

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Busy Day

Violets on my walk today. The sunshine had me outside from dawn till dusk practically and I couldn't resist a little walk along the valley.


Several Shetlands enjoying the sunshine.

These two were nosy and came across to say hello.

What a sweetheart!

Now just a trackway I used to ride along on Fahly, this was once the main link from our valley to Llanfynydd in the next valley over.

Ground Ivy flowering on a sunny bank.

There were huge banks of Windflowers all along my walk today.

One of 5 Orange Tip butterflies I saw this afternoon.


  1. Celendines! Thank you for that, I've been meaning to look up the name of the wonderful yellow flowers that grow in profusion along the verges outside my mother's house, and now I know what they are. Lovely photos, isn't it glorious at this time of the year?

  2. What a lovely spring walk. We have a few cuckoo flowers but so far, no Orange Tip butterflies.

  3. Oh the Shetlands are gorgeous (may I use the piebald one?). The flowers you call windflowers are (I think) what we call Stitchwort and they look to be among wild garlic, I forget it's real name.

  4. All the blogs I visit from England are telling about the beautiful weather you're having -- and all the spring flowers. Now I really know the feeling in that old poem we learned in school -- "Oh to be in England now that April's there!"

  5. Yararow - by all means use the photo. No, Stitchwort are different - will try and get photos over the weekend as they're out here now. The Windflowers are anemones. The Wild Garlic (Ramsons) is growing behind the Orange Tip butterfly. Will take photos of that too.

    DW _ We have Cuckoo Flowers too, especially along the A40, where it grows massively, but I cannot stop to take photos as driving by it!

    ChrisJ - the weather is SUBLIME, especially for April!

    K&K - I have masses of Celendines in my garden too. They flower and then disappear again, so I allow them to join the throng . . .

  6. I get confused about the identity of celandines every spring--somehow what I called by that name growing up may not be the flower of English countrysides. Do the stems leak an orange sap when bruised?
    Aren't horses just nosey things? Pebbles has her eye on everything we do outside.
