

Jennie's recipes

Friday 14 June 2024

I am here . . .

 but it's been a difficult and demanding week, with visits from Professionals.  I am off to Leominster this morning for a bit of Respite.  There's a textiles exhibition in the Priory Church and various folk demonstrating weaving, knitting, quilting, sewing etc and giving little 5 minute talks throughout the day.  I will, as always, have to be fairly swift - Tam, Jon and Rosie are here this afternoon.  It is of course, POURING with rain! and feels like a relapse into winter.

The week bought good things too, beautiful flowers from my dear friend Danette (thank you again my dear, they are lovely and have brought great pleasure).  A visit from another dear friend, Nia, who bought me a Hosta, which is currently in the greenhouse until I can get some more copper tape to protect it.  We talked the hind legs off several donkeys!   Then Nia had scarcely left, when my friend Pam came round, then whilst we were still chatting, the GP and the D. Nurse came . . .  D. Nurses have been here several times this week (twice yesterday) and Keith is now on pills for Thrush.  Don't ask . . . The downside of antibiotics. 

Danny is on holiday for a week now, so I will have another day out next week, but haven't planned where yet.    Right, better stir my stumps, as mum used to say! (And find my waterproofs!)


  1. Take care of yourself and enjoy your much deserved break. I've been down that road and know only too well how it wrings you out and leaves you dry. Sending positive thoughts from Wiltshire (where it's currently grey, rainy and cool!)

  2. Have a good trip..we always used Leominster as a pit stop on our north-south trips...good coffee#1, interesting antiques and secondhand shops and buildings!
    Good to see friends..a good natter really eases tension

  3. Enjoy Leominster. I was reading about the exhibition at the Priory recently.

  4. Wondering how wet your drive to Leominster was? Hope it was worthwhile - it’s a long drive for you, almost as far as Hereford? It’s been tipping it down here and in London as we’ve enjoyed watching the Trooping of the Colour. I love the horses, especially the drum horses Juno and Apollo and now we’re in Green Patk with the Royal Horse Artillery firing a 41-gun salute. And soon it will be the Red Arrows - hope the weather allows. We memorably saw the Red Arrows over Fowey Harbour one summer and the cloud was so thick and low it was in doubt until the very last minute but it meant they flew so low that the roar of the engines and the planes almost within touching distance has stayed with me. Blue sky now for the balcony appearance and fly past - hooray. If you haven’t recorded it do try and watch the highlights with Keith, I am sure he will enjoy it. Sarah x

  5. How wonderful to get out despite the rain. And your roses are so beautiful.

  6. the weather is not being kind to us at all. How many of us still have our heating on?
