

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 27 January 2024

A gritting of teefs . . .


Well, I woke at ten to five this morning, got up 6.30 and came down to await the delivery of my greenhouse glass, with my handyman all set up to come on Tuesday and fit it.  Just before 8.30, the chap appeared and unloaded the cardboard package which was the glass.  I set to with my sharp penknife and opened it to check it - and found the first piece broken in 3 pieces and the bottom edge of all the others chipped and crumbling - obviously where someone had put it down too heavily in the back of the van . . .  I told the driver to take it back and have since written to the company to request replacement glass - UNBROKEN please - as soon as possible. At this rate, I shall still be waiting for it to be completed next autumn, and the before-the-winter jobs of gutter cleaning, downpipe unclogging and replacement tiles on the stable roof, plus putting in the gutter hedgehogs . . . to keep the leaves out, have still not been done either.  A bit blardy late now.  If he had TOLD me I'd need to wait 6 mths I'd have gone elsewhere.  

I went to Llandod again this morning, and did some shopping for Danny as they had to go back to Carmarthen to do the final cleaning bits on the flat.  I found some of their washing which needed doing - they had no chance to get it dry whilst packing.  They're cooking for themselves from now on, and we're having a roast tomorrow. Emma being veggie, has a cheese and spinach lattice instead.


  1. You need a local glass fitter! Our shop comes w glass upright all padded, in a special truck.

    Can't picture two ''households sharing the kitchen''? How will that work, like tomorrow--no roast for D? They eat separately? It sounds like a big adjustment.

    good luck.


    1. I'm prepared to go and collect it myself! Probably comes from Newtown or similar - 50 miles away. Ridiculous situation.

      We will eat usually at different times. We tend to eat early, between 5 and 6. Roast for all of us bar Emma, who is the veggie. No probs - I've cooked different meals all my lives as most of the time Keith would have very plain food and the rest of us something with flavour!

  2. How annoying and disappointing, hope the new glass arrives soon.

    1. I spent half the night awake, upset and frustrated. It seems I am fated never to have it finished and usable - £1600 down and still no functioning greenhouse.

  3. What a nuisance for you, third time lucky (fingers crossed). Our neighbour was dismantling his very old (inherited) greenhouse, and put the frame out for the scrappy but we asked if we could have the glass, so now if a pane goes, we have spares. Sheva is settling in well and I've taken her out on a harness to have a good sniff around. Hugs Xx

    1. That's a good idea. When they had the house reroofed, all the slates were stacked in a corner of the paddock, but I haven't found a use for them yet!! Glad that Sheva is settling in well and behaving in harness. My kittens wouldn't tolerate one and would loop the loop!

  4. I would be gnashing and wailing in addition to gritting. Some people think nothing of being unreliable. Uplifting news about Keith yesterday.

    1. I am, and also REALLY down and depressed about it all. Using this handyman has been a mistake - I just want my jobs done and finished. OK, he'd have been here on Tuesday if the glass was OK, but still not back to do the other jobs that needed doing BEFORE winter.

      Keith not so good yesterday, sadly.

  5. How annoying about the glass. Some delivery drivers are wonderful, others toss their things around like hay…I just watched two episodes of the series you mentioned on Churchill’s SOE oh my goodness it’s right up my street lol thanks for that! I shall look forward to watching more another day! Danette x

    1. This driver so weak and feeble he struggled to lift the pack of glass and said how heavy it was (it is - I couldn't have lifted the packs to check them even if I hadn't been ill with Covid). I think he struggled getting them - several lots of glass - on the back of the flatbed, as the bottom edges had been damaged from going down heavily, and then they were strapped with a ratchet strap, so tight that it broke the front pane. I knew you would love the SOE programmes.

  6. They really are not careful with your glass. I hope you get the next shipment in one piece.

    God bless.

    1. Well, I despair, I truly do. Inadequate wrapping for starters.

  7. Words nearly fail me re the greenhouse glass. It does seem like perilously fragile stuff to ship successfully. The greenhouse was meant to be your 'escape' spot to say nothing of having a practical purpose.

    1. Absolutely. I am SO LOW over it. I have so little in the way of hope in any direction these days - nothing in the way of outings to look forward to - haven't even been able to get out to a church as I've done all the interesting local ones. I just want to get out there and potter and start growing things. . .
