

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 26 December 2023

Chocolate Roulade for Breakfast is Obligatory

 . . . for me anyway.  A day late this year as the girls were busy in the kitchen on Christmas Day and told me to rest up, so I did. Then there were restless mutterings about the lack of Roulade yesterday so I set to and made it.  Only at Christmas is it made, and is a family tradition.  

I also made some soup yesterday - a sort of Scotch  Broth, but without the Pearl Barley which I discovered was 4 years out of date!  I substituted Red Lentils and as I was blitzing it anyway (so Keith might have some) they just gave it a nice golden colour and thickened it up nicely.  It called for grated carrots, which I happened to have in the freezer for future Carrot Cakes.

Christmas Day was very enjoyable.  Tam arrived Christmas Eve, Gabby Christmas morning, then Jon yesterday.  We all ate a little too much, drank sensibly (though a glass of wine with the meal made me drowsy) and had some nice thoughtful gifts.  Jon's to Keith was a Medieval Flail, which pleased him no end as I had stopped him buying one at Malvern Flea last year!  When you are 83, socks and tops get a bit boring!!

The greenhouse now has the rain barrel in it which Gabs gave me for Christmas, ready for me to assemble feeder parts, an empty planter trough which is going to have Garlic planted in it, possibly today if it stops hammering down with rain, and the plastics recycling box so I won't have to pour water out of it before putting it in the car to take it up the track.  Which reminds me, I must check and see when they might arrive this week as it would normally have been yesterday.  

Sadly, Keith's mobility has deteriorated quite a bit and he's really struggling with the stairs now.  I think no dairy was a move too far, so he's gone back on that pronto, and it looked like we needed to trial the new meds again too, but they really don't seem to suit at the moment.  We will have to get his armchair upstairs into the bedroom to turn it into a bedsit for him, as once I'm on my own here I won't be able to get him upstairs. Hoping  It's a difficult thing for him to face as we can't kid each other along that he will soon be going to Fairs again.  Just writing  that has made me cry.  I have done my best - beyond my strength and endurance - to keep him mobile but now we have to accept that it is no longer practical.  (Update: Keith is much better this morning - not exactly sprinting, but balance better and so as long as T&J here and he goes up earlier, whilst meds still working, we can plod on.

So today will be furniture moving day, and I'll get my sewing bits off the top of the pine sideboard in there, so his favourite weapons can be displayed there instead.  We hung the carved green man up yesterday.  His best "present" was putting the Firestick (now a bit ancient so we have ordered one in the Boxing Day sales) in the tv and getting it going so he can watch tv in bed.  He was delighted by that!  

I hope that everyone had an enjoyable time with family and friends, or just doing your own thing.  Now we can look forward to more daylight and the birds know the wheel has turned and are becoming more vocal.  

Christmas Mark II arrives this weekend when Danny, Emma and the little one are here.


  1. Lovely to have family and friends around!
    I would have still used the pearl long as it had been kept dry. Haven't they grown grains found in one of the Egyptian pyramids?!
    Sorry to hear about Keith's mobility problems. I am concerned about Pirate as he isn't good at stairs on night visits to our downstairs bathroom.

  2. It's me, Debbie. You could not be doing more if you tried and facing up to the future is a bleak place. Been there, done that, got the tee shirt. It preys on our minds and destroys the present. I'm glad you are having a break with your family and letting them take some of the strain. Keep those hatches battened, it's going to be a wild few days again.

  3. Good to read you’ve had some help and a bit of a ‘pause’ with struggling alone J x Don’t look on changes with furniture etc as ‘final’ more that they are practical measures for when tough moments arise again. A chair upstairs doesn’t mean Keith won’t even come back down again, just that when he can’t , he is more comfortable up there and you have less to cope with. Maybe with everyone there and all hands on deck - a day out with him could be a possibility and would be such a boost for him. In the future you could go to fairs with a Go Pro! And be showing him and chatting to him as you go on your phone! These working methods came to the fore for Nick when lockdown travel was nigh on impossible , the nearest worker could be sent to the empty site and yet share it on screen with all others involved on the job.
    You will move into the New Year with new ways of doing things, and if they make life easier and more enjoyable that’s the most important thing. I would just avoid dairy when K gets coughs and colds as it forms by nature if it’s make up- mucus which when battling colds let alone other health issues can overload the system. I hope today is peaceful for you, have you found The Winter King to watch yet- I’m hoping to watch number four later xxxDanette XXX

  4. It's good to hear that you have had some good times and treats. Thinking of you as you bravely move forward.
    Alison in Wales x

  5. How wonderful to have your family around you and even one or two days with help and a bit of rest must have felt like a blessing. You are a dedicated carer, you have worked so hard. Making a room upstairs for your husband sounds sensible. As always, prayers and warm wishes to you all.

    PS I must look up choc roulade--is it like a buche de Noel?


  6. How happy to be together over Christmas, and some rest and relief for you. Setting a cozy space upstairs for Keith will help and as Danette says, the option to go downstairs when he can is always there. Your tapestry is very lovely!

  7. I just want to say how asmirably you, and your whole family, are coping.

  8. I don't worry about the dates on dry goods. As long as the barley was stored properly, it should have been fine. They have expiration dates on salt too, which always gives me a giggle.

  9. The upstairs chair and the the new Firestick sound like good solutions to problems. Remember it doesn't mean that Keith will never sit in a downstairs chair again ... just not on his bad days, which once everything is organised will be a lot more comfortable and manageable. You are doing your very best to make his life enjoyable, never forget that.

    Our version of your 'obligatory chocolate roulade for breakfast' is 3 pain au chocolats each and a glass of Bucks Fizz ... half a bottle if were not driving but this years just a small glass as we were.

    Best wishes for the New Year to you both and all the family. xx

  10. Happy New Year J xxx I’m hoping that you’ve been able to take a step back over Xmas and let your family take the reins for a bit. Much love for 2024 xx Danette xx

  11. How nice to be surrounded by family for a bit. You can get some rest. I think turning Keith's room into a kind of bed sit is just a perfect solution for the two of you.

    God bless.

  12. I hope you, Keith and your family are doing ok.

  13. Just popping in to wish you well.

  14. I know that your son and family are moving in. I hope all is well, Jenny.
