

Jennie's recipes

Thursday, 7 November 2024

I just escaped a trip to A&E . . .

 UPDATE: Sorry, my comments when replying to people caused confusion.  I've decided (this morning) not to do the Fair as it would mean a very early start, and two long days and I don't want to get there and set up and find myself feeling so unwell I need to go home.  The organiser is a good friend, and understanding.  The antibiotics are making me feel sick all the time and I have no appetite. Dry bread is all I'm enjoying right now.  

Yup, yesterday did not turn out as I wanted, as despite drinking lots in the morning, nothing was moving through me. . .  The anti-biotics were clearly not working and I was worsening.  I phoned the Surgery and explained the situation, went down at lunchtime and was told the Duty Dr would phone after 3.  By 3.30 I was down there again and had a long wait to actually see the Dr.  Still nothing working as it should be.  I was finally examined and sent across to the District Nurse (one I know well as she was also the side-kick of the Parkinsons Nurse) to have a bladder scan.  I was told in no uncertain terms if it was over 900ml, then I would have to drive to Hereford and present myself at A&E, something I truly did NOT want to as a) it's 45 miles away and I'd be driving in the dark at a time when I am normally taking myself off to bed; b) I'd have to sit in a packed waiting room all night waiting to be seen and getting more and more uncomfortable  c) the car was only half-packed with Fair stuff and not tightly-packed as it needs to be to travel any distance and I didn't want to leave a car full of quite valuable things in the Hospital car park.  Plus Tam and Rosie had come over straight away, bless them - how that baby loves me - ear to ear grin when she sees me!

Anyway, they couldn't find much fluid in my bladder (where the heck did it all go?) but I was sent home with different antibiotics and a stern "if you haven't p'd by 9 p.m., off to Hereford A&E".  I got fish and chips and curry sauce for our tea, and guess what, Rosie LOVES curry sauce!!  It's so mild it barely justifies the name of curry, but it's great on chips and she was delighted to have some:)

I spent the evening drinking water like it was going out of fashion and managed to avoid having to drive to Hereford, and during the night have been back to normal.  Phew.

Anyway, yesterday I cancelled my stand at the Fair, to give Brita a chance to fill it.  I had paid for my stand of course, so she wouldn't be out of pocket but she didn't have anyone else in the waiting list in case a table became available.  Anyway, later on I got in touch and said rather than set up today, I would rest up and if definitely feeling better, I would go down early on Saturday morning to get everything arranged.  Gabby is going to meet me there and help me through the day.  We will still have our special meal in the evening, to celebrate what would have been Keith's 84th birthday.  

I could certainly have done without being ill when a Fair is in the offing.  I am very glad I started organizing the stock I'd be taking early.  I have Tam here to help me carry the Berber door out as it is quite chunky and whilst I can just manage it on my own, better to have a two woman lift and save my back!

So, for once I have had time to read, and watch tv but would rather be well!  Have a good weekend.


  1. Sometimes ones body takes a rest in the wrong direction! Glad to hear that things are moving now...and have a good day tomorrow x

    1. I cancelled it. Didn't want to have to get up at 5.30, drive 55 miles, set up and then feel too ill to do it . . .

    2. Very wise. There will be other times...and the stuff is ready for when you are

  2. Oh my goodness, you really are having a 'fun' time, hope you get rid of that infection which sounds really nasty and get to the fair with no more problems

  3. Thank goodness you escaped a visit to A and E!!! Hope the infection goes soon and the fair goes well.

    1. I was SO relieved. My BP had been something like 185/90 because I was so worried about going to Hospital.

  4. Oh poor you, I hope you are starting to feel a little better now. It seems as though you have things in hand and are being as sensible as you can be, taking everything slowly and carefully is the best way for sure.

    1. Just feel sick from the antibiotics - which isn't improving matters much! Glad I have cancelled.

  5. Oh dear, you really do seem to meet some tricky situations. Glad it turned out ok.

    1. For some reason I thought it was only men who had urine retention. Obviously women can too!

  6. Thank goodness for your little granddaughter - get well soon x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. She's been an absolute joy today. She SHRIEKS with joy when I come in the room and plays happily as long as I'm there, when Tam has to do other things. When she sees a cat, she shrieks too!

  7. I'm relieved to know the UTI is being banished if only too slowly. What a week! I'm hoping the 'fair' is successful and doesn't over tax your returning strength. Your family dinner in honor of Keith will have its moments of sadness surely, but also a time to share memories of your good man.

  8. you aren't harbouring a kidney stone are you? they have a vicious habit of gumming up the works. hope you can salvage something this weekend after all the effort you've put in. your dress rehearsal for set up is going to pay off.

