

Jennie's recipes

Friday, 27 December 2024



Enough detail in the photos to give you an idea of Tam's present for Jon.  We all think it turned out well and I - who am hopeless at designing things - am impressed.  

Gabby came down with a heavy cold today (hope it wasn't my bugs, though I just had a bit of a cold) and has gone home to rest up over the weekend.  Danny was here today, but just for a few hours.  It was lovely to see him though.

We haven't done much - I made a beef curry for our evening meal which went down well.  We managed to find the channel where Britannia was showing as I really wanted to watch that again, so have been doing so off and on all day.  The place is still an absolute mess with so many little gifts waiting to be packed away and to go back to T&J's.  Rosie had lots of things, bless her, but the bigger toys will stay here as Tam and Jon don't have the room.  

Some of my super books.  The Rustic Table is from the Youtube channel I've been watching, from Azerbaijan; The Welsh Marches walks was from Tam and I'm looking forward to exploring.  Church Going is a wonderful book, an unexpected gift from D in Dorset, and has some photos and write ups of churches I already know and love which makes it extra special.  

Rosie with her big present from me which was a special wooden activity centre - that will be staying here.

Tam's just trying to get her to sleep but she was late going up and is over-tired, and also cutting another bottom tooth.  She has a bad dribble rash, bless her and has been fretting on and off all day. They are off home tomorrow and so it's going to seem very quiet here without everyone but I will be able to get back into a routine again.  Gabby has set up Netflix for me as an additional Christmas gift and will pay for it monthly, bless her.  

I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas.  I will answer personals tomorrow.  


  1. I think you'll enjoy having Netflix, there are so many films and series on there that can be binged watched or just dipped into as and when.

    1. I used to have it through Danny's account, but they've clamped down on that now, so Gabby treated me. Lots of things to watch although Youtube has been my no. 1 go to!

  2. Netflix was a thoughtful gift for long winter evenings. I think you will enjoy it.

    1. Yes, I soon get fed up with my own company. TV is an essential companion in the winter months.

  3. I have considered getting Netflix. I just wish I could find out more about it beforehand as to what exactly the programmes are. I have Prime but I hardly ever use it. My bank has an offer on if I pay to upgrade my account, I can have free Disney. again. I wish I could find out more about what programmes are on it. Apparently it has the entire back catalogue of Disney films, but I'm not altogether sure that that's what I'd be looking for. Let us know how you get on with Netflix. The regular Freeview channels, most of them are hardly worth watching. It's annoying that we have to pay the bbc licence fee just to get access to television in general, then most of what is offered is repeats so we are expected to pay for additional stuff on top of it. I wouldn't object to paying for the additional accounts, if we didn't have to pay for the licence fee, Whoops, I think I just got up on my soapbox. I shall step down gracefully now.

    1. I think you can cancel any time. HERE is the Netflix page which gives you a general idea of what you can see, although of course, the lists are much much bigger and more diverse.

      Disney isn't just Disney type (Snow White!!) films, but all sorts of films, documentaries, wildlife programmes, and this Radio Times link gives you explorable ideas:

      Prime also has lots to offer. I get mine as part of my Prime delivery service, so it's a good investment.

      All can be cancelled after the first month so worth trying? When you can't get out and about, tv becomes a lifeline to the outside world and just losing yourself in a film or programme.

      I am annoyed as I pay for my tv licence, but can't watch anything live because I need to have a rooftop aerial installed . . .

  4. I love the little tableau, is there embroidery as well as calligraphy? Peter gave me a book of modern calligraphy which has marked pages on which to practise the letters. I saw it in the library in Mach and encouraged him to take a photo (he prefers strong present hints). We have Netflix which we dip into from time to time. I've found it handy when I've been unable to sleep and need something light to watch for a couple of hours.

    1. No embroidery, printed paper only. I would be hopeless at Calligraphy - too much precision for one not really interested. Glad you enjoy it though. I used to buy my presents from Keith, and he would put money in my account! I always got what I wanted then.

      Netflix has Keith's algorithm still, so I am having to rewrite it. . . sadly.

  5. We watch live TV through our satellite dish, conveniently positioned out of view, although Netflix and iplayer are delivered through our excellent wifi so I would love to get rid of the dish. We watch very little on Netflix nowadays which I believe has ‘peaked’ but iplayer is brilliant for quality TV dramas from the glory days of the BBC. So for instance we’re currently immersed inBleak House from 2005 - and I see David Copperfield is being repeated tonight on BBC2 so that will be on iplayer too. Alchemy reminds me of the bottle of clear nail varnish I gave my teenage daughter for Christmas which had flecks of gold leaf in it! Also one of the gardens at Chelsea next year will be a British rainforest garden majoring on mosses and lichens. Hope you are enjoying the peace and quiet. I took myself out alone to the library and birdy place this afternoon leaving S at home in the warm. I brought home some great books including a quilting book and one of Latvian mitten knitting and we’re having a homemade chilli from the village shop for dinner tonight. I lit the fire at 4pm and I’m currently on the sofa with a glass of wine, today’s Guardian and an anarchic episode of front row on the radio in the background. One I the guests has a new series coming soon on Netflix - a crime drama set in the north west I think - sounds good. Sarah x

    1. I gave up my Sky subscription after Keith died, until I knew what was happening money wise, and find I do very well without it apart from NOT being able to get live tv! Mosses and litchens are interesting - there are some VERY very rare ones at Dinefwr Park. Ours were picked down in the "Romantic Dingle"!! I think your Library has a far better selection of books on hand than the small one in Builth, but I can order in from other branches. I've just checked out Latvian Mittens and I have to say with your love of Fair Isle, they are right up your street!

  6. It loos as if you had a lot going on over Christmas, but a good time !! We have relatives here for a month from Russia. Talk about culture shock and the weather here in So Cal much different.

    1. Gosh. What do they think of the States then?

      Yes, a very busy week - it will seem very quiet this afternoon, after Tam and Rosie have headed back. They stayed an extra day.

    2. Marlane here well so far they are loving it.
