

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 11 January 2024

A tiring and frustrating day

 I was a Good Girl this morning and cleaned the oven (well, both of them).  Then the top shelf of the fridge.  Such enjoyable jobs - NOT! I even went up into the attic and started tidying up there, intending to give myself the afternoon off.  Then Keith's new (air) mattress was delivered.  (his heels have got very dry and heading towards bed sores, and a discrete area elsewhere ditto.  We didn't know the heels were prone to ulcerating).  It turns out I needed a single mattress protector in order for his electric blanket to be used.  So I went from having it strapped onto the mattress to having the mattress protector and the bottom sheet beneath it and just putting it in on a low setting to warm the bed, then removing it again.  We had bought this one specially so he could have it on at night on a low setting if he got cold.  Plan foiled.  So I had to go into Llandod again to go to get a 4 way switched extension lead to plug the new mattress into (it was a considerable trip hazard where it was) and the protector.  I thought I would pop into the little newsagents on the offchance my Family history mag was in, and it was, so that is my treat for later reading.

Should any "h"s be missing from this, the key is playing up - I took it off to try and clean it and now have at least removed the fluff beneath it but can't get the key back in place!  The delete button is also perilous - think it needs to go in for the keyboard to be cleaned. What fun!  I've left an email with a local chap who seems reliable and speedy.

Tam gave me a lovely embroidery book for Christmas, and an embroidery kit which I've been enjoying stitching.  


I find it very relaxing and enjoyed working on this over Christmas, when I had more time.  Tomorrow I'll put up a photo of the work in progress.

Once I had a working computer again, I found I had an email dated before Christmas from the greenhouse company, wanting my address so they could send the replacement glass.  I have told the handyman it's on its way, but he can't get back here until February because he has some big jobs on (sigh . . .) and what's more, his daily rate has gone up by another £10 and because I have guttering hedgehogs to be put in and some low roof tiles on the stables to be replaced, there is  a "working at heights" premium for that - first I've heard of it - and that will be a further £20 on top.  I am NOT amused about that and if there was anyone else would tell him where to go.  Let's just hope the greenhouse is finished in time for SPRING!

I've just copied this from Gardens to Gables, on Facebook.  This is the interior of a room "From Historic New England, Beauport, the Sleeper-McCann House, built in 1907."  This is just the green I've wanted for the Guest Bedroom - when it is vacated once more and I can persuade someone to paint and paper it for me. The room, like all the upstairs ones here, has tongue and groove panelling on 3 walls, so that would be painted green.


  1. I have been loving that intense apple green also! And I am not a fan of green. The room will be lovely.

    I keep buying electric blankets and they never work out, the cords are short and my old cottage has few and far between outlets. It gets so cold here when the winds blow--so I feel for poor Keith.

    Your embroidery and new book are lovely! No wonder you are yearning for spring.



    1. Keith is always as warm as toast, apart from his hands, which never seem top warm up - Tam bought him an electric hand warmer for Christmas. The electric blanket is removed from the bed before he gets in but he has a winter weight duvet on and if I add a quilt, always chucks that off in the night.

      Definitely yearning for spring. Winter is never much fun.

  2. That is a pretty room - can see why you are using it as inspiration. Looking forward to seeing how your embroidery goes 😊

    1. I find this particular green comforting. I'm not one for deeper greens but this is restful - like being in woodland in the spring. Photo of embroidery so far will go up shortly.

  3. Have a look at the Little Greene paint range, I think they have something very like and their colour saturation is very good, it's not cheap, but no paint is nowadays, and sometimes it worth it IMO to get the colour you want, they will deliver. Or take a screenshot of the photo to a colour matching place, some trade paint places do this, and large rB&Q but you may not be near one where you are.
    Best regards to you.

    1. A screenshot is a good idea. Will check out the Little Greene range - you're right, all paint is stupidly expensive.

  4. Oh huge bother and blow re the greenhouse man - what a pane (!)

    I've never had an electric blanket - think I'd be afraid of electrocuting myself in the night. Good luck with keeping Keith warm if the weather gets colder

    1. What a pun! Perfect :) I just want it FINISHED! I've had electric blankets since I was a teenager. They were always the sort you put in and took out, not to sleep on. That said, I don't like the bed that warm or I get too hot in the night.

  5. You have done well cleaning the ovens and fridge, both jobs that I hate.
    I love that heart and those embroidery books. I think a book search and buy is on the cards.

    1. Well, only top shelf of fridge as yet (worst one!) but I'll get back to it. Hope you have fun on your book search and buy :)

  6. I like the heart, such a pretty arrangement of flowers. Search Press have some lovely craft books. Hope you manage to keep Keith warm; P feels the cold too but it’s been lovely and sunny here these last couple of days and as we face south our main rooms have been toasty warm during the day.

