

Jennie's recipes

Monday, 23 December 2024

The cost of Christmas

 We are sharing the cost of Christmas food and drink amongst the family, and all told there will be 5 people to feed, spread over the Christmas period.  Even so, my contribution was 3 figures.  That is mainly because of extra cat food (a fortnight's), several bottles of wine, a joint of beef from the butchers' for Christmas Day, and a kilo of Venison (butchers too) for the Anthony Worrall Thompson venison casserole on Boxing Day.  There is extra fruit, lots of veg (though that is pennies right now), double cream/good dark chocolate/raspberries for the roulade, a tub of Quality  Street etc.  I shan't need to go shopping until the New Year though.  I went into Llandod today for the veg and more fruit, and even though I was in Aldi by 8.30 it was still busy, and left Tesco by 9.30.  5 mins later people were queuing up for the Tesco car park!  

Tam has just messaged to say that Aberystwyth is totally gridlocked and she has been sat in a queue to leave the Tesco car park for 20 minutes now. . .  Madness!  

I wasn't going fast around Tesco (only needed 4 things) and happened to notice that turkeys are expensive beyond belief.  I was looking at Organic Bronze Free Range turkeys - the smaller ones were around £75 each and the giant ones - well, one was £117!!!  You'd need a blardy big oven to cook that in!   However, if you are vegetarian you can eat for peanuts as in Aldi they had a bank of veg all at 8p a hit.  I bought a red cabbage and a head of broccoli (Gabby's bringing the veg, cheese board, nibbles, Lemon tarts for Boxing Day, and more wine).  You could have parsnips, a bag of sprouts, a bag of carrots, etc - all 8p a time.  I feel sorry for the farmers, who obviously take this seasonal hit in their pockets.

I've done my round of friends and neighbours with home-made Christmas gifts - cushions and jam for my two local friends, and a Spicy Dorset Apple Cake and two jars of jam for the farmers up the hill.  I walked up the hill to them - every time I do that I forget QUITE how steep it is and how many times I have to stop to catch my breath!  Their mum was so pleased to see me, as she doesn't get much company, an she said to come up any time, so I will try and go up for a chat more often.

Last night I finished the embroidered present:

A close-up - I did a lot of it in the tiniest chain stitch.

Those French knots got a bit tedious towards the end, as there are lots of them in the pre-printed design.  Anyway, it is a useful gift.  It took me probably 35 + hours of sewing.  Love (and Outlander!) sewn into every stitch.

Tonight I shall start on the Felt Mistletoe and will need some of the craft wire which Tam bought to make Jon's present.  She has made an absolutely AMAZING gift for Jon, which is called "Alchemy".  It's inside a glass dome and is dried moss, tiny fern sprigs, tiny twigs, tiny Alder cones, dabbled with gold leaf, and a wee green glass bottle with Iron Pyrites in it, and a printed and scrumbled Alchemists' "recipe".  It looks amazing.  I did take a photo of it but it hasn't downloaded from my camera.  It's wrapped now so I will share it once Jon's received it.

Well, this won't do.  I know everyone will be busy with family and food over the Christmas period, so I will wish you all a special Christmas now.  


  1. The cost of living is quite frightening these days isn’t it BB. Wishing you the very merriest of christmases m’dear

    1. It is indeed. I was buying Rapeseed oil and since Covid it has nearly doubled in price - used to be £1.09 now it's £1.99. Prices never drop apart from the vegetable wars Christmas week.

  2. Well, were I on my own, it would be a very low key Christmas meal - a nice chicken or probably piece of lamb, lots of (cheap!) veg and some ice cream. Merry Christmas.

  3. I scored some reduced veggies in Ayr central Coop on Friday night..
    Us veggies haven't been doing to badly of late...nuts are down in price in Lidl ( probably will be in Aldi as well) and eggs and cheese there have stayed reasonable

    1. I didn't know you were veggie. Think what you save not having meat at Christmas! I forked out £20 for our beef joint and £17 I think it was for venison at the butcher. January will have to be a VERY frugal month as so many bills due around Christmas.

  4. Wishing you and your family a very Happy Christmas and New Year. Hugs Xx

    1. Thank you Gill. Have a lovely Christmas in your new home.

  5. And a peaceful and relaxed Christmas to you BB. Just the two of us for a shoulder of hogget (£12.50 direct from the farmer) on Christmas Day evening and I spent £32 on veg, fruit, walnuts in their shell, eggs and raw milk in the farm shop this morning. I go there most Mondays straight after yoga [a real bonus to still be doing yoga on the 23rd and 30th) and this morning it was bedlam so I filled a handheld shopping basket as usual and got out in double quick time. Lots of lovely locally grown veg and fruit to see us through the week. Tonight I made walnut and watercress (with Comte cheese, rapeseed oil and salt) pesto which we ate with penne and earlier I made a big pan of celeriac, leek, carrot and apple soup for lunches. We won’t starve! I’m looking forward to seeing the WM quilt come together - the fabrics are beautiful. Sarah x

    1. Direct from the farmer saves a goodly bit by the sound of it. Enjoy. I miss the local Hogget we used to have. I think Bedlam seems to describe everywhere in the run up to Christmas, those last few days, I think your Christmas food will be very tasty (Keith would only eat tinned Chicken soup). The pesto sound good - will suggest that to Tam and Gabby.

