

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 31 March 2024

Off to Malvern

 . . . shortly.  Just having a cuppa and waiting for my hair to dry a bit more (too shattered to wash it last night).  Keith needs to come home. The food is dire at times and he isn't eating anything like enough. They even put him back on a pureed meal yesterday so I spoke to the dinner lady and she will make sure he doesn't have that again.  They've put him back on a 4 bed ward again now and one of the blokes was awake and noisy all the previous night and kept everyone else awake too - poor Keith was exhausted yesterday.  He can barely speak so I am his only advocate and it is such a worry.  I spoke to the Assistant Ward Sister yesterday - we have to wait until a care package is in place and Powys is apparently very slow at this - and the other chaps in the ward are all Powys, but only Keith ready to come home.  If necessary, he will just discharge himself and we will get him home under our own steam.  

Baby Rosie is still having midnight feasts and 2 a.m. feasts and 3 a.m. feasts and T&J are shattered.  I desperately want to get over there again but can't abandon Keith.  

Deep joy - pitch black and pouring with rain out there.  I hate it when they change the clocks - such a pointless exercise - and driving in the dark is no fun.  Oh, and my tummy has decided it's not happy with me this morning, so have had to dose up with Immodium.  NOT what you want when you are going to be driving for over an hour and a half and then walking miles round a wet field. So, walking boots are the order of the day, and comfy shoes to drive in, and a spare jacket too . . .  If it is pouring there (forecasts for here and Malvern don't mention this sort of rain) I shan't be long out on the fields.

Thank you for your kind comments.  Will try and stay awake long enough to reply later. It is a bittersweet time here, and I am unable to enjoy the baby's arrival properly because of worrying about Keith.


  1. Through no fault of your own, the proverbial candle burns both ends with you in the middle. I hope you enjoy your day out at Malvern but it obviously depends on the weather. Off piste, I have just seen a projection of areas of Pembrokeshire predicted to be permanently underwater by 2030.
    Sadly, there is a dire shortage of care packages to be had and self discharge might be Keith's only option to get home sooner rather than later.

    1. Hah - with a Malvern outing this morning, is got a bit scorched in the middle too! I woke at 4.15 (alarm set for 5), so that is 3.15 before the clocks went forward the previous night. No wonder I feel shattered now. I did enjoy myself, and it gave me a proper non-worrying break too. I didn't buy much but found some nice studio pottery and odds and sods.

      I hope it doesn't come to self-discharge but he can't be in hospital for weeks on end, waiting.

  2. I hope the day out was a good one J and took your mind off things for a bit.
    T & J will sort things out, I’m sure they know newborn babies are a law unto themselves and at only a few days old hourly feeding isn’t that unusual. They have a newborn , being shattered is par for the course.
    And now they are in the club of parents - well sleep what’s that? lol. I think I had half decent sleep from about 8 years old ( they’ve stopped getting dreadful bugs and can pretty much sort themselves in the night-) and 15. After that the worry’s about teen years keep one awake….
    The hospital scenario sounds a nightmare. I don’t know what to say. Sending love from Dorset x Danette x

  3. I so hope Keith gets out sooner rather than later. Keeping my fingers crossed for that care package.

    I see that your had a nice break in Malvern. That makes me happy.

    God bless.

  4. I always enjoy looking at your photos from Malvern. Very frustrating about the care arrangements
