

Jennie's recipes

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Candlenight. . .

A photo of Lulu for a change

. . . Is the name of the book I'm taking to read on holiday.  One of Phil Rickman's.  I'm looking forward to revisiting it.

Anyway, I have repacked and will probably do so again tomorrow, as I am finding it hard to strike the right balance.  Anyway, only one skirt is going (a deep pink linen one) and I may see if I have a pair of tights lurking at the back of the knicker drawer, to keep my undercarriage warm.  I saved myself a trip into Brecon as I found a small back-pack in the camping cupboard, which will double as hand luggage (all carefully measured). I've put medications, heavy trainers, novel, camera etc in there.  

I have been for a walk in the rain, and written some more Family History details down on my dad's quarter of the big Family History chart, until my eyes got tired. 

I've made a phone call to the Land Registry, as I had a communication from them that needed dealing with before I went on holiday.  Form all filled in now and ready to post.  Not as bad as it first appeared.

On tv, I've just discovered an old crime drama called Unforgotten, which is keeping me quiet in the evenings.  There are 6 Series of it.

Anyway, it IS warmer now - wonderful to get a Southerly wind instead of a pure Easterly one.  I will at least be a week nearer spring (and in MARCH) when I come back from holiday.  That is a positive.  This has seemed such a long winter.


  1. I enjoyed Unforgotten. Hope you do too.
    Packing and repacking ... been there, many times!

  2. Here in USA I subscribe to "Britbox" which provides us with British tv series. I loved "Unforgotten". So far I have enjoyed about 15 different mysteries/dramas, the last of which was "The Commander" about a woman who is the commander of a major city police force.

  3. Loved Unforgotten and really wish they would make more episodes. Lulu is so pretty.

    God bless.

  4. As the holiday draws near life is getting exciting.

  5. I absolutely LOVE Unforgotten. The latest season is currently on tv, but I'm recording them all so that I can binge watch over a weekend. I might even go right back to the beginning so that I can bring myself up to date.
