restful day so you can all catch up. Sending hugs.

  12. I hope you and Tam can manage to get Keith home and to bed without too much trouble. It's so hard on you, please take every opportunity to rest.

  13. Poor you, what a burden to carry day by day. At least Tam is coming to help and Keith maybe perking up? X

  14. I am hoping and wishing that things improve for you and that today is a better day. Thank you for continuing to give updates.

  15. Hope you all got home safe and sound. Now you have the hospital bed sorted I am going to recommend a stair lift. You will not regret it and nowadays they are so easy to install and remove. Also you can use it to send objects up and down the stairs independently - my dad always used his for the laundry! We installed the stair lift for my mum who could not manage the stairs after her cerebral haemorrhage but it also made life so much easier for my dad, her prime career, and allowed him to stay living independently at home until the end. Hoping today is better, and look after yourself Jennie - remember less is more, sometimes I think you take too much on. I know you are a do-er and are naturally active but you have been very poorly and you are under huge strain so please try to rest more. Sarah x
