

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 5 December 2023

Who could resist?

 I was in desperate need of some down time today and having settled Keith for the afternoon, took myself off up to Three Cocks to Visit the Old Railway Line Garden Centre again.  They just have the most amazing Christmas decorations and everything Christmassy, along with the garden centre, the small deli and the gifts, homeware, clothing, toys and games.  I went a few weeks ago but was very parsimonious.  Today I decided I would treat myself to a Christmas swag for the living room fireplace . . .  (The pink link will take you to the Old Railway Line shop photos.)

I even blew the dust off the little Elastoplast tin that mum kept her card pegs, and tacks for hanging things up at Christmas and the hammer and I tapped some in to hold this in place.  The cones have been sprayed red and glittery, and I just love it.

I just couldn't resist these for the tree.  The robin and watering can reminded me of Beatrix Potter and so did the little squirrel, who was dearer than I realized - I thought I was pushing the boat out at £5.99 but he was actually £7.99 - didn't have my glasses with me . . .

Cheap Stocking fillers.

No room at the inn for ME on the sofa . . .  Lulu, Pippi, Ghengis and Alfie.

I even made bread today - first time since I got Covid - and cooked up a big pan of Chilli which is my lunch today/tomorrow and a double portion for the freezer too.  Keith is coughing and sneezing and I think he has a cold but he says not.  Will settle down to watch a "Vera" I recorded shortly.  Warmer weather from the South this weekend - hope it feels warmer too.


  1. oh, sometimes we just have to treat ourselves and the ornaments are rather lovely. You deserve them! Stop fretting over a few bob and enjoy them. The kittens {not any longer kittens} need putting in their place and showing who's boss. Oh, wait ~ they are in their place and they are the boss. Oh, well ~~~

    1. Wise words. I love the new decorations and they'll be passed on I'm sure. As you can see, we know who rules the roost in THIS house!

  2. Good for you giving yourself some time just for you. I love the little squirrel. Now that I've downsized to a small (18") driftwood tree I can only allow myself to be tempted by tiny decorations though I did find a very small ceramic Father Christmas in Charlie's.

    1. I truly needed it Ruta. Things have gotten much tougher recently. I like the sound of your driftwood tree - at least it doesn't shed! Our nearest Charlies is Carmarthen or Newtown so I rarely get to visit it any more though I did pop in last time I was in Carmarthen. Haven't forgotten the chair photos btw. Will have to get myself organized.

  3. We all need a treat sometimes. The swag is just perfect as well as your new decorations.

    God bless.

    1. It was better value for money than some. I have to say, just about everything in there was probably made in China though!

  4. It's always nice to treat oneself to a Christmas bob. The cats are looking snug there!

    1. Cats very snug indeed. I needed that treat too.

  5. It sounds like you had some much needed fun. The shop looks amazing. Your squirrel and robin were lovely choices.

    And the beautiful swag---your home looks beautiful, so warm and interesting. [but the kitty brigade! [''Ma! Get your own sofa, yeesh...zzzzz''.] ]

    Will you test Keith for Covid. I understand sometimes people treated w the antivirral meds then have rebound infections a few weeks later?


    1. I didn't know about the rebound but perhaps a test is in order as last thing at night his legs give up on him and getting him to bed is a challenge. Just like when he had Covid - only I don't have Danny here to help lift him.

  6. LOL. Oh my. I was channeling my 'inner Jenny'. I spent $3.99 on a tiny but fragrant lilac candle. Sometimes, we simply need to afford ourselves that little treat, don't we. I love that little squirrel. Tim used to buy me a new bird ornament every year. Perhaps I need to find a squirrel!

    1. LOL-channelling your "inner Jenny"- love it. We always used to go and choose and cut our own Christmas tree at Salem Christmas Tree Farm, and the children would each choose a special bauble to go on it. We still have those, and the memories. You definitely need a squirrel this year.

  7. Thank you for the pic of all the kit kats! From an appreciative reader in (milder today) Wiltshire. I am glad you treated yourself to the decorations.

    1. Only L. Whale missing - out getting some fresh air. Give my love to Wiltshire - I used to live near Salisbury when I worked with horses.

  8. So pleased you managed to get out for a while. Lovely Christmas decorations. I have to admit to being totally behind this year with Christmas preparations!

  9. Those cats have the best spot! Sunny today which is rather lovely after days of cold and gloom and wet and I’m even thinking about forsaking my swim today and getting some Vitamin D instead. Napoleon film yesterday was spectacular - lots of battles, cannons, guns, horses rearing and a masterful and insouciant Napoleon - good job Ridley Scott, who I met a few times back in the late 1970s when I was briefly a mother’s help and the mother’s boyfriend was Tony Scott, brother to Ridley. The brothers then were doing very well making beautifully filmed TV advertisements. After my cleaning splurge yesterday morning and now we are past the 5th December - my dad’s birthday - I can pull out my two boxes of Christmas decorations. I have a shoe box of baubles, some older than me, which I display on a treasured shallow sea-blue Murano glass bowl which was a present from my daughter’s boyfriend. The other shoe box has a motley collection of homemade decorations which I’ll dot around the mantelpiece and window sills. Finally I have my Nativity set which my mother bought for me when she visited Bethlehem a few years after I had been to Bethlehem during my time working on a kibbutz in 1980. They are carved olive wood figures and still smell of olive. My orange tree has developed a sticky residue on its leaves so I need to wash every single leaf with a soapy washing up liquid solution. I’m also going to prune and thin it out a lot as it grew hugely during the summer months and I need to keep it compact so I can continue to lift it in and out of the house. Always something to do. On that note I will wish you a good and productive day. Mincemeat has been made and I am considering making one proper Christmas cake in my 23cm square tin instead of my usual 7 inch round Dundee cake which I always make twice, once for Boxing Day and again in January. Mary Berry helpfully gives a Christmas cake calculator for different-sized tins. S loves a piece of cake with afternoon tea and I’m being lazy and thinking double the cake for the same amount of work. Do you make Christmas cake BB? Sarah x

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the Napoleon film. We will have to wait until it's on Prime or Netflix.

      That sounds a lovely way to display your treasured baubles in the Murano glass bowl. If I did that, kittenses would soon be batting them about! Lord knows what they will make of the tree this year! Your Nativity set must have wonderful memories attached and connect you to your lovely mum.

      I haven't had the heart to x-stitch any tree decorations this year, or make mincemeat, or even put any decorations up yet bar the swag on the fireplace. I am rather down, as you can probably tell.

  10. what a pretty home you have! I love the cats!! Stay well. Bun

    1. Thank you Bun. When we bought it, we had been looking here, there and everywhere and this was the only one which remotely fitted our needs. Shame there is no downstairs bathroom though.

  11. They do say that a cat owns you but you own a dog. That robin ornament is lovely, I have a very soft spot for robins and this year's cards are all about robins. Had to get up at silly o'clock as Katherine House Hospice were coming to collect our old suite. They give you a time slot and mine was 7.30 am - 8.03 am. They came on the dot at 7.30 and it was dark, frosty and foggy but at least I can get to the garage freezer now. Hugs Gill Xx

    1. Oh, the cats know who are the bosses here, that's for sure! Glad your old suite went to help a good cause.

  12. What a lovely picture of Christmas, and the cats know who runs the house. Christmas is so pretty as it sparkles and glitters.

  13. The sprawl of cats looks familiar--I read in bed every night for at least an hour with felines visiting. By the time I'm ready to slide under the covers I have to displace several warm furry bodies and apologetically make room for myself.
    Your living room looks cozy and winter cheerful; I can't risk anything breakable on a flat surface--those cats again!
