

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 13 July 2024


 Sorry, I have had two days that have just drained me totally and utterly.  I will spare you the details but I never want a repeat of them.  I now just how that bat felt after splatting against the wall.  I am just totally mentally exhausted.  Like when you are so ill with flu and if someone put £1,000,000 on the other side of the room and said, there you are - you wouldn't have the energy to go and get it.

D away with E&I since yesterday teatime. Tam coming for moral support.  D. Nurse due today.  

Alfie and L. Whale now happy to come and go in the house again now that "I" is no longer here.  She was a bit too shrill for them.

Lesser Willowherb growing from a branch . . .


  1. Not sure if you have any hospices or home nursing charities near you, but they can offer support at home

  2. Oh J x you cannot cannot go on with all this without a break, With the best will in all the world you will be no use to Keith if you don’t get chance to recharge a little , some alternative care must be found for him to give you a break, a week with just YOU in your house , time for YOU to eat and drink and sleep when you NEED to and to not be thinking of others is a very real essential.
    It’s not a failing, it’s not a luxury , it is essential if you are to carry on nursing Keith at home. A week for him in a respite home will give you both a chance to reassess everything and recover a little to carry on.
    K must surely see that you need some time to recharge? He is probably worried sick too and to go somewhere for a week -
    Even if he has been saying he doesn’t want to- will take a load of worry off of him as he cannot enjoy seeing you fight through every day when he is helpless to help.
    You are in so deep you cannot see what is plain to outsiders darling , which is you have had the world on your shoulders and no one can cope with that for an extended period of time without some regular relief from it.
    Please, I urge you, tell, don’t ask- tell people you have to have a break in order that you can then carry on the excellent job you have been doing x Danette

  3. Just hope the carers are sorted soon. Keep resting whenever you can - more ((hugs))

  4. Do the auspices of Paul Satori reach as far as you {maybe they are just Pembrokeshire} but it would be worth checking them out. I know Macmillan are mostly associated with cancer, but they also do help and support for other chronic illness as I had them in to help with Mum a few times.
    You are in very serious and urgent need of help now, otherwise you will end up in hospital yourself and then what happens?

  5. Hope the D nurse has been able to help x

  6. Listen to Danette, her advice is good and worded more clearly than I can express my concern and caring. If you break down entirely K will have no help at home at all, surely he sees that? No nurse however dedicated or trained can work 24/ 7, it is inhuman to expect that. Bless Tam for coming to be with you, I imagine she is challenged with an infant and is not all that close geographically. How is Rosie, by the way, has she settled down any? Still wide awake and crying?

    All so upsetting, I had a bad few days too...low ebb for many of us.



  7. Thinking of you, hoping the District Nurse was helpful, and am glad Tam is coming over. Wishing you rest and peace.

  8. You definitely need help and need it now!!! Surely the district nurse could move things along a bit.

    God bless.

  9. Thinking of you and hoping the situation improves soon.

  10. Do hope you find your strength again Jennie. I could not nurse Paul at home because it took so long at the hospital to arrange care, and then when they agreed it was too late. I somehow envy you have Keith near you in your home, even with all the problems but I wasn't given the chance and there is a strand of guilt that runs through me.
