

Jennie's recipes

Monday 21 June 2010

D Day . . .

. . . or rather V Day, as in Valuations. We have two agents coming today, so then we will be able to decide who gets sole agency . . . Pray that the first person who comes along to view is totally smitten and offers full whack!

I have some housework to do this morning (ongoing, as is the gardening). Yesterday was a busy day - think scrubbing floors (yet again), moving stuff out of sight, decobwebbing etc. I went over the sitting room with a fine-tooth comb, and still forgot the bit behind the tv (as OH was watching the racing). I've moved stuff round in there and by putting my little side-table in a corner, have been able to move the sofa down and make more room. I can't sew, and my cup of tea has to go on the floor, but the room looks less cramped. It looked like a Victorian parlour before. OH still has to sort through his "filing system" which is spilling out of its corner and he hasn't helped my cause by putting a whopping coffee table in the bay window and covering it with books to read, and bits of paper . . .

The roses are looking good. My Albertine climber over the bay has come into bloom now, Roserie de l'Hay (which starts end of May) is having a little rest now with fewer flowers, but New Dawn, a cream climber, a French-named pink rambler, Graham Thomas and Cardinal de Richelieu are in full bloom now, and The Garland (rambler) soon will be. There are buds on my lovely stripey gallica rose, Rosa mundi, which was one of the first roses I planted here, and through one of the apple trees, I have the pink cup-like flowers of Constance Spry reaching for the sky!

As you can see, the attic is looking good. Pale wishy-washy colours don't work in this house - we chose bold instead - though much of the house is yellow, to combat those grey rainy days.

We found another couple of houses in Devon worth viewing so hope to head Westwards again soon.


  1. I really like the bold colors and I especially like the bedroom. It's very stylish.

  2. Lovely vibrant colours - hope all goes well and the valuation is satisfactory - to you I mean of course. The roses sound gorgeous, mie are only just starting, the Scotch Burnet rose and Comte de Chambord are the only ones in flower so far but the others are looking promisig, I've nothing in the same class as yours though, that Paul's Himalayan Musk is just stunning.

  3. I love those colours , good luck with the valuations x

  4. I send you, dear girl, my most heartfelt wishes that the valuation and process of selling should go well. It is a MOST wearying enterprise: the need to be ship-shape for suddenly scheduled viewings, the vast amount of paperwork, the thought of packing. All terribly disrupting, even when the results are finally what one wished.
    Goodness--I'm encouraging, eh?
    J. has decided to bring the remaining contents of the moving trailer into the unfinished basement space--hence my gloomy outlook--a sense that moving is never quite over.
    I do think you've had wonderful taste in suiting colors and decorating to your vintage cottage--its a shame when places are modernized all out of time and character.
    Roserie de l'Hay is one of my favorites--I want one here, but couldn't find one available at the on-line nurseries. If I put in my order early in the winter I can perhaps have one reserved.

  5. Your house loves wonderful. I would buy it in a flash. I hope the valuations go well. I'm sure someone will snap it up. Good Luck. Jane xx.

  6. Thanks everyone for your kind remarks. The first agent yesterday was a waste of time - totally disinterested (to keep the valuation low) and he gave us two "prices" - £150K apart!!! The 2nd one LOVED the house (as most people do) - we have to be patient until Thursday when he will phone us with a valuation.

  7. I love the colours! fabulous, I can understand why its so difficult to value, its unique, I do hope you get the top value for it, good luck xxx

  8. Your strong colour schemes are stunning BB!

    Good luck with the second valuation which sounds much more positive.

  9. Oh been ages since I called - what's the latest?