    1. I am deliberately not going to the Search Press site . . . could be temptation beyond endurance! Our sunshine (e.g. clear skies!) seems to have been at night . . . The house faces south though, so two bedrooms and our living room benefit.

  7. That book looks like loads of fun. It will be nice to see what you have been working on.

    God bless.

    1. I hope to achieve a project or two before Gardening Starts!

  8. What a pretty gree room and I applaud all you accomplished today. Hope you can take tomorrow off.
    As retired nurse, I'll tell you that all bony prominances will break down from prolonged pressure. In addition to the heels and northwards, the elbows need to be watched, too.

    Wishing yoou and Keith well

    1. Thanks Barbara Anne - heels hopefully headed off at the pass - skin is smoother and Keith says they're more comfortable. Other small pressure sore is healing. Phew. He has an air bed now but I noticed this morning that his heels were beyond the air section at the bottom, so will have to keep an eye on that.

  9. Oh the embroidery is lovely. I will need to order the book! I used to do flowers with ribbon embroidery. It may be time to do some again. I hope the blanket set up works well for keeping Keith warm. It sounds like the handyman is taking advantage of you. Good help is hard to find.

    1. I am sure you will find the book inspiring. I want to sew everything in it! I feel the same way about the handyman too and have written an email expressing surprise that he hadn't mentioned the "ladder premium" when first quoting for the job. It's work which HAS to be done or I would tell him to take a run and jump!

  10. The garden embroideries will be exquisite. Are they sized to create cushion covers or smaller? [And cushion covers would undoubtedly be chosen for personal comfort by resident felines!]
    I have used a Clark and Kensington paint in a shade called 'Apple Grove,' lighter than the pictured shade. I think [?] I might find that intense spring grass green a bit too much in a small room. Still, its an appealing room, a lovely retreat.
    Re oven and fridge cleaning: I usually undertake those two jobs either when there has been a spill that requires immediate attention, or when I am feeling particularly martyred.
    The handy man: a pox on him! Is he going to redefine his hourly rate each time he goes up and down a ladder? What should have been a relatively easy set-up is turning into yet one more frustration!

    1. Indeed - my favourite topic to "paint" in silks. Most of the projects in the book are small, but a couple sized up for cushion covers, a picture etc.

      Apple Grove sounds pretty. The guest bedroom has a big window, so lots of light coming in and it would lighten any paint colour but I wouldn't want it too intense.

      The handyman has annoyed me, I have to say. I'll have him do the jobs that HAVE to be done but after that, look elsewhere.

  11. I saw the room on FB today too. The embroidery is beautiful. So many things to think about in caring for Keith. it's a full time and a bit more job being a carer.

    1. Yes, definitely full time and then some with caring. The embroidery helps me unwind.

  12. My "e" key went awol on another computer. That was fun...not! Search Press books are very good and not overpriced.

    1. E is a bad 'un to lose! Hoping Tam will help me fix it if I can't meanwhile.

  13. What a beautiful room, although green is not my favourite colour in the house. As an ex care worker, you need to take care of Keith's heels, elbows, hips, bottom, shoulders. When we had patients in bed we massaged these areas with aqueous cream hourly, also turning them. You've been braver than me tackling your oven, although I have done the shelves and trays. Have a great weekend. Hugs Gill Xx

    1. The sore on his bottom is healing nicely. Elbows ok so far, but concentrating on prevention on the heels, which had got very dry (they have been for a year or so, tbh). Keith is still mobile but of course, sitting for long periods. I have aqueous cream upstairs, as well as the preventative cream that the District Nurse left with me.

      The oven wasn't too bad - I hardly use the big bottom one as it's so expensive. Mainly just for the occasional loaf/bigger roast.

  14. What a gorgeous 'green room' ... my idea of heaven. :-)

    1. Ah yes - I remember your greening of the Welsh cottage. My favourite colour was always blue, but as I've got older, I absolutely love a deep turquoisy green.

  15. I just love that green room - its gorgeous- so restful. So sorry about the cost of greenhouse going up - not good but I hope when greenhouse is finished you will get much pleasure from it. The embroidery is lovely. I use an ancient laptop at the caravan that was son's and only one shift key works and the h is very dodgy!!!! One day I will have to grit my teeth and buy a new one but having looked once it will not be a good experience so many get poor reviews and I know son once bought one that promised the moon with memory but was SO slow to use he ditched it. Then he bought two of another make and the first packed up just out of warranty!
