

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 13 December 2012

Preparing for Christmas

Well, the wreath is done.  I have managed a photograph by wiping some earlier ones.   

As for the new blog, I am not sure how many of you will be able to access me if I go over to Wordpress permanently.  Can we have a headcount?  Morning AJ says it won't let her in.  Are there many more of you?

Anyway, I am quite happy with this year's wreath which is a variation on the standard hedgerow-garnered wreath we always make.  T and I that is, but as she is not here until next Sunday, I had to make it alone this time.  I only had to walk as far as our front gate for the ingredients - bendy Pussy Willow wands, long ribbons of ivy which scramble over the front wall, and then I dived into the Christmas decoration boxes and came up with some lovely clear-glass faceted baubles on a silver wire, and for contrast, a long length of gold balls.  The Willow made the interwoven frame, covered with festoons of ivy strands, then the baubles and gold balls.  Underneath hangs a weather-proof silver tree decoration like a star-shaped snowflake.  It looks really pretty (says she modestly).

Today we got 3 bottles of wine for the Christmas meals (our offspring have promised more) and we drove down to Eynons at St Clears (an award-winning butcher) for the meaty part of the Christmas feast - salt-marsh lamb for Christmas Day, casserole venison and  pheasant breast to go towards the Boxing Day Game Pie, and two lovely thick succulent venison steaks to go between three of us when T arrives next weekend.  I have 2 brace of partridges already in the freezer, and a goose which is going in the oven on Christmas Eve and just need to get a game pack from our more local butcher.

Theo'dorable is on the mend and now that his tummy is better, he was allowed out of the kitchen today and chose to snuggle up next to me on the sofa.

Off for a hot bath now, as my fingers are dropping off with cold.


  1. The wreath sounds very classy! I wish I'd been along. I used to gather greens and make some sort of a spray for the door--haven't done that since leaving Vermont. My odds and ends of Christmas decorations disppeared during our many moves.

  2. Your wreath looks fabulous. We bought fish and chips in St Clears and my dogs paddled in the river while we sat eating our meal on the banks :-D

  3. Hi BB

    Your wreath looks lovely and it sounds as though you have some lovely meals to come with some of your goodies. Everyone has to have some goodies for Christmas [hugs] I have one or two pieces that I have managed to obtain in the last few days there is only the two of us on Christmas day (and the animals) and then on Boxing Day my mum is coming for dinner. We are having Turkey Christmas day and a rib of beef for Boxing Day. I note you are having Goose. We always used to have Goose at my Nan's she used to grow them and it would quite often or not spend its summer running round the orchards. I keep suggesting to OH as I quite like but OH is a Turkey fiend! Well it doesn't get wasted.

    Theo has moved in on your heart I can tell bless his cotton socks. There is nothing quite like unconditional love from a much loved animal or animals and I must say he is very handsome and a sweetie.

    I have tried to follow you on wordpress by copying and pasting. Have it registered on my settings but it will not update on the rss feed which means I will not get notifications if you put up a new post. Equally when I click on the wordpress link it tells me that the page is not available so I am not able to access. I am still accessing your blog via the original feed.

    Take care BB [hugs]



  4. Your wreath looks beautiful. I have tried to access your new blog (I use Google Chrome) by copying and pasting and sadly I too get the not available message.

  5. Getting hooked into Wordpress, same here, 'not found' message, do you use 'Chrome' which may help. Glad the little cat is on the mend and yes your wreath is very beautiful. X

  6. The wreath is stunning. We don't have anything to fix one to without compromising the door's ability to keep water out, so I don't bother. I do miss it though, it looks so festive.

    When I went to your Wordpress site it welcomed me as if I was you but there was nothing there. Went to Thelma's today which seems to be working fine for me, so I don't know what the problem is. Hope you enjoyed the hot bath!

  7. I follow Slow Lane on Word Press, I get email notification when a new post is up. Someone else tried storing their photos at Flickr and that seemed to work for them.

  8. Hmmm - thanks folks. I may just reinvent myself on here under another name. I already save some of my photos on Photobucket, but this computer is SO old it takes forever to save photos, but I may look at Flickr and see if that's an option. Thanks Mac n Janet, and everyone else.

  9. Sorry, I couldn't get in either and I sure don't want to miss a thing! Ha.

  10. When I followed the link to your new blog it said Codlins and Cream 3 and there is a photo,but it says this page does not exist !!! What has gone wrong ?

  11. I couldn`t reach you on Wordpress either!
    I hope the Flickr idea works.
