

Jennie's recipes

Monday 6 May 2024

Now for a "day of rest!"

 Which means once I've unpacked, I will be gardening.  However, I do intend to go to the Garden Centre as I need trellising for a couple of Clematis.  I  am going to buy another rose - possibly a rambler - to go outside the gate against the Ivy Wall.  I worked jolly hard over the weekend - my stall was BIG and it was hard to be at both ends at once, when customers were clamouring for attention.  Saturday was VERY busy indeed - an worthwhile.  I wore a mask all day and am wearing a mask when up in Keith's room, just in case.  The Nigerian Bau currency bracelets finally found a home with a lovely Swiss gentleman.  He said he was about to go off down to the New Forest where he had a time share apartment (not a good investment because of the grounds maintenance charges).  We talked about the places I knew (give my love to the Rhinefield Ornamental Drive I told him) and after he had gone, more memories of childhood "drives out" on a Sunday came to mind.

Then yesterday another customer began talking about the New Forest and to my horror I felt my eyes well up with tears and I had to turn away for a moment.  They are filling up again now just thinking of those happy carefree days.

Here's a photo of part of my stand, to give you an idea (yes, "old friends" there, but some of them went to new homes this weekend).  

I am doing a little gardening before Keith has a shower and then I will have to unload the car before I can go anywhere. 

Shadow-cat (Emma's pussum) has had a happy pill, dug another hole in the bottom step stair carpet (beyond redemption now) and was desperate to come out.  He walked confidently into the Library and then across to the far end, not noticing that Lulu was sat on a chair.  She gave a low growl, he growled back but laid down!  She shut up, she had the advantage of height and they both knew it :) and he then hid beneath the little settle in there.  He's been upstairs since, now come back down again.  Perhaps the combination of having a beating from Pippi last week and the happy pill (it's based on mother cat milk) have knocked some sense into him.

Back later with photos of Wot I have Dun in the garden . . .


  1. Looking forward to seeing Wot U have Dun 😎

    1. Ahem, it is more Wot I Spent at the Garden Centre!!!

  2. What is the tall wooden thing with the handle? Is that. lunch box?

    1. It deserves a proper photo of its own as it's a grain scoop - huge, and European, and mended with big staples back in the day that belongings were valued. It is made from wood which has been steamed into a bent piece.

  3. If I still collected owls and happened to be in your part of the world I probably would have had that owl mug or jug !
    Some lovely pottery pieces there

  4. He is the cutest little thing, and slightly oddball. I had him on display here but have started to try and cull some of my china on display.

  5. It’s been pouring here today so no chance of any gardening. I’ve got book group coming round this evening so have been busy making spinach and Comte tart and a chargrilled asparagus, baby leek, rocket and chive bud salad with a lemony ricotta dressing and sourdough croutons! All veg and herbs picked today from the garden. My mouth is watering! Good idea to treat yourself at the garden centre after your successful weekend rehoming old friends. I wonder if you succumbed to a new rose. I’ve just been out to empty the cafetière of coffee grounds around R. Vanessa Bell who’s growing near the front door and is smothered in buds and to quickly cut a jug of flowers for the kitchen. I chose Solomon’s Seal, stems of various hellebore seedheads, rose pink Geum, new leafy growth of epimedium, blue brunnera and a fresh fern leaf - all from the spring border closest to the house! Sarah x

    1. Your meals always sound delightful. After having D&E cooking me veggie meals at the weekend, I had to fall back on spicy prawn fishcake and chips from the freezer tonight. We had such a busy day - Danny spending hours rodding drains and trying to sort out the drainage system here. Keith's care takes several hours each day so not much time left over to garden etc, but I managed to plant 3 plants. Doesn't sound much but if you saw what I had to dig into (none of Monty Don's put a fork in and it nearly disappears from sight HERE!) you would realize it was labour intensive and time-consuming. Apart from the rambler rose, I bought 3 x trays of bedding - 10 week Stocks, Antirrhinums and Verbena, and a Borage. I've just checked out using coffee grounds - didn't know that so will now make sure it goes on the compost heap, and occasionally by one of the roses.

  6. Looks like you were in a happy place selling stuff ;) and then the garden and spending fortunes on it!

    1. I did enjoy it - seeing old friends, who commiserated about Keith's health, and making new friends amongst customers too.

      I spent a lot at the garden centre, but only £45 of it was on plants and of that, the rambling rose (DA one) was £23.95. I bought Blush Noisette, one I've always wanted.

  7. Good job I wasn't there or I would come home with plenty from your stall, anything teal, copper and owls are just some of my weaknesses. My aunt and uncle lived near and later in the New Forest and of course I loved "The Children of the New Forest".

  8. Wish you had been a customer - how wonderful to meet up! I do miss the Forest so. I read Childen of the New Forest after going to the shop down the road (toiletries/wool/childrens' books one side and hardware the other). I asked for books with ponies in and this apparently counted!

  9. I always love seeing your booth of treasures. Hope you didn't catch any viruses, great that the market was busy.


  10. Looking forward to seeing what you do in the garden. I am glad the sale went well for you and items found a new home.

    God bless.
