

Jennie's recipes

Friday 17 May 2024


 I had meant to write up Wigmore Castle today but it's been hectic here. D&E off to wedding in the next county, little "I" to her dad's, and me dealing with Keith alone.  I have struggled and got so cross I phoned ASSIST to ask where the carers were.  Nothing doing.  I reported back to T, G & D and G was on the phone like a rabbit down a hole, and soon got things sorted.  Apparently Keith STILL has no Social Worker handling his case, and apparently - this is interesting - the Hospital told Powys Council that Keith needed carers in 4 times a day - Powys had him down for 1 hour a day.  That is now going forward to brokering again and as it's a bigger care package, should be more successful (you'd think it was the other way round). I think it sounds like since the Hospital said 4 times a day they actually had to pull their finger out and DO something.

I waited all afternoon for the D. Nurse to turn up, and ended up leaving two messages saying I was fairly desperate.  Fortunately she came an hour ago and put a dressing on the big pressure sore, and said I'd done the right thing by putting the blow-up air cushion beneath him to make him more comfortable.  It suddenly came to me earlier that I had seen it somewhere recently and that it might help.,  Finding it - AND the thing wot blows it up - mopped up half an hour.  I have also ordered a suitable mattress topper, and the D. Nurse has put in an order for a change of mattress for Keith, as this one far too rock hard.

I had rashly bought 4 punnets of small strawberries on the Market on the Groe this morning.  2 punnets for £3.  Seemed a good buy, and I could use them for jam.  I made microwave jam with them - of course, lots of boiling over and mess and one jar cracked in half when I spooned some of the jam in.  I got four jars anyway.  "I" loves jam sandwiches and home made jam is so superior to the cr*p you buy in supermarkets which is all sugar.

I spoke to the GP, who prescribed antibiotics for Keith, but needed the D. Nurse to do a set of Obs. on him, which she did. Finally dashed out around 5 to get the prescription, but then Boots didn't have the item in stock.  Llandod did, but were shutting in 10 mins. Lakeside never answered the phone.  Pharmacist kindly made up enough a-b's in liquid form to last Keith until tomorrow, so he's had his first dose and will have another at bedtime.  

So if you wonder where my day went, that fairly sums it up, along with feeding and medicating Keith etc.  Now I am going to have a relaxing evening, once I've made up his pill doses for the next week . . .


  1. It's a merry go round...

  2. Oh please don't be sorry. You have so much on your plate. I hope you can get some rest in amongst all the work you do.

    1. I went to Tam's yesterday and did gardening and washing up and sorting clothes for her. They say a change is as good as a rest.

  3. Put your feet up and have a bit of a breather, you certainly deserve it. Hopefully now the carers show up now.

    God bless.

    1. I can only get little snippets of rest. Gardening helps me survive. Sewing (when it goes well) and - when I get the chance - family history research. Not holding my breath about the carers.

  4. Hugs. You are amazing. I hope the four carers show up tomorrow. More hugs.

    1. I didn't feel amazing yesterday, and no carers until the situation has gone into brokerage again - that's Thursday. Not holding my breath, tbh.

  5. Big hugs J x Fingers crossed the carers are given the right schedules and get to K. Danette xxx

    1. It will happen when it happens - an extreme shortage of carers doesn't help.

  6. I don't know how you cope. Hugs from over here too. x

    1. On the nights when I don't sleep, neither do I Rachel. But somehow the next day comes and I'm still here.

  7. I really hope the carers arrive to help soon before you are completely worn out.

    1. So do I. This is the sort of situation you read about, but it's only very difficult when I'm on my own.

  8. Oh gosh this has all been such a struggle and so hard on you. Well done for staying relatively sane and somehow managing to juggle all the balls.

    It's also highlighted to me the brilliant care my Mum has had since she left hospital. The first carer arrived at her bungalow before the ambulance had even brought her home, and then she had carers in four times a day for the first three weeks. A hospital bed with air rippling mattress and cushions for her chair were delivered within days along with lots of other little aids to help her manage. Now the carers visits have reduced to two visits per day and she also has a cleaner for 1.5 hours per week. Her doctors and district nurses have all been amazing. I realise how very lucky she is.

    I would have thought that in such a hugely populated city, the services she has would have been more like the ones you are struggling with and vice versa.

    1. Some days, I have to say, I just want to run away. Keith is not always terribly co-operative either. He must be very frustrated too, as nothing wrong with his brain - just his nervous system.

      What a relief that your mum had such good care, and all set up before she got home. We have had the professionals here regularly (D. Nurses are best), but that one OT woman particularly obstructive and not at all helpful. One who jumped to conclusions.
