

Jennie's recipes

Monday 29 July 2024

Being organized

 I was hoping that I would have a meeting with the Registrar today, but they couldn't fit me in until Thursday, so I can't make the necessary phone calls etc until I have copies of the Death Certificate.  The funeral date is sorted though, so that is a positive.

I have been sorting through all Keith's medications, and medications generally in the house (surprising how out of date many were), and have taken two big bagfuls of Keith's meds down to Boots, along with the box for Sharps.  A gentile bag of my castoffs have gone to the pink bin for the Salvation Army and I have more DVDs etc to go next time I'm in town.  I took my specs in to have replacement frames (I leaned on them again) and then forgot to go and pick them up again.  Will do so tomorrow.  

I've taken Tracy's advice and carefully listed all the calls I've made, outcomes etc so I don't get in a panic when I can't find one of my normal back-of-an-envelope scribbles.

I've gone through the food cupboards and put all Danny & Emma's food in a big bag, so I have more room and can see exactly what I have.  I have rescued a mouse and let it go where hopefully Pippi won't think to look.

I've had a chat with the new neighbours and prevailed upon them to bring me up some of the wonderfully rotted muck heap (horse) that they had delivered yesterday. I shall go out later with the shears and start reclaiming the fruit patch which is completely hidden in undergrowth of the grassy weedy sort.

 Elan Valley again - Tam, Jon, Rosie and I went there Friday as I needed to get out of the house.

I have cancelled Sky and bought a Freeview aerial which I hope Danny will fit for me tonight as I haven't a clue where it goes - back of tv doesn't seem to match the picture they give of where to plug it.  I have cancelled my Homes and Antiques magazine and asked that someone buys me a 6 mth subscription to Landscape magazine for Christmas. I have cancelled my Ancestry and Audible subscriptions too.  I will ask for a 3mth subscription to Findmypast for Christmas to keep me occupied during the winter months.

Now I really need to iron, cut out and stencil the top and bottom strips of the border for the Cotton Thistle Baltimore quilt . . .  That should keep me busy in the evenings as I hand-quilt them.

Once again thank you for your kind and helpful and supportive words, and Danette, it was good to talk to you today and sorry I was inconsolable at times.  Mostly I can hold it together (breathing control) but then get overwhelmed, which is natural of course.  I can cope without Keith - indeed I HAVE to - but oh how I wish I could talk to him again, have a big hug and one of his lovely grins.


  1. You sound like you are getting on top of things wonderfully, make sure you make yourself lots of notes about what you have done, and have a separate list of what there is still to do ... perhaps at the front and back of a notebook with a bright eye-catching cover so you don't lose it.

    Whatever you do DO NOT stop talking to Keith. Gosh my Dad got spoken to ... and told off ... so many times in the months after he died by both me and Mum, he must have been sick of us asking him things and telling him off. It really did help us both though, Mum especially. When you have been with someone for so many years them suddenly not being there to talk to is one of the hardest things.

  2. I’m going to ring weekly my darling and if all you want to do is weep down the phone then you do it because it will help you. It has to come out. When I sit with Robbie she sometimes just cries, sometimes talks about lovely memories of her dear companion , sometimes talks about how it would have been. It’s all important. What matters is you have an outlet, sometimes you won’t want to talk about Keith at all and will talk about your walks or the cats, it’s all important and it’s all ‘right’ and it’s all helping x You are amazing darling don’t forget that. Ps I hope you caught the mouse! Danette x x x

  3. I think some lovely walks are just the ticket.

  4. Good idea to list what you have done.
    It will be a rollercoaster ride for a bit...but like one of those it will run smooth eventually. Xx

  5. You are doing brilliantly. Maybe keep a brightly coloured folder with all your notes/notebook in with all the copies of forms etc required and several pens/pencil, eraser with it. My Dad had fortunately pre-paid his funeral, but as he wished to have a cardboard coffin we had to pay £300 extra, and we just decided to have one brightly coloured floral decoration for his coffin, but for the 'afters', we bought some sprays of flowers and made vases up on the tables along with photos of him from when he was small to 92. Hugs Xx

  6. I'm glad that I could be of help to you at a such a stressful and sad time. I second what Sue says about the list of things to do. My book had lists of lists. x

  7. You are keeping yourself very occupied. Balance that work with some down time. A walk sounds like just the ticket.

  8. Lovely comments above, so I'll just say, Take great care of yourself and allow yourself all your feelings x
    Alison in Wales x

  9. Nodding along with everyone're doing marvelously (though you don't have to, so yes, fall to pieces as and when you need to)'re creating order in the maelstrom and that's something to hang onto. Take good care...and get plenty of walks and garden time in! xo Melanie
