

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday, 5 November 2024

Laid up with a UTI

 Just what I didn't need - although the timing could have been a lot worse, had it happened next weekend.  Started feeling rough yesterday, had a very bad night and managed to get a GP appt. 9.30 this morning, thank heavens.  I've been put on MacroBID - Nitrofurantoin - which has some scary side effects.  I always read the sheet that comes with medications, and just as well I did with this one as it comes with contra-indications that it can affect breathing, so I spoke to the pharmacist before taking the first one.  It makes you drowsy too, so I have been zzzzzzzzing on the sofa, with Kate at the Last Homely House on to keep me company.  I am very glad that I have made good progress with prepping everything for the Fair, and now even have two of the big burgundy sheets I use to cover the tables at the Fair, washed and drying.

Danette - photos of the pretty patchwork tea cosy for you.  Brain too addled to start working out how I add them to a WhatsApp message!

Here is the Berber (Moroccan) door, which I gave a little tlc yesterday

I just love the designs on it - especially the compass drawn one which turns up in British folk designs too, and early furniture.  I read somewhere that these were the locked doors for jewellery and things which needed to be kept safe.  

You can't see the copper colour properly but this was black when it came home.  It is a coffee dallah with wonderful Indo Persian designs chased into it.

A not very sharp photo of the Chinese dragons - these would have been hung in homes I believe.  Hope someone will fall in love with some of these goodies anyway.  

Back to the sofa now.


  1. You have some unusual pieces, they should get the folks looking at your stall at the fair. I hope you are soon feeling better. xx

    1. I've got more run of the mill stuff too of course, but it's good to have a couple of star pieces to draw people in. Not better yet, so hope a-b's soon kick in.

  2. Hope you feel better very soon. and have a complete sell out!

    1. Haha - that will never happen. I have Gabby helping me on the Saturday though, so that is a positive.

  3. Sorry about the UTI, they are the bane of my life, but not so lucky as you to get to see a Dr but am managing with a private prescription... hate the surgery here!

    1. We are in a small town 2,500 people, so the fight for appointments not as bad as in bigger towns and cities, and emergency appts can be had, same day.

  4. UTIs are the pits. hope it clears soonest with no nasty contraindications to the meds.

    1. Agreed. Not enjoying this one. My fault for never drinking enough water. No obvious side effects from the meds - Tam was on them for months, and had to come off them because they DID cause the Peripheral Neuropathy they said was a side effect.

  5. Hope you feel better soon..I take a daily maintenance dose of DMannose..and keep up the fluids against UTIs...having had so many since April...and three a day if one does kick in to back up the antibiotics.

  6. I've not heard of DMannose but may investigate as I don't want to feel like this again if I can help it.

    1. DMannose is good. I take it frequently when I feel like I may be coming down with a UTI.

  7. Hope you knock this thing on the head soon!

  8. Ay yi yi. Hope the antibiotics kick in. Of course this is going to happen when you have so much you are trying to get done. We call it Murphy's law here. I believe you call it Sod's law.

    1. Yup, Sod's Law just about sums it up Debby. Feeling a tad better in myself today but bladder not quite in total agreement yet.
