

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 17 October 2024

A Bank Vole up the curtain . . .

 One of the two patchwork quilts I bought recently.  Now I have the internet back, I will list them on Ebay.

Not a good way to end an afternoon.  Pippi has worked out that if she lets go of any live rodents in the kitchen, I am able sometimes to rescue them (or else they disappear).  So she's taken to going into the living room or library with them.  If the latter, I stand NO chance of ever finding them again.  I stand a slightly more sporting chance in the living room, but today a suitably desperate Bank Vole made it up inside a curtain.  We managed to shake it down, having opened the French Doors, but it foolishly shot in the opposite direction, and then under the sofa.  It has since been chased up the other curtain . . .  There is currently a stake-out!

I have had a lovely day full of visitors, with my old neighbour Nikki finally making it up here to visit, and Gabby had driven up last night as I was upset, and Tam and Rosie came over today.  They've all gone now, and it's very quiet again.  I shall put the tv on in a moment so I have some background speech and then quickly reheat the other half of the Prawn Curry I made myself last night.  Very tasty it was too.

Whilst Gabby was here (Tam had no free hands because of Rosie), we did a bit more of my challenging jigsaw.  I managed to get a few faces and bits joined up, but I think I'll still be doing it at Christmas!

Yesterday the lovely Dartmoor 2025 calendar I treated myself to arrived (a treat after selling a similarly priced book on Ebay).  The photography is by Tracey Elliot-Reep and absolutely superb.  Each month will bring me great pleasure.

Yesterday it also rained and poured all day long.  I had to go to the Ban in Brecon again, to move across my credit card to NatWest.  I got SOAKED.  Shoes, socks, jacket - and the latter is still a bit damp as I only have the heating on for an hour or so morning and evening.  I was a bit upset over something (not banking related) and so went into WH Smiths and bought myself two magazines - a Christmas patterns Quilting mag, with a free diamonds template, which will be useful.  The other magazine was a Christmas one (haven't bought a Christmas mag for several years now, as I tend to hang on to the old ones).  This was the Your Home Christmas Made Easy, and had some nice veggie options for Christmas and some lovely decor ideas and crafts. Although I didn't spend much on groceries (about £27 in Aldi), I did have to get cat sachets and cat litter, and I got 5 tins of soup for £5 as they are handy for a meal when I haven't been soup making myself. So that doubled the outgoings.  It carried on chucking it down with rain and even though I was coming home at lunchtime, there was already standing water on the roads and the dip by the turn off to a farm half a mile downhill of here, had about 5" of water already.  I tried to put Gabby off coming because I knew the roads would be worse when she set off from Cardiff and she would be driving in the dark, but she is intrepid and came anyway, though she said the road by the Storey Arms was under water and Police were directing traffic.  Apparently the M4 was closed too, at one point (accident I think), and train lines flooded so train cancellations.  It was definitely a Yellow Weather Event day!

I have booked myself an evening out soon, a topic which will be very interesting, and also have a day out planned at Malvern Quilt Festival which is the next 3 days.  My reward I reckon for all the washing up I did at Tam's this week :)

I've been too tired after Malvern to feel much like sewing but did another side on the £15 auction quilt, so half way through now.  I have a little shopping list for the Quilt show, but things I NEED - will have to resist things I would really LIKE!  You will see which prevailed in due course!


  1. It must have been bad if there was flooding at Storey Arms!!
    Stay safe..and as dry as you can!

    1. Well, I think it must have been at a dip in the road NEAR it! Dry today, and having the drains cleared last week seems to have been a good move as the water from the roof got away just fine.

  2. We are away for a few days in Dartmouth, glorious weather today but rain of biblical proportions yesterday. Home tomorrow to resume our packing. We have a confirmed date, Friday 25th, I knew it would come round in a rush. Hope you feel less upset today, take care. Xx

    1. Oh, Keith and I had a lovely few days away in Totnes area (lots of roots there - Stoke Gabriel, Berry Pomeroy, Littlehempton and Totnes areas. I can remember having a lovely trip down the Dart from Totnes to Dartmouth. Blimey - it's all systems go now then! Hope the move goes smoothly and wishing you every happiness in your new home.

  3. The quilt is gorgeous. Sorry to hear you were upset but it’s lovely your girls battled the elements to come over x I drove to see Robbie yesterday and crikey in all my years going up and down I’ve never seen Yeovil flooded in the places it was! There was no way I was going to go via the lanes which is my preferred route, I thought Yeovil would be ok…! It’s been glorious here today but ha guess what tomorrow the sky starts leaking again….. X Danette

    1. Oh it was Upset with a BIG capital U. So good to have the girls here, and wee Rosie, and see my friend again. That was quite some weather - though not as bad as a Yellow Weather warning we had to go out in a few years back and REALLY struggled to make it back home as just about every road between X-Hands and Ynyswen under water or closed.

  4. I'm glad you're having the pleasant distraction of days out. In such places I tend to putter along until my feet and brain give out at about the same moment. Haven't been to the Peddlers' Mall in ages. The nicer stalls had disappeared last time we stopped, nothing much left but grungy stuff that looked like it had been cleared out of a vintage house trailer.
    I'm envying you the Malvern Quilt Show. The hand quilting on that old quilt is lovely. It looks to be pink and cream from the photos; I wonder if originally red and white?

    1. This isn't a gigantic Fair. It's held in the same hall that they do the Antiques Fair in at Malvern. Not like the EU when our Quilting Group went one year. I always like to get some inspiration from other people's work especially now I am very much on my own with the quilting. I do miss my group, but the localish one wasn't for me. A group of unimaginative old dears.

      Not sure if that quilt was ever red and white - think it was pink. I should have asked about it.

  5. Here we are getting cold winds, not rain. That actually makes me happy as I would rather have snow than rain. I hope that the weather improves for you very soon.

    God bless.

    1. My news feed came up with gusty winds at 11 - whether that was am or pm I don't now but it's 3.40 a.m. now and no winds out there.

  6. Sorry you had an upsetting time, though nice your daughters came for a visit. It's been very dry here, wildfire warnings issued. We could use some of your rain. Of course, so much rain is a hazard and flooding can be dangerous as well. I hope you dry out now! That poor shrew! Lovely quilt.

    1. It was something that had been brewing a while . . . Sorry you have it so dry and the wildfire warnings must be scary. You are welcome to any amount of our rain!

  7. It doesn't hurt to treat with magazines from time to time, especially if they can be kept for useful information. Besides, hunkering down might be the order of this weekend so they can be enjoyed as the storm does it's stuff.

  8. The rain/storms that you've had didn't get this far east so we've had some fine days which has been good.
    I'm glad you had help with the upsetting day, it's frightening how days like that can creep up.
    Enjoy the quilt show

  9. I used to love seeing voles near our pond on the farm. I hope this one survived. We are at the beginning of a big storm. Going into town to get groceries and hope it doesn't get too bad while we are out. We have to drive along the coast road so not much protection from the wind. Tomorrow is voting day for us. Fingers crossed we can get out to vote. Early days on your grief path.
