

Jennie's recipes

Monday 9 September 2024

Shattered - times 2!

 I am bone weary this morning, and have to unload the car yet and put everything away. I was awake 3 hours in the night which didn't help matters.  First I have to wash up though, and put on the first of two loads of washing.  Then I will have to go to Llandod to get some essential supplies.

Here are some photos from my stand - and I am glad to report the big awkward things I really didn't want to bring home, all sold and I had quite a useful Fair.  Despite the torrential rain yesterday, there were still quite a few customers and it seemed busier than the Saturday, when they have doubled the price of entry.  That seems to have changed the amount of customers through the door and the mix is different.  Plus dealers we used to see regularly haven't been about.  Perhaps times are bad for them now.

I'll do another post of some other stalls around the Fair tomorrow.


  1. Glad you made some sales, it looks an interesting table of stuff. I can see, would it be a sheep/goat bell? Brings back memories of the big clanking bells Swiss cows wear.

  2. Yes, a sheep or goat bell. It has a lovely tone. Of course, some stuff stays with me for a long while now I am doing just two Fairs a year, but eventually the right person comes along. One did yesterday for the lovely Vintage wrought iron twisted cottage window stay. I did him a good deal as he was just the right person to buy it as he appreciated the workmanship. That's always satisfying.

  3. Well, I'm not surprised to hear your bone weary. You've worked jolly hard the last few days. Glad to hear you sold the big things. That's a load off your mind. I can't believe how much they charge the punters to come in. It's a wonder anybody comes. But then again, I suppose it's a day out. The organisers must make a small fortune, by the time they've charged the vendors as well. I know you can't rest up today, but as soon as you get the opportunity, put your feet up with a good book and a nice glass of wine. Relax. You've earned it.

    1. It took me several hours to come round to rouse myself enough to even start unpacking. I've done it slowly, with more Official Paperwork Sorting in between. There ARE a lot of stalls to see for that money, and if you want to come in when folk are setting up on the Friday, I think the charge is doubled again (for dealers, this is, not run of the mill folk). They do very well out of the pitch fees and for vendors of food, I imagine there's a nought on the end again!

      I have a stack of books to get through so that sounds a good plan. However, I have my 2nd Shingles jab on Wednesday and I've heard folk can be bad after that . . .

    2. Take it easy after the shingles Jag for a couple of days...let your body do its work

  4. Good to hear you made some good sales.
    Hope you get an hours rest now

    1. I rested lots inbetween shifting stuff out - it's tables too of course, and bits and bobs. I'm on the home run now, as everything is OUT of the car, but Rosie is asleep so I can't drag it where it needs to go inside the house as a creaky door needs opening.

  5. There are some interesting and very eclectic things there. Thank goodness you were undercover, I think most of the country got a good drenching yesterday.

    1. Well, it sorted out the men from the boys on the outside stalls, but there were still some house clearance chaps with EVERYTHING out in the rain, including half decent furniture getting ruined. Whilst folk still sell classic antiques, the market for them is smaller and people don't come to a Fair - usually - to buy furniture, especially if on holiday. What you buy these days are things which have "the look"! Unusual things - which is why I chose things which appeal to me. Several fellow dealers have told me I have a good eye, which is the biggest compliment out.

  6. Well done. Glad it was worth the effort. Hugs.

  7. So pleased for you that you made some good sales and didn't have to lug a load of stuff back home. It certainly rained over the weekend which made for doing the lawn edges today easy (garden bin day tomorrow). Whilst I was at it I also mowed both lawns. We are no nearer a moving date, our buyer's solicitors are very slow and nit picky but our solicitor has put a bomb underneath them to try and move it along. As you can imagine I'm very low and feel like bursting into tears - which isn't me at all. Hope you got the car unpacked and all your essential shopping done. Hugs Gill Xx

    1. Well, the car (which is vanshaped) was full to the gunnels, so a lot went and came back again, but that is the way of Fairs.

      So sorry you haven't got a moving day yet and hope that the bomb put under the buyer's solicitors does the trick. Your move seems to have been on the horizon all year, and keeps getting put back and put back. I'd cry too.

      Car unpacked but I'm falling over boxes. Essential (and some Jammy Dodgers!) shopping done and the cats can have breakfast tomorrow now!

  8. So that was a fair worth going to...good work.
    Is that a Weatheriggs jug third photo down? On the right.

    1. I've never heard of a Weatherjiggs jug. If it's the brown jug with white squiggles bought it as I thought it possibly older than it probably is but not sure if it's British or French.

    2. Weatheriggs closed a few years ago, but their work is still around.. lively making and lively slip decoration as well

    3. Probably means Wetherriggs Pottery It could be! Here's a link for Pinterest. You may have to highlight and right click to open page.

  9. It sounds like you had a good fair. Good that the larger items sold. I've had shingles once, never want it again, so I got the vaccines. The second was harder, I was in bed resting a full day. But then it was over. Much, much easier than shingles!

    1. Ah, if it's going to make me THAT "off" I will put it back a bit perhaps. Or bake the cake I need to make for my new neighbour's get together this weekend tomorrow and not later in the week. I have Malvern at the weekend too (to walk round, not sell at).

    2. I think it affects people differently. A colleague was only mildly off, for the second shot. I didn't mean to put you off it!

  10. Thank you for finding the time and energy to take pics and share. So interesting, I just love seeing all your unusual pieces. Esp love the various pottery bits, bowls and jugs/ Is that a chicken waterer
    w the low spout? That's my fave so far. And the Impressionistic painted jar too.

    1. I think the piece you mean (the globular one with the hole at the bottom) is the piece of Studio Pottery by Laurel Keeley. I think I'm the only one who knows anything about her though, and I only know anything because I looked her up (she puts a clear stamp on her work). It has "a look" about it, modern, though it's 40 years old and one of her early pieces.

      I am enjoying the painted jar which is on the table in the Library. Sometimes things end up staying with me . . .

    2. I'd keep both! The Keeley piece is interesting, much more rustic than her current work--I love the piece you have, it's beautiful.

  11. As others have sais, you set up an attractive display. I'm glad you were able to sell the heavy, akward stuff. Have you always had difficulty sleeping? Both my husband and sister have insomnia, I believe from terrible sleep habits when they were in university. My husband was referred to a sleep psychologist. We had never heard of such a thing and were dubious but thought we might as well go along with it. The psychologist initiated a sleep training programme. It helped a lot although I have to remind my husband to repeat it because he is terrible for slipping back into bad habits.

    1. I always enjoy trying to make my stand interesting - unusual things prompt conversation and sometimes purchases.

      My sleep pattern has been disturbed because of caring for Keith and the worry and stress of it, and if I have two glasses of wine (which I've done far too often recently) I wake up in the middle of the night. I should remember to take Magnesium, as that helps.
