

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

I think these antibiotics have FARTichokes in them!

 The title, by the way, is what these blardy antibiotics do to me.  Just as well I live alone as heck, shall we just say you can hear where I am in the house!  However, I AM feeling better so mustn't complain.

My little helper Pipsqueak!!  Quilt border now restitched (hand quilting), quilt washed, ironed and priced ready for the next Fair, which is actually MUCH sooner than imagined as I have been offered a double stall at a Pre-Christmas Fair in December.  Yippee.  All my old friends there too (I was going to write "our" friends . . .) Below, this is it before I started work on it - on my king size bed, so a very generous double (80"x 84").

I am feeling better today, and have some energy- that's what eating a proper meal does for you.  I had a Tesco Chicken and Black Bean offering last night (with Egg Fried Rice - egg apparently an optional extra as not obviously IN the rice) but hey-ho, it was tasty and I ate the lot AND an ice cream cone for dessert, so that is real progress.  Having food in my tummy got rid of the nausea too.

I have had a leisurely start to the day, finished the JD Kirk novel, Blood and Treachery, which is a murder mystery set in Scotland (one of a series with DCI Jack Logan as the main protagonist) - sent to me by my friend Gay, and very enjoyable.

I have done SOME work - deep cleaned the bathroom, vacuumed upstairs, moved some of Tam's "bags of stuff" into her old bedroom (and out of my sewing room) and put the quilt in the top photo into a storage bag with its details and price tag, ready for the Fair.  I will be taking four quilts.  I have washed up and hung up yesterday's washing, which I forgot to do yesterday.  I have sorted out some of "I" 's non perishable toys (plastic farm yards etc) which can then go out into the Summer House for the winter.  There are about 6 or 7 boxes of her toys around the house and I don't need this additional clutter  - not to mention her dismantled single bed and mattress, small chest of drawers, 3 drawer storage box, BIG chest of drawers in the kitchen etc, and that's before we get to all Tam's stuff!

I have also been researching a WWI German Luftwaffe photo album, which also has the pilot's small wearable medal display strip attached to it.  Keith got it in a deal, pre-Covid, for an old musket he had.  I thought he'd been ripped off at the time, but research shows I was wrong and it is actually quite collectable and worth more than the price he had on the musket.  He usually got it right! 

Off to watch (as it's daylight!) a couple more episodes of The Burning Girls and do some hand stitching - attaching hexi's to that unfinished quilt.


  1. This is an encouraging update. I checked earlier and was concerned to find you hadn't [yet] posted. Do you suppose the black beans contributed to your 'explosions?' Taking antibiotics becomes such an unhappy circle--needed for infection but totally destroying one's gut.
    I've taken out a quilting project begun during the covid shutdown--intended as a 'quilt-as-you-go' experiment to use only supplies on hand. Not very pleased with it but it needs to be done and out of the way. Needless to say, I have considerable feline assistance.
    I'm glad you are extending the life of those vintage quilts with your careful work.

    1. No, probably didn't help, but this started the moment I had this last change of antibiotics. Mending now anyway, and I think the middle dose of antibiotics didn't suit me at all. I have yoghurt in the fridge and will have some in a little while with some fresh raspberries I bought.

      I too have been quilting whilst watching The Burning Girls, which was excellent and an ending you would not imagine (well, I didn't anyway!) Of course, Pippi "helped" by keeping the quilt warm and slowing my sewing progress :)

  2. It sounds like you have been VERY busy, amazing what some food in the tummy can do to help you start feeling more like yourself isn't it. You're just like me, watching the scary things earlier on and then something more calming before bed. Last night I watched GBBO just before bed, Alison's topple off the workbench had me in stitches.

    1. Haven't watched Bakeoff for years. This series wasn't TOO terrifying, just mildly scarey, but after dark . . . your nerves play on you! I often watch archaeology at bedtime - at least any dead bodies there have been dead a few centuries!

      I haven't been that busy. Just pushed the vacuum up and down a bit and scrubbed the bath, loo and sink. Not nearly enough steps have been done.

  3. What good news this is, Jennie!!! So glad to see you perking up. Those quilts are things of beauty. Can I ask a question? What do things like that run, pricewise, where you are? Here, handmade quilts would go for hundreds of dollars. Literally.

    1. Yes, on the mend now. Thedouble quilt I restitched the border on, I have priced at £75, as the lady who made it pieced it nicely but had a bit of a failure with the hand-quilting. GOOD hand-made Welsh quilts make hundreds. The two single quilts with edges I will offer at £48 each. My research shows I can get £38 - £40 on Ebay. I have a hand-sewn Laura Ashley 1980s fabrics (royal blue and white) Hexi quilt which I used myself for a while and then offered for sale at gradually lowering prices (starting at £75). Gave up when I got to £50. It's a difficult colour to match in a house.

  4. thank goodness you are feeling better! As for your explosions, thank goodness that's all they are as a friend recently had much worse side effects!

    1. Yup - I only had to test my running skills once, I'm relieved to say!

  5. Glad you are bouncing back , I’m adamant that one feels better when one’s surroundings are in order/clean etc even just the satisfied feeling of getting a room spick and span is a boost x I’d love to see photos of the German album J. Danette x

    1. Feeling almost normal now, which is a great improvement. I couldn't even bring myself to sew this past week. One tidy room, others need improvement yet . . .

      I will email you some of the photos. Tam's Jon (who was a militaria specialist working for a company specializing in militaria sales) reckons it is worth about 4 times what I thought!

