

Jennie's recipes

Monday 12 August 2024

. . . and then I looked behind a door!


and I found this chap standing there, covered in dust.  This is definitely something that Keith bought - NOT my style at all.  It's very heavy, an African tourist piece made in Ebony, but it has fallen over at some point and had a broken head-dress/hair glued back together.  He probably didn't notice, or paid the right price for a broken piece.  It is now sitting on top of the Treen box in the kitchen whilst I ponder how to price it . . .

In the spring, when I had a sinusy cold, I lost my sense of smell.  It is only just starting to return, in little bits, but if I sniff to smell, I don't get anything.  Which is how I overlooked (or rather didn't smell) the big bag of two sheets - to cover tables - and a pile of lace curtains which I use at Fairs to cove over the stands at night when it's the big Antiques Fair I do.  Some cat/s had been peeing in there, repeatedly. The sheets at the bottom were soaking.  How no-one smelt that I cannot say.  So, they've all been through the wash and are out in the sunshine of a hot summer's day.  

I spent the morning researching and listing things on Ebay.  Mostly Keith's good Militaria books, some of which are very desirable.  I dropped the prices of some books I'd had listed on there for ages, just to get rid.  I have prices for other books.  Some I'll just take to the Fair.  I want to get rid of two bookcases in the Library - the one with Keith's books in is huge. It's one he made from a solid oak double wardrobe, so I shall get rid of the similar one that doesn't have turnings on it that he turned.  

I also listed the two Arnhem Land Aboriginal carvings - one is a canoe with paddles and the other is a Pelican, both carved from wood and decorated with ochre pigments.  They need a bigger audience than a two day Fair twice a year.

I was absolutely DELIGHTED to find that a coppered bronze bowl with foot (and maker's mark) and a pretty prunus tree pattern in relief, was actually older and a LOT more valuable than I had realized. Thankyou again, Google Lens!

I've just emptied a corner between two bookcases and taken out half a dozen gun slips to pass on next month, and the hockey stick bag which I had overlooked and has knobkerries, swords etc in.  At some point in the next few months I want it tidied in there and MANY fewer books so I can get a new carpet laid. A little bit at a time to be moved, now NOT helped by emptying the coffer so that it can go down to D in the West Country.  There were 6 of Tam's bags of ex-charity shop clothes and good leather shoes.  Where the hell can I put THOSE now?

I cooked up the Rhubarb (to freeze) - it gets chopped, washed and sprinkled with sugar, then into the oven to cook for 15 mins.  Then I can freeze it for when I have time to make the Rhubarb and Custard cake. Another little job well done.

I awarded myself an hour off to watch Escape to the Country (Cheshire today), and have been pottering since.  I only had a short walk today as it is so close and humid out there, but have got plenty of steps in outside, hanging washing out, bringing it in and starting to get the car boot boxes out of the car and stacked NEATLY in the stables.  I must soon go into the end stall and sort through the barrels of "small useful bits of wood" . . . and offer them to Ed who's doing up his house.

By way of a breather, I have been cleaning off two lovely period newel post finials.  One is Beech and has a flat back (to go against the wall) and the other is pitch pine, very chunky and not flat backed.  Once cleaned and polished they will hopefully attract a buyer.  

I feel good just for getting things organized, and I know Keith would be pleased that I am sorting stuff out - even if some of his bits of wood will soon be going.  A friend of Gabby's needs some wood (and furniture) for their house, so hopefully will be able to satisfy some of their needs here.  Having had a chaotic life for certainly the past year, caring for Keith, it is good to be able to be in control of things again.  To do things on a whim, to plan for the future.  

Right, off to take two more baskets of sewing things up to the front bedroom, and hopefully I may even find time to cut out the two borders for the Baltimore quilt.  We shall see.

I AM resting in between the activities, and only hoiking a heavy box and a heavy table were anything like a challenge.  My short walk was more of a challenge because my lungs weren't at all keen on hot moist air to breath. Bring on the cooler weather.


  1. The African man isn't very handsome! would be a shock to find him behind a door !

    It's been too warm to do much outside or inside today. Even I've been hot.

  2. You are keeping very busy! I'm sure that Keith would understand you moving things on that were more his specialty.
    Re sense of smell..I wonder if that sinus thing might have been a dose of covid 19?

    I have a stable of bikes and tools and aircraft tools as well...I will definitely need help on identifying them!! ( I am ok on bike bits)

  3. This seems like a particularly productive and pleasing day. I am prone to stalling out or becoming distracted when sorting and clearing. If the task at hand involves sorting books, I'm lost.
    I've had the cat pee discovery a number of times--never pleasant and the culprit isn't always detected. Adding white vinegar to such a wash load is helpful in removing the odor.

  4. Oh er missus, that is a creepy figure!

    I can fully understand your urge to tidy up and pass on things to new homes. Within days of my Dad passing away I helped my Mum remove his collection of Delft tiles from the walls of the living room. They weren't to her taste, but she had lived with them for years and they had both joked that if he went first they would definitely be going out of the door shortly afterwards. Her sisters were shocked, but starting to put her own stamp on the place really helped her to cope with her grief.

  5. It really seems like you are making good headway on finding new homes for items. I am glad that you are resting well between tasks.

    God bless.

  6. Definitely a boggart sitting behind that door! You have plenty to do in the house now but don't overdo it.

  7. I think we got off lightly with the heatwave yesterday. A gentle breeze blew during the day and it was very pleasant sitting in a deckchair in the meadow watching the butterflies dance, wandering around the edges eating blackberries and reading Maggie O’Farrell’s latest novel which is set in Florence and the Tuscan Hills in the 1560s. Nice bit of escapism there and I love Maggie’s attention to historic domestic detail. You are making good progress and keeping busy. My yoga teacher (who was widowed two years ago - she married her life partner when he was in a hospice dying from cancer) popped round to see the meadow and we had a short session with the mower and she gave me lots of tips on stance when mowing through long meadow grass. I need to make sure I stand tall, shoulders back, tuck my bottom in, pull up the pelvis and allow my strong muscles in my upper back and my strong core to take the strain. Last year I was a wreck after mowing the meadow so this year my focus is on protecting my body from injury. I am only topping the meadow on the highest cut but picking up the grass too and then I hope my mowing lad will take over. Have done two 40 minute sessions so far and I reckon there’s another six sessions of mowing to do by Friday 23rd so it’s doable. Life is an ever-revolving process BB and nothing ever stays the same, until we are no longer so it’s important to embrace change and growth. On that philosophical note I will wish you a good and productive day and give my husband who has just brought in tea a good morning hug. I miss sleeping in the same bed as him but I need my seven or eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. Give yourself a hug from me, you truly are one amazing person. Sarah x

  8. You have certainly busy, an in a very productive way. I think Keith would be really happy that his bits of wood are going to the young neighbour who will most likely find some very good ways to use them and to family.

    The cats might have been marking themselves a territory on your tablecloths and nets while you had the visiting cat staying with you, or of course, he/she might have been the culprit. But at least you have gotten everything nice and clean again. It's really hard living without a sense of smell isn't it, I really miss it.

  9. It's all go for you these days! Lots of things getting done is the most wonderfully accomplishy feeling isn't it? I'm sure Keith would be pleased with how you're getting everything sorted. Sorry to hear about the cat pee Sue said, possibly when Shadow was here and feelings were running high. I'm glad you're enjoying lots of walks...though I don't blame you for not exerting yourself in the high humidity -- it's been viciously hot here and that kind of mugginess makes it very hard to breathe. ~ Melanie xo
