

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 26 June 2010

Kitten pics

Remember I said we have kittens? Well, there are three. Two black and white and one ginger and white (the latter has my name on it!) A friend's daughter is looking for kittens (note plural) so when I can tame the other two, perhaps she will have them.

I managed a few photos of them today, playing outside the old chicken cum junk shed . . . Their mother is blind in one eye and something has bitten her neck - she looks like she has had a tracheotomy - but as she's as wild as anything, no chance of getting her to a vet for treatment. As a feral, they would probably just say she should be pts anyway . . .

As I said, mum's neck looks horrid, its' possibly a burst abscess, but she is eating fine and has plenty of energy, so as she's young, perhaps she will mend OK.

Yesterday we travelled down to Devon, house-hunting again. We saw two absolutely stunning properties, and one which could have been nice with some tlc (had a lovely garden and workshop). We have made an offer on the middle property, not that I think we will get it as we're only just going on the market (because of all the delays with agents not knowing how to price this house!) We've made a closeish offer (promptly rejected), will let them stew a bit - they were on with a different agent and have just changed agents, so perhaps they are wanting the full whack - or will only drop a fiver . . . We probably won't be able to sell quickly enough to get it (unless, hoping against hope, the first person to see our house falls in love and is a cash buyer who have sold their house!!) But if it's for us, we will have it. If not, then there's another house out there waiting for us.

And yes, chicken shed waiting for a replacement door . . .


  1. They are lovely - and look full of it - especially the ginger and white one. Glad you have seen something you like and fingers crossed and toes plaited that it all slots into place.

    Take care


  2. You never know! Thats exactly what happened to use, the first person to see our house was a cash buyer and bought it, so fingers crossed for you too.
    Love that little ginger sweetie!

  3. Thanks both - I'll keep you posted, and Kath, well, if it happened for you . . .

  4. You sound very calm and positive about your house selling and home buying search, which is the best attitude to have. It will all unfold well, as you wrote, I am sure. I am glad you are caring for the cats.

  5. Poor mama cat, having to fight an infection and care for kittens. You might ask your vet if there is an antibiotic you could mix in with some tinned food for a week or two and see if she would eat it.

    I am doing that for the feral cat that is probably the father to the kittens born next to my porch as he has a wound behind his ear. He got it 2 nights but last night...a possum ate it, lol

  6. Kittens are next to impossible to resist--which is why we've had such a full quota of felines over the years. Ones heart aches for all the cats, young or old, which can't be adopted and cared for.
    I trust you are taking vitamins or some such to fortify you for the adventure of selling and buying houses--I've always wished the packing and sorting could be quietly done by someone other than me--it is a thankless and exhausting task. I do hope it all goes smoothly. Surely the perfect property is just waiting to be discovered.

  7. The ginger and white one looks like a smaller version of our boy who came out of the woods a few years ago. If you didn`t want him, I`m sure we could find room.........

    Good luck with the house selling and hunting. Such an exciting time. All those potential future lives lying in wait for you!
