

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 20 August 2024

A trip to Hay-on-Wye

 Yesterday Tam was going to Hay to meet up with her friend and her little baby.  I didn't take any photos - I was too busy chatting to Tam and Rosie and looking in shop windows (most of them don't open on a Monday).   Here, however, is one of Tam and Rosie when we sat down for cake and a hot drink.

I managed to cut the top off of Tam's head but it was a happy smile of a photo - the other one I took showed them looking more serious.

There were LOTS of super craft books to browse through - patchwork were on another shelf and I forgot to take photos of the titles, just some from inside one of the books.  I spent some 20 minutes browsing - there were also some Liberty fabrics/packs, bolts of linen, wool, embroidery floss and fine wool for tapestry work.

I've put these ones on my Christmas list, but found this top one at £12 on line.  Do I treat myself now, or do I carry on being Very Careful with my money?  If I have a good Fair, I may treat myself.  UPDATE:  I told myself I deserved a little treat and I've just ordered it . . .

Below - some ideas in a patchwork book I wasn't going to buy, but got the general gist of some pretty things for nothing.

Today Gabby is here too.  Rosie has had a long sleep so is biddable and Tam is taking advantage of this by having a shower and a hair wash whilst Aunty Gabby babysits.

So, I came out empty handed and pleased with my self-control . . . you know me and books!

Amazingly I shed not a tear all the time I was there.  Yet it was the place Keith and I were hefted to, and had nearly 35 years of the happiest memories attached to it.  I was expecting to cry all the way round, but just got a bit choked when I was talking to our friend Rob about Keith.  Strange the way grief works.


  1. Hang on to those happy memories of places.

    That is a lovely photo...and the way it turned out puts more focus on both faces..just right.

    1. Oh we used to have SUCH a hoot at the Wee Flea - Ian would have us in stitches.

      Glad you thought the photo a nice one.

    2. I really enjoyed doing the Thursday market...I had the stall in the Butter market that is first on the right as you go in from the top side not the road side
      And such a good Toby there.He really looked after all the stall holders properly.

    3. We used to be at the right end of the Buttermarket. We were the windbreak for everyone else!!

  2. Well done ~ I think ~ on not buying any books. Then again, if anyone deserves a treat, it's you. I'd go for the one you really like now, just in case it goes.
    That is a lovely photo of Tam and Rosie.

    1. Oooh, you are leading me into temptation but I know if I leave it till tomorrow, the lure of that book will lessen.

      It is a nice photo of them. Rosie is such a bright little girl.

  3. Those books! I want them all!
    Love seeing Tam and Rosie, such a sweet pic.


    1. There was a good selection thee. I could probably pass on Blacksmithing . . .

  4. Wowsers J Rosie looks so grown up! How old is she now. That is such a gorgeous photo of them both.. It’s good to hear you had a nice day out and have your girls there all together x Danette

    1. She's 5 mths old now Danette. She is GORGEOUS. I love her to bits. We had a lovely girly day today and Aunty Gabby babysat so Tam could have a shower and wash her hair (a luxury!) She doesn't like going to sleep though (Rosie, not Gabby!) and Tam has her work cut out at times.

    2. 5 Months! Lovely, sweetest age, as are they all.
      Does Tam have to go back to work soon? I rem getting only 6 weeks! Yes weeks, and I worked from home a lot of that time.

    3. Lizzy - Tam has a year off from work (on reduced pay of course). We will try and arrange that if she has a work-from-home day (dealing with emails, paperwork etc) she will come here and I will babysit.

  5. Sometimes only browsing and coming home with no purchase is a satisfying day out. I like the whimsical cats in the patchwork.
    Rosie is surely alertly engaged in her surroundings. I'd been hoping you would post a photo!

    1. Well, I didn't NEED a new craft book, I would have LOVED a new craft book, but was Being Good (for once). I like the whimsical cats too - whether I ever get around to sewing whimsical cats is another matter :)

      Rosie is so very bright. Tam's American friend has a little baby girl too, about 6 weeks old, and probably going to be more biddable than Rosie, who likes to Be Entertained if you please :)

  6. So nice to see a picture of part of your family. I hope that the grief is easing up.

    1. It's still early days - as long as I am busy I can cope. As long as I don't dwell on Keith's last couple of weeks when I am alone I can cope, but I do miss him so. Keep seeing or reading things which I think, oh, I must tell/show Keith that.

    2. yes I hear you and as you know it will get better as time goes on. You may even meet someone new like I did. Much to the horror of my family who knew my first husband. But it all worked out in the end.

    3. Keith is irreplacable - we were together 40 years and I just can't imagine having anyone else in my life. Hah - I had an offer from one of his friends a few years back - "If anything ever happens to Keith, I'll look after you . . ." This particular friend was NOT my sort, believe me! Lots of money, and a big bungalow overlooking the sea, but NOT for me.

  7. A lovely photo of Tam and Rosie! Lots of interesting crafts to try as well.

    1. Yes, I did ask her if I could share it on here and she said yes. Not allowed to put Rosie on Facebook though.

  8. It sounds as if Rosie Posie is getting sleeping sorted out. She looks like a happy little girl. I'm glad that Keith got to meet her.

    1. Well, Rosie sleeps when Rosie wants to right now, but hopefully when she starts on solids she may go longer between feeds. She is a happy soul and I see a lot of Keith in her. I think she will be a cheeky monkey like he was. Thank heavens he met her, but what a shame we had to wait so long for her. He'd have loved to have seen her growing up.

  9. The photo of Tam and Rosie is just perfect, you've caught natural happy smiles. The missing top to Tam's head doesn't detract from it at all, all you see is happiness ... and that is precious.

    1. Thank you. Happiness can be elusive, and wonderful to capture it in a picture.

  10. A lovely photo of Tam and Rosie. I loved Hay when we went but I was very good and didn't buy even one book! Grief has so many different phases and affects people differently. Thinking of you and I am glad you are getting so many visits from your family.

    1. Gosh, you're as bad as me! Though I did succomb later (no regrets though).

      The grief comes out of the blue. I really thought Hay would have had me red eyed all the way round, but no.
