

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 29 September 2024

'tis Windy yer . . .

 . . . and no-one about.  Haven't even heard a tractor or quad bike today, which is unusual.  Some days, loneliness creeps in. Yesterday was one of those.  I felt a bit lost by mid-afternoon and noting that my steps were well down for the day, I abandoned sewing and drove into town, parked in Co-op and had a walk down the town and went window-shopping, and did a circuit of the town and then back up the steep hill to Co-op again.  

I must have been putting that vibe out as Gabby said she felt I was low in spirits, and that was why she phoned.  Just chatting to her cheered me up and improved my evening (more sewing!)  I got these hexies sewn up:

  They were cut out and hemmed on Friday and sewn together yesterday evening.  I found a fat quarter sized piece of the red fabric in my stash, and the blue one is the fabric I bought from Ebay.  It matches well with the pattern already used in the quilt.  I am doing the tacking with one of my very many old reels of proper cotton, in a colour I am unlikely to use.  It is a pleasure to sew with and so much better than the man-made stuff.

Yesterday morning I made bread (a half and half loaf, sprinkled with fresh black pepper and sea salt.

This morning I made a hearty soup with gammon, tomatoes, vegetables and then added a tin of spicy Taco beans towards the end.  That hit the spot on a chilly day.  I have enough for about another 4 lunches I think.

I have spent an hour or so this morning making the envelope back for the Llwyn Celyn cushion and it is now finished.  I'm very pleased with it.

Tomorrow I will have to take Alfie to the vet to have his abscess checked as the hole I found was from the bite, and the abscess is still forming above it, and hard to touch.  He is comfortable enough and eating, but I don't want it to worsen.

Now I'm debating do I brave the half a gale that is blowing and go for a walk . . .


  1. Isn't it awful feeling low, as my Granny used to say like a black dog sitting on your shoulder. I've been up and down like a yo yo with this house thing, I'm sure it will sort it self out but its very wearing. Getting out and just having a wander is a good thing or I find doing some gardening helps. Hugs Xx

  2. Oh Gill, don't tell me you STILL don't have a date?! At this rate you'll be moving in at Christmas! I did go out for a windy walk this afternoon, and stopped for tea and shortbread at my horsey friend's up the road, and came back with a bagfull of apples and instructions to help myself whenever I wanted :) I will bake them a cake tomorrow as a thankyou.

  3. That cushion looks lovely, neatly stitched and the colours matching beautifully. Soup and bread looks very appetising as well!

    1. Thank you Thelma. Some things go well on the stitching front, then I lose concentration and did what I did this afternoon, and sew two long rows together - wrong way up for the Zig-Zag so had to unpick and sew again.

  4. The wind seemed to have eased up until now, it is ramping up again as I write.
    I was in Ayr yesterday morning...and despite being bright and sunny it felt empty, hardly anyone around.

    1. We're meant to be having gusts of 40mph (though that is better than yesterday's forecasts which were for 50 - 55 mph. It was windy enough when I went out for my walk though, and twigs are coming off the Beech trees here so my lawn will be strewn with them.

      Is Ayr normally busy on a Saturday then?

  5. I often find that feeling low follows a feeling of high. Then you just have to weather it through. Speaking of which, it's been blowy and wet here all day. Around 60mph most of the day, abating now. Hoping my cousins in N. Carolina, and many friends across neighbouring states in the path of Helene are all right.

    1. Yes, it wasn't quite depression but I know my friend Danette has felt the same at times - a need to be among people. Gosh, you certainly had it windier than us - it had run out of steam a bit getting here - but my planned walk went under woodland on a steep slope. I decided to abandon that plan and then it came on to rain, so just as well.

      I don't get news on my tv now, but saw through my Yahoo news feed things were pretty bad when Helene touched down in Florida.

  6. That soup looks yummy - just the thing for a wild Autumn day.

    1. It really hit the spot. The Taco beans made it quite substantial. I usually just make a variation on Minestrone.

  7. Well done for heading out even just for a quick potter x there’s a saying ‘when you are too much in your head- get into your body’ ie move when our thoughts threaten to overwhelm us. I long to live somewhere I can easily head out from that’s for sure. I felt a bit iffy earlier and sat battling my stitching , gave up on the small areas which I cannot fathom but made good progress on a new area , I listened to audible The Lost Bookshop which am loving thankyou ! And let the sound of the sound of the thumping of the wind into the house and the comforting whump of the woodburner soothe my ruffled edges. An hour later I feel much better and ready to head to bed with a book x Danette

    1. You're spot on there. Walking is the cure for a lot of evils - I can think things through when I walk, and being "out in nature" (the trendy term for being out of doors now) is a balm to the soul too. Even on the darkest January day there is a little wild flower bringing joy in a sheltered hedgerow, or the light on a holly leaf. I knew you would love The Lost Bookshop. That was a balm in itself. The little bits you are struggling with will make sense in the end. I have the most wonderful illustration of Widecombe, which has been scanned and made into a x-stitch pattern but dang-me, nearly every stitch is a different colour - lends a whole new meaning to "counted x-stitch"!! Must get back to it . . .

  8. Here we reached almost 33C today, not our usual fall weather at all. The cushion turned out nicely. Sorry you are feeling low, but getting out and walking sometimes helps a great deal.

    God bless.

    1. Toasty. 11 deg. C here! I'll need a thicker jacket today that's for sure. The walking helps no end. May do a lap around the lake in Llandod today, for a change of scenery.

  9. I admire that you recognized your mood and went right out to get those endorphins going.. I have trouble pushing myself to do what I need to do.

    1. I'm glad I did it too. Walking really helps when you are low or fed up. Like you though, sometimes I have to force myself to do things.

  10. Your blue print fabric rings a clanging bell of memory. I think that very print [from Cranston VIP?] came in a brown colorway, a cranberry shade and a lighter blue.
    I've never tried a 'hexie'--I think the small pieces might drive me a bit mad, but I admire them when finished, and I expect they make for a good 'busy work' project to pick up when not in the mood to sit at the sewing machine.
    Cats who have been hurt don't always cooperate for home treatment, do they--I've used warm salt water compresses to open an abscess, but so often an antibiotic is required. I hope Alfie's visit to the vet is not too traumatic for him, or for you.

    1. It does look very similar. Hexies are nicely mind-numbing - you can work on them on your lap as you watch tv or listen to Audible. They calm me down and it feels good to be achieving something even whilst resting. Plus you can pick them up at will.

      I've been using the warm salt water, and the abscess issmaller and softer this morning, so I am hanging fire on taking him down there. £65 or £70 is a chunk I can ill afford to spend if it is sorting itself out. I will give him another 24 hours and keep treating it and see if we are making more progress.
