

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 9 April 2011

Award time

I have been awarded an . . . Award! It's from Bron and I would like to say a big thank you to her.

The Liebster Award is designed to be awarded to ‘small’ blogs with less than 300 subscribers to spread the blog love and get them out to a wider audience.

The rules are:

1. Post displaying the award, linking back to the person who awarded you.

2. Choose your own blog picks and let them know they’re awarded.

3. Hope everyone discovers some new favourites.

4. Revel in the blog love! Here are my choices to receive the award. Enjoy!

I would like to pass this on to:

1. Circle of the Year.

2. North Stoke.

3. Where Beechmast Falls.

4. Morning's Minion.


  1. Thanks for the award Jennie. Will add it and also do some commenting either tonight if energy levels permit or next time it rains - meantime it full on with the garden which is rapidly getting out of hand.

  2. I know JUST what you mean about these darn gardens!

  3. Thank you for my award Jennie, think I have another somewhere but don't know how to link them.
    Anyway, is'nt perfectly gorgeous with the weather, four days so far - spring has certainly sprung...

  4. A well deserved award. Love visiting you.

  5. I am pleased to have this award--don't know that I'm clever enough to set it up on my page.
    We seem to share blogger favorites, so I'll have to think a bit where this can go.
    Meanwhile--back to the garden before it rains again.

  6. congratulations on your award, great blog by the way. i love all your pictures
