

Jennie's recipes

Friday 29 March 2024

St Bartholomew's church, Vowchurch

 Keith will be home in a few days, as soon as the care package is in place.  We are both counting the days.  Once he's home, Danny and Emma will hold the fort here whilst I go regularly to help Tam out, as baby (now FINALLY named Rosie) hasn't been sleeping at all well - she didn't settle until 6 a.m. this morning and both Jon and Tam are absolutely exhausted already.  She will go to sleep laying ON them, but not in her crib.  Of course, they daren't go to sleep with her on them. I'm just about to do some meals for them to last a few days, and a cake as well.  

Finally, the photos taken at Vowchurch.  Well worth a visit if you are in the area.

A lovely half-timbered house the far side of the churchyard.

The simple Norman font.  The church was consecrated in 1348.

Beneath the Bell Tower.

Looking down the nave towards the altar. Note the roof beams which have queen posts, tie-beams and collar-beams.

Restoration period wall art dated 1664.

A fragment of  the Monument to John Bourne who died in 1625.  I hope you can read the tribute to him below.

A fragment of glass from a large window in the nave, subsequently replaced and possibly an early fragment as quite yellowed, which was signed by the Rev. Morgan Jones, Curate-in-Charge, 1822 - 1834.

I thought these were pears, but one has a mouth! so perhaps fish . . .

Just love the caryatids -Adam and Eve one assumes - and some fish? above them, and the two Hippocampuses? on the rood screen (dated 1613).  HERE is a link to the fascinating history of the Welsh water horse (hippocampus), especially one that lived not that far from Brecon, in the River Honddu. It was apparently a bit of a pest!

I would assume these lovely carved wooden benches, are celebrating marriages.


  1. What a wonderful church, it quite pales into insignificance against the news that Keith will soon be home. Rosie is a beautiful name for a beautiful baby. Fingers crossed that she soon gets settled into a proper pattern of sleep. Enjoy your cuddles with her.

    1. It is a lovely church (we are spoilt for them hereabouts). Hoping that Rosie will soon settle down and sleep when appropriate (e.g. at night!!) Off any minute to meet her.

  2. Deploy the granny! And all will be well. Your experience will make ALL the difference to all three of them. A new baby, no matter how fractious, is the best gift ever. Enjoy.

    1. Yup, absolutely! I'm sure I haven't forgotten how to change a nappy anyway. Or wind a baby.

  3. Pleased to read Keith will be home soon. Rosie is a beautiful name for your little granddaughter. Flower names seem popular at the moment, we have an Iris Florence. Hopefully baby will settle soon, it must be quite a shock for them coming from a quiet, dark place into a world full of bright lights and noise. Hugs Xx

    1. Visiting yesterday wasn't quite as stressful as on other occasions. Iris Florence - what pretty names.

      Rosie is "all about" and taking in the world around her.

  4. Pleased to hear Keith will be home soon. Will they consider moving him to Llandod in the meanwhile? It would help ease the pressure on you considerably and maybe give you some recharging time while you prepare for his homecoming.
    Love the name Rosie. I know you are eagerly looking forward to seeing her and helping, but don't wear yourself out, will you? I know I'm harping on but you MUST take care of yourself! It's so hard when you are naturally a caring and giving person, which you so obviously are.

    1. I had to let the choice be Keith's, and he wants to come home. I will be able to feed him up again as he is losing weight on hospital "food".

      I will do what I can at Tam's today - they still haven't unpacked half their stuff from moving! Just hope they can both catch up on their sleep a bit.

  5. You've thought of the baby as Rosie--now she truly is! I hope she soon settles into a routine that includes sleeping at least part of every night. [Our daughter never did!]
    I can only echo the others who have cautioned you to take care of yourself--so much has been happening for so long that you aren't your strongest self. Caring for Keith's needs will continue to be challenging, although he will be grateful to be at home and you have Danny and Emma to help.
    I can envision furniture and assorted items being hoicked about to create a comfortable space that will make the tending simpler--none of it easy or allowing you much rest.
    Finally seeing Baby Rosie will be a joy!

    1. Life is a challenge right now, I have to admit. Not sleeping well this week has taken its toll (awake another 3 hrs last night). We will have proper carers in place when Keith comes home and I will be able to rest and have an afternoon out again too. I need to list some furniture for sale on Facebook Marketplace, to make more room here.

      Really looking forward to meeting Rosie.

  6. Its good news Keith is coming home once a care package is in place and that you have the family there to support you too. Rosie is a lovely name and it will be great for you to meet her. New babies can be so hard to cope with especially when it is your first so I am sure they will be glad of your help.
    The church is superb and on my list to visit. Some amazing carvings. Herefordshire does have some wonderful churches it really does.

  7. Baby Rosie! How precious. It's a lovely name. I imagine she will settle down soon, early first days yet. Parents have to learn to sleep in shifts. I rem staying up til 4 AM usually---I'm a night owl, or was back then, for final feed, then DH was always up at 5 whether the baby/ kids wanted to get up or not. I d sleep awhile til next feeding etc. when ex left for work at 8. A routine evolves, your help will be wonderful.

    I sympathize w K wanting to be home, just hope you can manage. He is very strong minded, isn t he?--- despite the illness and frailty. You do so much, take time for you.

    Happy Easter!

