

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 26 June 2012


Not the best start to a Tuesday morning.  It is pouring with rain outside.  I am sat here feeling like a pile of doo-dah from lack of sleep which is being opposed by the drug regime for this latest chest infection.  Ah well. Think positive.  I will just have to take things easy with a) the current book I'm reading*, and b) my crochet lap-throw I'm working on.

This is a book to recommend to you: P D James & T A Critchley - The Maul and the Pear Tree: The Ratcliffe Highway Murders 1811.  I bought it for 50p at the car boot sale on Sunday and can't put it down.

Anyway, when I was awake and dressed at stupid o'clock this morning, I had a little foray around blogland, and went blog-hopping, starting with a link on Pat's lovely blog, The Weaver of Grass, where there is always something interesting to read about. 

On her sidebar, are lots of lovely links.  I am in a crafty mood right now - being stapled to the sofa! - so next I  went to check out Ragged Old Blogger where there are some ideas which I find very inspiring - I especially love the Celtic interlace work, as that figured large when I was researching the Pictish Symbol Stones many years ago.  This is my "starter for ten" but I don't blog about them for fear of boring everyone - I would get carried away with my enthusiasm.  I loved her post about visiting Uley Barrow (Hetty Pegler's Tump) as I have been there too, with my archaeologist's hat on!

From here, I went to Dog-Daisy Chains, which I have visited before (probably along the same route!) and had a drool over the beautiful fabric brooches and I absolutely love her Newgrange-inspired felted design from 17th May.  I will try and get back to felting, something I promised myself I would get stuck into years ago.  Life got in the way, I fear.

I pop in at Marmalade Rose's blog from time to time, and have been inspired by her beautiful and imaginative creations.  My favourites are the flower-felted meadows.

Finally, Lucy at Attic24, whose colourful blog never fails to cheer me up.  As you will see in her most recent post, she's in the current issue of Simply Crochet, which I treated myself to yesterday.

Right, the sofa calls.  It has taken my brain several hours to wake up sufficiently to put this pitiful post together.  Enjoy the links.


  1. So sorry you're feeling so poorly. I'm about to post about Lizzy and I'll put in some nice views to try and cheer you up. A cup of Lapsang Souchong and a piece of cake first though...

  2. I do agree about Heather's work on Ragged Old Blogger BB. Those little books she makes are exquisite.
    Sorry your chest infection is taking so long to clear up - I don't suppose this weather helps. Once something like this takes hold it is difficult to shake off. Hope you are soon well again.

  3. now you can't mention Pictish Symbol Stones and not blog about them! more please :-D

  4. I hope your quiet day has helped the healing process BB. The PD James book sounds interesting.

  5. Kath - I see I will have to get my brain together tomorrow! It will be an indulgence, however, and I'm looking forward to it.

    Pat - many thanks. I'm feeling much better this pm than I did first thing, on 4 1/2 hours' sleep . . .

    Em - thank you for cheering me up with your lovely photos, and kind words.

  6. I'm SO SORRY to find that you are ill--again. How discouraging for you.
    Rain--? Has it ever rained here--? Will it ever rain again--?
    The drought is on-going and a heat wave in the forecast.
    I blog-hop when I am too weary to post on my own blog or leave coherant comments--its fun--like leafing through the pages of magazines we don't usually see.

  7. "Stupid o'clock"! I liked that one and that is what time I woke up as well. Finally went back to sleep about 3:30 a.m. thankfully. Hope you feel better soon!
