

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 19 December 2023

A Day of Necessary Evils . . .

 Well, yesterday soon got swallowed up by said Necessary Evils.  The first was sorting out Keith's Levothyroxine prescription - the last one appears to have been a box sort of one strength and the other strength was half the amount we needed as it had been issued under an edict (take one every other day) which lasted 4 days with Keith before it was obvious that it wouldn't work - just too small a dose.  This was from 6 mths back and for some reason the GP never noted that she had increased his dose, so we were still on the smaller amount.  Anyway, we were virtually out of both.  Boots unco-operative (nothing new there) and insisted they had given the full script.  I went home and double checked the cupboard and then it was back to the GP and explain the situation there. The Most Helpful Receptionist was on (thank heavens) and with another GP's help, got it sorted and a script issued there and then, AND an appt. for a blood test for Keith today to see if he can drop back down.  Yeesh.   Anyway, I got some special chocs for her and a jar of my Hedgerow Jelly as a Christmas Thanks for all her help during the year and dropped that off today.  

Panel of the 12 Days of Christmas I hand-quilted (the TINIEST stitches too) a few years ago.  It comes out every year.

THEN it was the Christmas food shop, before Tesco's descends into absolute heaving mayhem and chaos (Aldi ditto, worse as it's a smaller shop).  I was amazed - a busy Tesco car park but the shop half empty.  Suited me fine, fewer germs (though I had my mask on).  I bought a double lot of seasonal veg (only 15p each in Tesco for large heads Broccoli, Parsnip, Carrots and Sprouts) and I must make the Braised Red Cabbage and freeze that in advance.  Ditto blanching a big head of Broccoli, Sprouts and a bag of Parsnips.  To make room for those in the freezer, Elderberries and Blackberries have come out and I will make some more jam with those tomorrow.

Anyway, the highlight of yesterday was making sure I had a walk around the Lake at Llandod.  Hadn't been able to do this for months, because of Covid, and it was an absolute joy.  Identifying the ducks and wild birds on the lake took my concentration and for 15 minutes I forgot to worry  about Keith and it really raised my spirits.  The walk along the lane with a neighbour's card and gift today was good for blood pressure but because I know it so well, not so lifting to the spirits.  Yesterday's birds - Swans, Coots, Moorhens, Mallard Ducks, the same pair of Muscovy Ducks who live there all year round and some wonderfully wild Mergansers who took off the moment they spotted me.  Plus the usual birds of woodland edge and a couple of big Carrion Crows who strutted about like they owned the place.   I have been amazed to hear birdsong in the mornings this week and yesterday what I can only describe as the familiar evening chorus.  A Thrush was singing its heart out just across the lane too - such a mixture of avian phrases that I had to use my Merlin app to check what was serenading me.  I haven't fed the birds this winter because Pippi is such a little hunter and I feel I would be luring them to their deaths.  They are managing well so far as it's been pretty mild, but if it snows/freezes hard, Pips will have to stay in so I can feed them.

Lulu played silly B's with me this morning - I was desperately trying not to be late for Keith's blood test.  Got Pippi in and thought Lulu was still out.  Went inside for something and Lulu was already there but fled past me and then played let's hide under the concrete cover . . .

As you can see, this is pretty Jennie-proof and the perfect den for naughty kittens!  In the end I thought I would just ignore her and then she came out, looking so innocent - little ratbag!  I didn't dare leave her out whilst we were away as she is wont to explore along the track and I didn't want her disappearing and I wouldn't know which way she'd gone.

I did at least try out a new recipe yesterday, for Chocolate and Pear Jam.  I was worried it would set as the pears cook up pretty slack, so I added some of my home made Crab Apple Pectin.  It did set and it occurred to me today it has probably set too hard to even get out with a knife and might need to be chiselled onto a plate and softened in the microwave!  It is specifically to go with Croissants or similar, but nice with Scones or crumpets too.

Tomorrow is return of the Handyman . . .  The greenhouse will go up.  Or at least, I hope it will!  I have seeds I would love to get started and I will be like a dog with two tails :)

Meanwhile, to cheer me up I have done some Family History research into my 3 x G. Grandfather Robert Adams, he of the non-Conformist persuasion,  and whose birth in 1791 has so far avoided detection.  Was it Plymstock?  Records don't seem to go back to 1791.  Were his folk from just over the river on the edge of Cornwall - possible.  Anyway, he married for a second time in his 70s and I have sent for his marriage certificate, so that should name his father.  


  1. Hope you get everything done that you want to do - glad you got the helpful lady - some seem determined to be un helpful.
    Don't forget to have a rest too when you can

    1. Ah, rest is as a premium right now, but the girls have told me to rest on Christmas Day and not even make a roulade (now I've bought the cream of course!), as Gabby will bring the dessert. Think a million calories here . . .

  2. I am intrigued by the concept of chocolate and pear jam. It sounds lush

    1. Definitely...dark chocolate and pear of course!

    2. Dark chocolate of course. 5 1/2 ozs of it in fact! I used up the Comice pears I bought in Hereford at the farm shop at Breinton, which ALL ripened on the same day and a bag of small rosy pears from Aldi I bought a month ago and were still lagging in the ripening race . . .

  3. Pear and chocolate..... Yummy, and I wouldn't care if I had to chisel it out.

    God bless.

    1. The neighbour I gave a pot to raised her eyebrows but I'm sure her husband will have no 2nd thoughts at tucking in!

  4. You've been busy! The walk sounds very relaxing. I love the sound of chocolate and pear jam! Very decadent. It might even get me to make jam, something I've never done. I hope Keith's meds are well sorted out.

    1. That walk was lovely, especially as I hadn't done it for months. Meds sorted now but every month it's something. My friend D suggested outsourcing away from Boots and recommended the company she uses, but when the problem is with the GP and I don't know until it's arrived, not so easy to sort out.

  5. PS, your quilt looks lovely!

    1. I'll put up a photo of the full thing today, along with recipes for jam and scone.

  6. I do hope you can get Keith's medications sorted out. You have been busy. I am still ordering shopping online and having it delivered - a mixed blessing at times! I used to dread doing the actual Christmas job and planned it like a military campaign! I do love your 12 Days of Christmas quilted panel - its so beautiful :) Jam sounds tasty but overset jam as I know from past experience can be a pain!
