

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 9 December 2023

I hope it's not something expensive . . .


Pippi doing her mountaineering practice this morning.

Once again, a plan to Get Out of the House (albeit briefly) has failed.  I was going to Danny in Carmarthen tomorrow to collect Christmas presents and some of his "stuff" but the car chucked out a red warning light yesterday for an oil filter. The garage did a diagnostic test which came out something to do with the spark plugs?! He said it would be OK to drive, but I - finally finding the warning signal in the handbook - see the warning light means it's due for change - but surely that would be orange rather than red?  So, having to stay put as I don't want to push my luck.  Can't be marooned in Carm. and Keith with no-one here to help him.  Now, if it IS the filter, that should have been changed when we had the oil changed back in the summer.  I hope it's not something expensive.

All those expensive Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland yearbooks (I am a lapsed member).  I should list them on Ebay and if they don't sell I will see if Lampeter Uni wants them.  I spent many hours poring over the back issues they had when I was researching my dissertation.

I woke up to see the middle stable door pushed open and parcels inside.  But not for me - nope, once again I have had an Orchard Cottage delivery, which I then have to deliver.  Not much fun because their drive is very steep and at the wrong angle for the road approach (which is probably why I end up with their parcels).

Well, I am finding it very hard to find my mojo right now.  I just don't want to do anything. I will force myself out for a short wet and windy walk in a moment but I won't be going far.  I finally ripped out the remains of the Sweet Pea foliage from a tub in the yard and the yellowy-brown Nasturtiums which were very frost-wilted.  I "should" plant the rest of my bulbs, and I "should" make a wreath.  I "should" make some pots of jam to use up frozen summer fruits which I bought for Keith but he can't eat because the blackcurrants are strong and make him choke.  I will need to take myself by the scruff of the neck though.

A parcel of Christmas present books has arrived from my dear friend G in Dorset, but the parcel has a Royal Mail plastic bag over it indicating damage and that I should check the contents.  As I know G didn't have time to put wrapping paper on the books, I will then have Christmas early. Should I?


  1. Perhaps you could have a text arrangement with Orchard Cottage so that they collect their own parcels from your property - you have quite enough to cope with currently.

    1. Totally agree! If they want them, they will come and get them.

  2. I'm glad one of us is awake Rosemary! Sounds a much better idea. I shall put it in place.

  3. It's too wet here today to think about going anywhere.
    Don't worry about all those things that should be done. They either will or they won't and definitely check the books.

    1. We now have the first named gale on our doorstep. Its friend is popping in tomorrow! I did the shortest walk - just up to our neighbour (with the parcels) and have his phone number now so he will come down and collect. I don't mind walking up with a small one, but these were several and two were bigger.

      Hah - they didn't get done! I MAY just blow the cobwebs off my nearly-finished Devon village x-stitch though.

      Checked the books and I "may" have just purloined one to cheer me up today.

  4. Gardening isn't a very attractive idea at the moment is it?! I still haven't got the garlic and broad beans in....

    1. Indeed - there is much which needs to be done but I shall wait for a drier, warmer day. Oooh you reminded me - garlic. I can grow that overwinter in the polytunnel in narrow planters . . .

      I watched a bit of Monty Don last night when Keith had gone up and that cheered me up no end.

  5. I would politely ask Orchard Cottage to collect their parcels and suggest they speak to the courier/s. Remember discussing the law re: keeping wrongly delivered goods? If the road is that bad, you wouldn't want a mishap in bad weather, would you?
    I think it's best to check the books too.

    1. We're friendly with them (next to nearest neighbours) and he comes and changes my water filter for me. Anyway, I have his phone number now so my poor car doesn't have to tackle his steep z-bend uneven approach!

    2. You're a generous and kind neighbour. I hope the insecure parcel produced a respite from your overbusy life.

  6. Of course you should have an early Christmas present, you need to check the books are ok. We have had a lovely day with Iris, apart from a detour around the Derbyshire countryside, due to the police shutting the A38! Took her for lunch then to Denby Pottery Christmas Market, we came home with cupcakes. Hope your weekend improves. More pressie wrapping tomorrow. Hugs Gill Xx

  7. Yes, definitely make arrangements to pick up their parcels. You shouldn't need to deliver them all the time.

    Definitely open your parcel and check on those books.

    God bless.

  8. I am very grateful. That I am married to my mechanic.

  9. Pippi Longstocking is certainly living up to her name - such an elegant and pretty cat. Gosh, the wind was wuthering last night. Thank goodness for the noise of Strictly followed by an hour of soothing Monty to decompress before bedtime. I am so glad to hear you have the number of your neighbour- that was excellent advice from Rosemary. How about making small portions of compote with the frozen fruit? Much easier than jamming as you make enough for a few days at a time and keep it in the fridge to have with porridge or rice pudding or natural yogurt? Save the bulb planting and wreath making until Tam arrives. I’m sure she will be disappointed if you do it without her. Hope the car is a painless fix. I’m guessing there is a fair amount of stuff to move over to yours from Danny’s place. We still have most of T’s stuff here so when he comes at Christmas I’m going to be tough. Most of it isn’t even his- just random stuff that ended up here when he emptied his five-person rambling London house share last year. I’m pleased to see it is a calm quiet morning today. We sloshed along the bridleway yesterday in our wellies and then I remembered one of my boots has a leak. But it was a really lovely golden afternoon and we walked around the meadow marvelling at its resilience and complexity. Two horse riders have just trotted past. I like it when I see riders and cyclists and walkers on our lane - anything that makes car drivers think twice. My ankle is feeling much better. I’ve been very disciplined about the physio exercises and walking our local three mile loop yesterday was painless. Yoga first thing tomorrow morning which I always look forward to and every day brings us closer to the winter solstice and the turning of the year. Keep on keeping on BB. You are doing so well. Sarah x

  10. This is the hassle of parcels nowadays. What with signing, photographing your doorstep and then having it wrongly delivered. But never mind it all adds to the fun, especially when you are slightly deaf as I am, I just plaster the door with 'knock loudly please'.
