

Jennie's recipes

Monday 22 January 2024

How about some GOOD NEWS for a change?

 Well, we have known for a good few months now, but didn't want to make an announcement until we were well assured things were going smoothly.  Keith and I are to be grandparents (first time!) in March.  Tam and Jon have given weight to that old adage, "new house, new baby" (just as I did with her sister when we moved to Wales). A scan has revealed a little girl.  I am hoping they will go with the family name which is on their list but Tam is very selfless and may let Jon choose.  One of the names on the list is Cornish, which is apt given I have just discovered MY Cornish roots through the Adams family.

Poor Tam had terrible sickness and nausea just from the sight or smell of certain foodstuffs for months and Jon had to take over the supermarket shopping.  She took to carrying round a "sickbag" at work, as she never knew when she would suddenly become nauseous.  Unpleasant to say the least, but it slowly wore off (at around 6 months).  

So now you know why I want to get to the quilt shop.  Unfortunately that's not going to happen anytime soon, and I have had to resort to choosing some fabric (for a crawler quilt) online.  The excitement of finally having our first grandchild on the way has been more than tempered by Keith's progressing illness and the worry and tiredness of caring for him.  I just hope that the birth goes smoothly - the hospital seems to have paid attention to bad statistics in recent years and from what Tam has told me, they offer some positive ways of giving birth, from water births, hypnotherapy, positive emotional support etc which will hopefully make giving birth not too worrying a time.  She's been told "no way are you going to be made to give birth lieing flat on your back".  That having been my experience in the past, it can certainly be improved on!

We have survived last night's storm (Isha) but it was pretty wet and windy out there from teatime onwards and lots of sprigs off our biggest pine tree now decorate the yard.  

I have to get Keith an early lunch, then settle him in front of the tv whilst I do an urgent dash to Carmarthen to load the car with some of Danny's belongings.  Danny couldn't pick his car up at the weekend due to the door handle repair not having been carried out yet . . .


  1. Wonderful news for the family, so exciting! Glad to hear that the sickness has finally passed and she can, hopefully, enjoy the rest of her pregnancy. Does Tam have any particular cravings? Mine were tinned tomatoes and strong pickled onions and that held true for all three pregnancies.

  2. Such wonderful and exciting news. Relieved to hear the sickness has past - it did go on a long time. I was very fortunate I never suffered with morning sickness at all or at any other time. Gosh - things do seem to have changed in the way they treat givin birth. Certainly different from my day!
    Glad you survived the storm.

    1. How differently our bodies respond. Tam was much worse than me, and Danny's partner was sick all the way through! They do definitely treat giving birth differently these days. They seem determined you don't go on to long and I think suggest caeserians when not always necessary.

  3. Such wonderful news, congratulations to you all. That first grandchild is so special. xx

    1. Thanks Sue. We just want her to arrive safely and for Tam not to have to hard a time.

  4. Congratulations to the whole family.
    Grandparenthood is a joy.
    In the early stages of pregnancy I couldn't stand the smell of - wait for it - boiling water!

    1. Hello Yellow Shoes. We are thrilled and hope it will lift just a little of the worry over Keith's health. Smiling at the thought of not even being able to stand the smell of boiling water. Didn't now it DID have a smell!!

    2. I don’t actually think it does!

  5. What lovely news - congratulations.

  6. Lovely news for you all. Morning sickness, I suffered badly from it - I've always wondered why some mums to be get it and some don' of life's mysteries!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Alison - it's pretty miserable isn't it? Charlotte Bronte died from it as she just couldn't eat, poor lass. I guess we are all different and our bodies react in different ways.

  7. Many congratulations on the imminent birth of your new grand daughter. I only suffered morning sickness with my first one. I did have a craving for ice cream though. We lived with my parents at the time and my poor mother had to run out every night to the ice cream van with a bowl for my 3 scoops covered in raspberry sauce. My daughter was born with a full head of very long hair and if anybody asked where she got it from I would say the ice cream man. Lol

    1. Hello Lesley. Thanks for the congratulations. I had evening sickness and wanted vinegary things! My babies didn't have much hair so obviously I should have eaten more ice cream!!

  8. I guessed there was a grandbaby on the way! I'm glad Tam is past the awfulness.

    1. Good guess. Tam didn't want me to mention it too early, just in case . . .

  9. Congratulations, how lovely for you and Keith. A real pick u up! Our granddaughter was a March baby, due on 1st March but it was a leap year and daughter was determined not to have her on the 29th, and she came on her due date at 6.10 am. You will have hours of enjoyment with her and she will cost you a fortune but worth every penny. Hugs Gill Xx

    1. Glad you didn't get a leap year baby with your grand-daughter. Ah, costing a fortune - that I don't doubt!

  10. Oh that is good news BB. And doesn’t Tam look positively blooming! I’m sure she will sail through the final trimester. Sarah x

    1. She is so happy. She had been planning children with a past boyfriend, and then he did the dirty on her an after 4 yrs ran off with a floozy . . .

  11. Marvellous news, the sound of little feet in the household. Also lots of lovely things to make for the new arrival, you and Keith are indeed blessed.

    1. It will give Keith some joy - he has wanted grandchildren for so long. Me too, but I have had to be pragmatic - Tam was very unlucky with "the other Jonathon" . . . and indeed his successor . . .

  12. Congratulations and best wishes to Tam and Jon. I wish I could send you a bundle of pretty fabrics for the quilt. Poor Tam being so sick tho...

    Water birth--that's what I hoped to arrange but no.


  13. Happy, happy, happy news! Many, many good wishes to you all.

  14. Congratulations to you and Keith, and also to the proud parents to be.

    God bless.

  15. Congratulations to all! Tam is positively glowing in that photo.

  16. Congratulations, I cannot see it happening to us unless my lads find a wife

  17. Congratulations to all! Having a baby to cuddle is wonderful. Have you thought about what you will be called?

  18. How exciting! You must be thrilled! You will love being a grandparent! I do! 😁

  19. The care for mothers-to-be and infants is so comprehensive now--the baby's heartbeat monitored during labor and intervention available if there is need. I had no morning sickness other than feeling light-headed a few times. Those who endure weeks/month of nausea and vomiting are to be pitied.
    I hope the final weeks go smoothly and the birth of your grand daughter is timely and as 'easy' as birth can be. I enjoyed making quilts and clothing for my grandchildren and selecting books to read to them. I can imagine that reading to her little girl will be important to Tam.

  20. Wonderful news! It's so lovely to have such good news, isn't it? I hope the morning sickness is all gone now.

  21. I don't often comment but I frequently read - Congratulations. It IS good to have some happy news.

  22. Hi BB, just wanted to let you know that to mark the 70th anniversary of the first radio broadcast of Dylan Thomas’ “Under Milk Woods” in January 1954, Radio 3 are broadcasting five short 15 minute dramas looking at different parts of Wales. The first episode was last night (Monday 22nd) at 10.45pm and looked at Swansea and then subsequent evenings all this week with an omnibus being broadcast on Sunday 28th evening in the drama slot. Thought this might appeal to you (and even Tam!). Sarah x

  23. Congratulations to T and J x glad her sickness has eased, I can sympathise as I had hypermesis gravidarum until six months and then my girls were delivered at seven! Seems a wink of an eye , tell T to savour every moment with her new bundle , it goes fast! Danette xx

  24. Congratulations for your new granddaughter, how exciting for you ❤️
