

Jennie's recipes

Monday 25 June 2012

Monday, Monday . . .

Sadly I tempted fate recently when I announced I was feeling WELL again.  I have come down with a bonzer of a chest infection again, one bad enough to scare me as I felt like I was suffocating.  Anti-biotics have helped and stopped my cough, but my breathing's still not right, so this morning I have started on a course of steroids which I was given to take if I felt I needed to.

 Anyway, on Saturday we had to take advantage of a dry day to get in a car boot sale, and as there was one on our little local showground, as part of the Vintage Rally.  I sat and crocheted in between selling things.  I also had a little wander round, camera in hand, and got completely and totally distracted by one stand with a display of fascinating old objects.  I was there about 15 minutes chatting to the owner, and being shown no end of fascinating things which I attempted (and largely failed!)  I took just a couple of pathetic photos, and all I can tell you of the things below is that the wheel with a handle on a wooden base is for crimping corks before they are put into a bottle.  oh, and I know that the copper mug with a "foot" above it is for putting in the fire ashes to warm ale.  Behind that are some rare (and very valuable) wood planes.

This lady has such lovely vintage clothes, and we often have a little chat when we see one another.   She gets her clothes from a variety of sources, and I told her she would love the Fleamarket at Chesterfield, where my eldest daughter goes for Vintage clothing.

BTW, the blog title today comes from the Mamas and Papas song released in 1966.  I remember it well and can still sing along and remember most of the words.  I have it blaring away on Youtube as I type.  I can see I will have to do a whole post on 1960s music because I am having such FUN playing track after track!!!  (Currently on Scott McKenzie - San Francisco).


  1. Hope you soon feel much better BB.

    Those two stalls look really interesting. I bet your OH was fascinated by all the old carpentry tools.

    I remember "San Francisco" from a teenage long hot summer .......Happy hippy days :-)

  2. poor you, get well soon Jennie.

  3. Thanks DW and Kath. Steroids helped first thing, but having to sit quietly now (I have a good book about a murder in early 19th C London.)

  4. Please take care, Jennie. Please rest.
    I have in my posession, a vintage Oleg Cassini (Not sure if I spelled his name right), Italian wool jacket in a beautiful red with very large black buttons. I can't wear it anymore (I'm too fat), but I just love it and can't part with it. It is a size 10 US.
    Have a wonderful week, my friend.

  5. Do hope those steroids ae having a magical effect on that chest BB - a bit of sunshine would help and it does look as though your part of the world is going to get at least a day or two of it.

  6. Denim and Weaver - I am being Very Good and resting. However, I did get my OH to drop me off by W H Smith this afternoon so I could buy a Crochet mag. Then I walked very steadily the couple of hundred yards to where he had managed to park the car. Denim - that Oleg Cassini jacket sounds gorgeous and I don't blame you for keeping it just to enjoy visually.

  7. Do look after yourself Jenny, this chest infection thing is a rotter. xxx