  6. Glad you are starting to feel better. The quilt is my colours. I am on drugs that cause me the same issues, I now drink a glass of Kefir every day which is helping.

    1. When that quilt was first marketed, HOW I would have loved to have bought it, but we were having to be careful with our money then. Ah well, I got it in the end and even got to sew it a bit too. I can't drink fermented milk - turns me inside out.

  7. Glad you are feeling perkier. The quilts are beautiful. It is always so satisfying to mend something, especially when it's something beautiful. The album sounds like a real find. I collect trench art (yeah, not very girly, I know!) and my husband collects embroidered silk postcards, so I have seen card albums from the time, but I can't remember ever seeing a photograph album, let alone a German one. I think Keith has left you a little treasure there :)

    1. Yes, much. I love to restore textiles - Keith was the same with antiques, as he was so good with wood. The album was a VERY good deal - no flies on Keith! I knew nothing about it so thought he's been ripped off, but it would appear NOT! Thank you my darling man. I will put a couple of photos up.

  8. Replies
    1. Yup. Will do Miss. Have to say, the D-Mannose seemed to help.

  9. The quilts are lovely. One thought occurred to me, did your doctor or your pharmacist (or do you call them your chemist?) tell you if you can have dairy while taking them? I’ve learned some antibiotics don’t work as well when you eat dairy That could be causing gas.

  10. I've read the printed notes with the antibiotics and it doesn't mention avoid dairy. Not that I had been eating dairy anyway (it was the dry bread and cucumber regime!!) - just a splash of milk in a cup of tea twice a day. Soon be off them anyway.

  11. So glad to hear you are feeling better - hope the side effects soon go. And it's good you have a fair planned

    1. It's cheered me up - though not the early start - down and round the Sugarloaf on possibly frosty roads in the pitch black . . . Ah well, slow and steady will get me there.

  12. I saw a colourful “1930s” quilt doing a grand job of dressing a unit in the Petworth antiques centre on sale for £395. I wondered about the pricing but know Toast charge a similar amount for their new handmade quilts. I like yours though and it’s a good size - must have filled your washing machine drum. Good to hear you are on the mend. Luckily we love Kefir and all that jazz as part of our hifi diet - anything to avoid the orange sachets of Laxido! Lord knows what those additives do to one’s insides! The West Sussex Carers Support Zoom session I took part in yesterday was worthwhile. It’s a new initiative fully funded by the National Lottery (no council money for supporting carers at home) and I was especially impressed that the two very down to earth women leading the session are Carers themselves. I picked up a few tips and tricks and think I will sign up for the six week course which I could attend in person or on line. It’s free and will be an interesting mini-project to help me through the dark days. After that S and I walked to the little shepherds church down our lane to sit and watch the sunset and moonrise. The moon is almost full and so bright I kept thinking the outside lights were on. Tea and toasted teacake in front of the fire and brown rice and homemade chunky veg and beany sauce for supper. And while I was swimming S cleared the leaves from the driveway stones, cleaned and sharpened my Felco secateurs and did a pile of shredding for the kitchen waste compost bin. I set him up with the equipment and tools and got him going before I left and he did an excellent job. No bumps in the night and we both slept well. It must be hard to put a price on Nazi war memorabilia. I can believe they sell well because of the interest old books on the same subject generate but definitely not for me. Good to hear there is a pre-Christmas fair for you to stand at. Wouldn’t Christmas be wonderful this year if everyone gave secondhand presents. There are enough books, clothes, toys, jewellery and decorative objects already in circulation for that to happen. Old and used is fashionable and the youngsters I know are deliberately choosing it. Sarah x

    1. I would never get anything like that for this one as the quilting which isn't mine is not very well executed. Just checked out a Toast quilt - not surprised at the price, but then that's a brand new well-known trendy store.

      I'm sort of mending but bladder cross with me again today (not drunk enough water probably). I never thought of Kefir for Keith and he really needed laxitives and had Laxido (and quantities of Liquorice too). I'm glad that the Zoom class was worthwhile and I am sure the longer course will be beneficial too.

      I noticed the bright moon here tonight too - can see it rising when I am sat at my computer, looking through the old Georgian door which is permanently locked now.

      Glad that S has been keeping busy. I'm not surprised you sleep well at night. I need to have a cat-free night tonight as Alfie has been getting me up 3.30ish again and I find it hard to sleep after that. My back is sore at the moment as I have been sleeping awkwardly and I haven't been out and about as I normally am to keep the muscles toned up. I am going to have a walk tomorrow after I've got some flowers for my horsey friend who had her old horse pts last week, and also her oldest Whippet.

      The album will probably have to go to auction I think - it is sounding price-wise a bit rich for my little stall (I can't fit much of Keith's old stock on my stall unless I am doing Builth.

      I have got some 2nd hand gifts for family for Christmas - including a beautiful crocheted hexagon throw for Tam.

  13. Hello! I have been a follower for years but don't comment. This morning I noticed and sent to my militaria collector son, the info on the German album. He said the guy had won the Iron Cross, 2nd class, in both WW1 and WW2. So, you should have a pretty valuable item. Best wishes, Julia in Texas.

    1. Hi Julia, and thank you for commenting. Tam's boyfriend said it was valuable too (some very interesting photos in it). I don't believe Keith knew quite how valuable but he knew a good deal when he saw it! I think he had originally paid under £100 for the musket he swopped for this too! Thank your son for his comments.
