

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 15 December 2012

Photos of York - I hope!

Right, many thanks to Mac n' Janet for suggesting Flickr to store my photos on.  I see I have limited storage on there each month too, so I may load some on Flickr and some on Photobucket, and see if I can manage that way!

Anyway, here is one of the Fairground rides at York recently - the Gallopers.

York Minster from the front - the best I could do without getting run over!

And in slightly more close-up.  Sorry they aren't very sharp, but that's because I have enlarged them.

The ruins of St Mary's Abbey in the York Castle Museum gardens (the Museum we couldn't afford to go in . . .)

The 14th C Lendal Tower by the River Ouse is a partner to the Barker Tower on the opposite bank, and a chain used to be hung between the two, so that a toll could be extracted by boats wishing to pass.

Our beautiful eldest daughter T, whose birthday treat this outing was.

Part of the market in York.

Above: Barley Hall, York.  Below: Day to day Medieval living inside the Barley Hall   We  visited there for the Medieval Craft Fair, and I bought a present for my husband - a candle holder made using part of old (oak) farm machinery, and some thrifted (!) beach-combed Amber chips (drilled for jewellery) from a Dutch beach, which my clever daughter turned into earrings for me when we got back to her flat.


  1. Beautiful !
    What a wonderful trip. I have loved each time I have visited York, I always had the best time.

    Don't know if I have mentioned this yet but I adore your header photo.

    cheers, parsnip

  2. Again, I love the header. Thank you for the look around York;so happy you did not get run over!

    Your daughter is lovely. I hope she had a grand day out.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  3. Thank you both. We had a really LOVELY day out there, and my daughter treated me endlessly, bless her, as she had a wage coming in and I didn't. I just wish it hadn't been quite so cold!

    Glad you both like the header - it is one of my favourite snow photos I've taken locally, and is the mane lane between the A40 and Llanfynydd - not that there was much traffic along it THAT day.

  4. Glad that Flickr is going to work for you, we visited York in the late 90's and loved it, good pix.

  5. Lovely to see York; I haven't been there for SO many years - thank you. Daughter is beautiful but I'm sure you know that!

  6. Yes your daughter is beautiful, and you both must have had a good time. Must agree with you that the roads are very busy, normally pass through on the train which stops at York, then another train to Scarborough, and then a bus ride to Whitby takes hours!

  7. Lovely photos of your visit to York. It is one of those old cities where historical treasures appear every time you turn a corner.

    T looks well and quite stunning. She could be a Pre Raphaelite muse :-) Hope she will soon be home with you , for Christmas.
