

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 22 May 2024

The path to Wigmore Castle

 I began putting up the photos for this two days ago.  I have had a very busy week.  My poor brain keeps forgetting words I should know, because I just work from one job to the next and never get a chance to rest.  Monday was the worst day when I was still "working" - Keith's meds) 10 minutes before I literally FELL into bed.  Today I have been sorting out medications, what we have in stock and what needs re-ordering, topping up the pill dispenser, and seeing to Keith.  Had two deliveries today and Keith now has a mattress topper in light plastic - a bigger version of the seat one I had put beneath him in desperation last week.  D. Nurse came yesterday (I had popped out of course) and put a sort of 2nd skin dressing on his worst pressure sore.  It hasn't completely covered it though so she will have to do better when she comes on Friday.    

Today I have sat down and cut and sewn 10 strips required for the quilt and pressed them.  I enjoyed that, though began by losing my dressmaking scissors, every single one of my tape measures and then changed the blade on the cutter and couldn't put it back together again without the help of a Youtube video.  I think that gives a fairly damning explanation of the state of my brain these days.  I regularly can't remember if I've taken my inhalers or not.

I've started replacing the ties on a lovely duvet that was my late friend Annie's. Just need to unpick the seam a little to set them in and out of the way.  That's the next job.  My tea has been cooked for me courtesy of Emma, a nice veggie stew (with a chicken portion on the side for D & myself.)

Yesterday I had a real tussle finally trying to get up the shade in the greenhouse.  I looked online, but that was of no use whatsoever, especially when the Vitavia site mentioned the "two hooks" to fasten the wire along the greenhouse.  There were no hooks (or identifiable parts!) that came with mine, and no instructions.  I have done a total Joe Bodgit job and fastened the wire across the top, stood on a stool and sewed a hem on it. Why didn't I think to do this before the wire was in place? Then I put another length of the wire across from bar to bar half way down the greenhouse to hold the shade, tucking it behind the staging.  Since the Youtube photo I found showed it carefully cut into strips and fixed neatly in place against the roof glass, I clearly just screwed up monumentally.  Since it felt like 100 degrees inside the greenhouse, I wasn't prepared to linger over it!

Anyway, Wigmore Castle with the briefest of write-ups.  You will now why . . . brain not in residence.

So beautiful- Cow Parsley flooding the churchyard.

A lovely Wisteria on this cottage.

I am hoping if you click on this, it will enlarge so you can read it.

It was a very hot day, and I will confess to not walking the final uphill bit to the top of the castle.  I was pooped.  A nice spot and all that excellent farmland shows why they wanted control of this area.


  1. Such a wonderful castle. I really like learning where historical families lived. You are working so hard. I do hope you get more help with Keith very soon.

    God bless.

    1. Sadly, carers are looking less and less likely. I will really struggle when D&E are away on and off this summer.

  2. A lovely place. The cow parsley and the wisteria are so beautiful at this time of year. You are coping so well I do hope official help comes quickly.

    1. It was beautiful and you could feel the history of the area. The Mortimers were real warlords. Official help is looking very very thin on the ground, especially in this area.

  3. I am glad you have your quilting as a respite. Hope the scissors turn up. Thank you for the lovely photos.

    1. I enjoyed the quilting yesterday. The scissors had fallen on the floor by my feet!

  4. You have my sympathies re brain not working although mine is due completely to lack of sleep. Hope you can get more help with Keith soon. Lovely to see your photos of Wigmore Castle - it sounds as though you can get up to the keep now. On our last two visits the path to keep itself was closed as it needed work. Lovely photo with the cow parsley.
