

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Just a quick line

St Bartholomew's, Vowchurch - the tower is set in to the roofline - most unusual.

 I am so weary here, after a fortnight of going to Hereford daily.  Keith better yesterday until he was sat out for too long (I kept asking for him to be put back in bed but they were busy).  Then his heart rate was up - on lower oxygen and perhaps because he was fretting at being sat out so long, when he desperately needed to sleep - so they were giving an ECG when I left.  I was out of the house from 9.20 until 4.45 - a long day. BUT the physios were talking about him going home/going to community hospital, and I think I have persuaded Keith that the latter option is the best.  Llandod is nearest - 10 miles away and I could bring him palatable food to try and build him up again and the physios there can get him more mobile. 

Tam and baby (no name yet - she could never make her mind up) are probably going home today.  I don't know when I/we will meet her.  Other granny lives on the doorstep so will see her more often I'm guessing.  We are 1 1/2 hours away.  Tam sent some lovely photos last night, but they are family ones only and I can't share.

No time to do the church post right now - I am sleeping badly so not getting up 5.30 or 6 as usual, which is when I can spend a bit of time doing a post.  Thank you for all your kind comments.


  1. Would they send Keith home without a 6 week care package? Hopefully he will be in the community hospital by the w/end.

  2. The community hospital would be the best step on the way to getting home, and a lot easier on you.

  3. The community hospital sounds like a really good idea both for Keith and for you. I hope it works out and it in place for the weekend.
    Yes, that church tower is very unusual isn't it, I don't think I have ever seen one like it. It makes the church look cuter somehow. We have one near us with a very short squat tower, as though they ran out of bricks and just decided to stop, it also looks unique.

    I hope the link to Trefriw Woollen Mills works, to see the loom in action.
    I like the smaller designs and have bought some beautiful, warm, vintage Trefriw tapestry waistcoats.

  5. Hospital visiting is exhausting. I hope for both your sakes Keith gets into the community place nearer to you. Congratulations on the new family member. Take good care of yourself.
    Alison in Wales x

  6. Here in US I believe babies are not released from hospital or birthing centers until the official paperwork has been filled out with a proper name. I could be wrong.

  7. Your daily round trip to Hereford has to be exhausting and not as if things had been all that easy at home prior to Keith's crisis. It seems that the local hospital could provide an interim situation--better for both of you.
    Before the births of our children we had several possible names chosen, and back then there was no prior knowledge of the baby's sex. I'm sure 'she' is being called by any number of endearments.

  8. The baby is beautiful. Such an adorable little face. Fingers crossed the ECG results are OK and Keith gets the thumbs up to move to the closer Hospital.

  9. I think my comment was anonymous, Susan in Canada

  10. Hope the move to the local hospital happens soon - will be much easier for you.

  11. Community hospital sound best. Little steps at a time. Keep going - both of you.
