

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 25 May 2024

What could possibly go wrong?

 That's what I said about the "very simple" zig zag quilt. Well, you can buy a Moda jelly roll - which is just 2 1/12" wide.  The quilt instructions were for a 2 3/4" width . . .  I tried to modify it when I did a test strip, but could see it wasn't going to work . . .

Imagine it on the diagonal - the top single block is a corner.  As you can see, nothing matches - width is not equal when turned upwards, as per instructions.  I had to halve the end quarter-squares again, which made them too small.  I have abandoned the magazine pattern now and found an actual Moda one, which is a slightly different layout, but will at least go together the right way. I will incorporate the print into the pattern now, but still have the darker one as a border to make it up to double quilt size.

Pippi - It went in here

Mayhem here last night with two hunting kittens, after a mouse Pippi had bought in live and let go of in the afternoon.  Danny finally found it, picked it up by the tail and let it go outside.  I was hoping it had escaped to enjoy life, but have just found a recently deceased mouse looking just the same as yesterday's victim, so it hadn't gone far and Pippi'd killed it this time, little horror.

Lulu - can't see it behind here either. . .

Pippi - I can hear it up this end now . . .

The day started very scarily, as Keith insisted on a fried egg in a toasted sandwich.  My gut feeling said NO, but he has so few pleasures I had to give up talking him out of it.  He choked on the last mouthful and I had to phone 999.  It cleared whilst they were on their way, but they do obs just in case and had to write it all up.  My nerves are only just settling again. We were all worried sick.

On the positive side, Keith has just walked along the landing right to the top of the stairs which is a huge improvement, and I can tell he is determined he WILL get downstairs again. He has regained a little weight and strength anyway.

Now to try some sewing . . .  Watch this space - everything could go wrong!


  1. Your header is such a beautiful place, like a path thru a marsh?

    I see what is wrong with your zig zag quilt but can't figure out why it doesn't line up. I hope the Moda pattern is better. can you possibly post a link?

    Pippa is so funny. She keeps busy!
    Poor you and poor Keith. I admire his determination and you for your loving care and courage.


  2. You quilt trails made me smile. I'm sure you will do better than I did last year crocheting a king-sized throw for my son and his wife. Made my own pattern, had nearly a year to complete it then discovered at the beginning of December I'd miscalculated the stitches and had to undo everything and start again. Got it finished by sitting up till the early hours most nights. It will all be worth it in the end.

  3. PS That packet of Dreamies wouldn't last two minutes here. I have to keep them hidden away in a cupboard.

  4. Oh dear, I am confident you will overcome this quilt glitch. The maths, especially in inches, would be beyond me too. I love how you focus on the positives and hope the cats aren’t developing a taste for fresh mouse. The very last of last year’s chard for our supper tonight (Anna Jones’ chick pea braise ) followed by the first of the homegrown strawberries. It has been a lovely day here and I feel like I’ve been on a retreat. Sarah x

  5. Well done Keith for the walking challenge - he will get downstairs I think as he's determined enough. Could you do eggy bread for him maybe. We are still chucking stuff away, visits to charity shops and putting stuff up on our local FB page. I just want it to be over! Keep telling OH we haven't got anywhere to put it, so get rid, but he is very reluctant. I'm chucking stuff into my car boot when he goes out, hasn't missed anything yet. Hugs Xx

  6. Those cats! Classic "I think she's trying to tell us something" poses.
    Sometimes the directions for a quilt block assume too much. So many patterns are now written to accommodate 'pre-cuts.'
    I looked at a pattern I've made up previously wondering if I could convert it to a slightly smaller size, decided I don't need the aggravation.

  7. It is frustrating when a pattern doesn't work..but at least it was just a test strip.
    Well done the hunters!!

    At least Keith is determined..even if he does overdo the determination and overrule common sense sometimes ! Thankfully all was well and good that they checked him over

  8. I am glad Moda has a similar pattern that will work out better. I made an hourglass quilt using heavier fabrics left from my sewing projects and recycled fabric from clothing. Not at all how I envisioned the project, but since it is for outside around the firepit, it will do.

    God bless.
