

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 23 June 2010

We have KITTENS!

Back to Devon tomorrow:

The kittens are not by choice, I might add. These are the children of Miffy (think white, with blobs of tortoiseshell on her) and blind in one eye from a fight with one of our cats, I suspect, and the Big Bad Grey Tom (Boldr) who would love to drive our cats off. He is a Problem . . . Anyway, we knew that Miffy had had babies, over in one of the farm buildings, but now she thinks we need to feed them, and has brought them to live in the old poultry house. We think there may be three, but only saw two playing out yesterday - a white with ginger blotches and a white with black blotches. They're about 5 or 6 weeks old and as cute as anything. I bewailed the fact of more faces to feed to eldest daughter, and said, "What am I going to do?" Her prompt reply was, "Keep them of course, mother dear . . ." Sigh. I would happily keep them if we can somehow trap and rehome their parents.

Tomorrow we are off to see more houses in Devon. We have three properties to view - a Devon long house, a smallholding with ancient house, and a former pub in a Devon market town. The same Devon market town we viewed in at the beginning of the month in fact. A nice place, but I'm not sure if the house is right, although it does have a good garden and outbuildings. It is practical and SENSIBLE, but I'm not sure if I'm grown up enough to be really sensible yet . . .

This morning it is overcast and looks like it may rain, which would be a blessing as the garden is cracking in parts where it is clay-rich and has been SO dry for all this year. I am having to water round every evening, and where I have seedlings in, in the morning too. Yesterday I finally got around to repotting all my Auriculas. I had two big pots absolutely crammed with them (bought for my birthday last year) and they needed seperating. I now, ahem, have 60 plants! I think I will let them grow on a bit and think about selling some to new homes at a car boot sale. I would prefer some different colours/markings than 60 in repeating colours. On-line, plants seem to be from £4 to £4.80 each, so I guess it will have to be seeds . . .


  1. Being sensible is over-rated. Not being sensible when buying houses can be expensive for a very long time though.

    Good luck with the hunt.


  2. We have kittens too at the animal shelter where I volunteer. I handled and played with about 30 kittens and cats today. Such fun. I was there about two hours and scooped some boxes as well as swept up some litter. But they are such loves. I could have stayed in the big room where there are 5 fully grown cats all night and at least two of them would be sleeping on me.

  3. Sensible BB - too boring and you are never that.

    Love to see photos of the kittens at some point and I hope you have a good trip


  4. Seems auriculas as more expensive than kittens Bovey Belle. Good luck with the house search.