      I would love to just sit down and make a start on the WM quilt, but will have to wait until everyone's gone back home.

  6. How clever is that needlework- I envy your skill

    1. Thank you anon. There is me looking at it and thinking those pesky little hearts were badly drawn and I haven't quite got my backstitch completely lined up by the stem.

  7. Merry Christmas Jennie. It sounds like a Merry Christmas in store for you and yours.

    1. Thank you Debby. We will miss Keith this first year without him, but try and remember the happy times. Enjoy your Christmas.

  8. Merry Christmas to you and family! Your embroidery is gorgeous.

    1. Thank you Celie. Merry Christmas to you too.

  9. The food and festivities sound delightful. How wonderful to celebrate with your girls and families.

    The turkey prices are astounding. More than a prime rib roast beef, always top dollar when I used to do a traditional meal.

    Your embroidery is beautiful. And I don t think my comment came thru but I love your Wm Morris quilt project, not at all what I imagined. Lovely.

    Merry Christmas!

    lizzy gone to t he beach....

    1. It will just be us girls here Christmas Day. I hate greed and those turkey prices show greed. I recall someone on a "Green" forum boasting that they had aid over £100 for a free range bronze turkey and I'm afraid my thoughts were more money than sense! The WM quilt seems daunting until it's started and then hopefully I will find it falls into place - I will have Alex at the Quilting group for backup.

      Enjoy your Christmas.

  10. The needlework is beautiful. Wishing you and your family a Happy, Peaceful and Relaxed Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.

    1. Thank you RR. I hope you will have an enjoyable Christmas with your family.

  11. I don't think the farmers take a hit at all, the price of veg is termed a loss leader and is there to lure you in store to purchase all the other things, including a £117 turkey. If they did we'd soon hear about it.
    Wishing you a peaceful and restful Christmas! Nadolig Llawen i chi gyd.

    1. I hope you're right. Aldi was certainly the cheapest (15p by comparison in Tesco).

      I am being spoilt as the girls are cooking the Christmas meal whilst Gram babysits!

      Nadolig Llawen i chi gyd to you too.

  12. Wishing you and your family a lovely Christmas & a happier New Year. There will be lots of sad moments as there will be for me but hopefully lots of joyful memories too.
    Wendy (Wales)

    1. Thank you Wendy. Yes, hopefully we won't get too down in the dumps over the past year's memories. We will miss Keith though.

  13. It sounds like you have all been busy making lovely Christmas gifts, and delivering them. I was in Sainsbury's at ten past seven this morning picking up the very basics that Alan had forgotten, how could he forget milk, bread and chicken for the animals and yet remember a pork joint, a roulade and various other creamy mountains of loveliness. But it was lovely and quiet in both the car park and the store. Shopping in the morning when it's still dark outside is a new experience for me for sure but I was not going to brave the shops any later.

    I hope you all have a lovely Christmas together, family is what it is all about. xx

    1. I'm looking forward to seeing what Tam says about the embroidered bag (it's intended for her craft work, so she doesn't keep losing it!)

      It sounds like Alan didn't make a list - or if he did, it got left on the kitchen table which is what I frequently do with mine! I hope the sweet goodies don't make his Diabetes worse. I am a morning person so it would suit me just find to be at the supermarket as it opened. Especially this time of year.

      Enjoy your Christmas.

  14. Merry Christmas. Sounds like you will be wrapped around in love. I considered roast beef for Christmas dinner but we are going with duck which I haven't cooked in years.

    1. We never have beef, so it will be a change. Enjoy your goose. I am looking forward to Crab Pate for breakfast.

  15. Wishing you and your family a wonder-filled Christmas!

    1. Thank you Damselfly. I would just vote for NOT having a cold hit me on Christmas Day!!

  16. I am really interested in the "Alchemy" that Tam made for Jon. Looked for it but can't find anything similar. Any help? Thanks, Julia in Texas

    1. It was her own design. When you see the photos, it will give you an idea of how to create it yourself. Tam did say it would sell really well if she put it on Etsy!!

  17. Have a lovely day tomorrow Jennie, as much as you can first Christmas, and good that you will have your family there with you. Rachel x

    1. I think I will be living on soup and Panadol. 6 a.m. now so I should go back to bed! Enjoy your Christmas. You can please yourself what and when you eat, which is always a bonus.

  18. Just popped over from gz's blog to say hello. Sounds like you are in Wales? I loved the word blardy--a new one for me! Turkey here in the States was 77 cents a pound last week. I wonder why it is so much more in the UK? We are fortunate to be able to hunt our own venison, but beef is too pricey for our budget. Have a lively Boxing Day!

    1. A free range Bronze turkey is £8 a kilo!! Good roasting beef is double that.

      "Blardy" comes from my great friend D on here. Instead of the swearword blo*dy. Prices shot up during Covid and "because of the Ukrainian War" and have never come down again. I think that the Bronze turkeys have always been dearer because they are free range and organic and tastier - and NICHE!!

      Unfortunately, although my nose is no longer streaming, and I really enjoyed Gabby's lovely cheese and charcuterie lunch, I ended up in bed and slept for an hour and a half and now have no appetite for the special Venison Casserole I set to cook this morning . . . Dry bread I think it will be.