  9. What a shame to have an infection this weekend but I'm glad that it is getting sorted. Both times I had a uti in tha last few years it was worse by Saturday morning and involved seeing the out of hours doc at Bronglais. At least the doctor last time had the antibiotics there for me rather than having to chase down to Boots and Morrisons. I've now bought myself those strips that test for infection so that I can self test and get to the GP before the infection gets really bad.

    1. Par for the course that any illness always worsens on a weekend! At least I am more comfortable today (albeit feeling sick and have NO appetite - not necessarily a bad thing). I hope this isn't going to be a regular thing as it's quite debilitating.

  10. You poor thing. I hope you feel tons better for Saturday. I think it quite irresponsible of your doctor to suggest you drive on your own, in the dark, to the hospital with a potentially serious medical condition.

    1. I cancelled, as it seemed the sensible thing to do, it not being a local Fair. I too thought it was a bit of an ask to drive to Hereford in the dark, but they said an ambulance could have been many hours arriving . . . as in next day!

  11. Thank goodness you managed to P! UTI’s are not pleasant. We are settling in well and I’m now over the horrendous cold I had for moving day, mostly stress related I think. Got out to sort lawn edges, previous owners had left us a field. But the soil is heavy clay so will need lots of improvement. 🫰all your stock will fly off the table and at a good price too. Hugs Xx

    1. Well done accomplishing broadband so quickly after your move! Sorry about your cold and hope you can shake it off soon. Tam thinks I may have this UTI because of stress.

      Sorry you got left a field - and you were so good keeping your garden tidy at the old house for the incoming people.

      Still have all my stock . . .

  12. I can't tell, reading the comments, if you are doing the Fair or not. Either way, I wish you all the best. [One thing I always mention to friends/ family planning to move to retire is to be sure to note where the hospital is. My parents were quite far and my dad died in the ambulance on the long drive. Not that my parents ever listened to me, nor will anyone else, I suppose...].
    How wonderful that Rosie is such a joy and your daughters pitch in and help so readily.


    1. I did an Update, to say I have cancelled, and this morning am glad that I did as I still feel rough, and sick from the antibiotics. Wales is not terribly well-endowed with big Hospitals, and so it would limit where you live quite a bit if you wanted to be near one.

      The family have been wonderful, as ever. Rosie is an absolute joy.

  13. Oh J so sorry to hear you are unwell still x you just have been so dehydrated if you were drinking and it wasn’t coming out! N attended a literary festival talk this evening by Liam Fox called The Coming Storm - all about water - one thing he said was after the age of 50 humans ability to gauge if they are thirsty quickly drops off- reason why UTI are so common in older people. Keep a jug of water on the side and aim to work your way through it during the day- I find as long as I stop it going in by 18.00 I’m not up in the night ! Oh blast not having a bladder of a young un I say lol! Our bathroom is down stairs as the upstairs one means going down one staircase and crossing the house to go up the other one at that end so either way it’s a PITA. I’ve made it perfectly clear that next house has both upstairs and downstairs but that the upstairs is near our bedroom!
    Rest up , drink lots and i hope the latest tablets help ease it xx Danette

    1. I had been drinking and drinking the previous day but p'd a lot overnight. I think it was to do with the infection. Fortunately our bathroom here is just a room's depth up the hall but we don't have a downstairs one. Still feeling sick. . .

  14. You've sure had a terrible time with this infection! I hope these new antibiotics work. Sorry about needing to cancel the fair, but it's the right decision. Take care of yourself.

    1. I can't say if they are working yet but I am p'g and that's what counts! I am glad to be at home today - couldn't have done the Fair feeling like this.

  15. I am so glad that you managed to keep away from the A&E and are feeling so much better.

    God bless.

    1. Gosh yes, Hospital is my nightmare scenario. HATE it!

  16. Hope you are feeling a sense of relief this morning, you’ve made a wise decision. Feel better soon BB and wishing you all a lovely evening tonight remembering. Sarah x

    1. I did Sarah. Just about to sit and read the paper, do the puzzles etc. Sorry I've not replied to your lovely comments recently - had a couple of busy days where everything went to the wall. Ah well, at least all my new stock is researched and priced up for my next Fair (not till May).

  17. It was the wise thing to cancel. Sometimes it is best to stay close to home and dandle a grandbaby. I love that she shrieks when she sees you. My granddaughters are so excited to see me. It tickles me to pieces to hear the oldest come off the school bus with her arms out flung calling "GRANDMA!!!" Even the baby ( she's two) has gotten in on the game. She will run at me with open arms yelling 'gaabbbbaaaaaaa'. Close enough for me!
