

Jennie's recipes

Monday 17 June 2013

Gorgeous Welsh quilts from Welsh Quilt Centre exhibition

Recently my eldest daughter and I went to the Welsh Quilt Centre at Lampeter to see the exhibition of wonderful Welsh quilts and many by Kaffe Fassett.  All I can say is, it rekindled my passion for patchwork and quilting, but especially hand-quilted wholecloth quilts.  The close-up of part of the design above made me want to reach for needle and material then and there!

This beautiful yellow quilt with its scalloped edge shows the typical Welsh layout of a large central motif, and scallops interspersed with coils and geometric echoes.  Gorgeous.

And another with similar echo motifs.

The leaf pattern is on a part of an old lambswool-lined cream quilt I have.  I love the infill.

Rats!  You will have to turn your head sideways for this one.

Close up of the ivy leaf border and horse-chestnut leaf and scroll corner panel.

Another leaf close-up for you.

The whole quilt, and sorry for not turning the pic round!

I think this was made by the same quilter.

Gorgeous in scarlet . . .  

Lastly another sideways quilt, with a darker border, and totally different and unique quilting patterns.

If you are near Lampeter, DO visit the Exhibition.  HERE is the link.  I will do a post about the Kaffe Fassett quilts tomorrow.


  1. Wow - they even make me want to grab a needle and I restrict myself to mending OB's school clothes these days. When I was in hospital after my accident, I got a sudden urge to embroider but, sadly, by the time I had my neck brace off and could look down, that urge had gone!

  2. I love the whole cloth ones BB - I have a very ancient one which is almost washed/worn out. I keep it in an old trunk and can't bear to throw it out although really it is past it.

    Love Kaffe Fassett too though. His use of colour is second to none.

  3. I LOVE Kaffe Fassett. When my mom and I had our needlework and quilt shop, he was my mentor. I love his flare for color and is not afraid to use it. I has many of his books in my collection of needlepoint and embroidery books.
    I love whole cloth quilts as it shows off the skills of the quilt maker. Just stunning what you showed.
    I look so forward to Kaffe tomorrow.

  4. Oh I visited the centre last summer. What a wobderfully inspirational place! Jx

  5. Th intricacy of that quilting reduces me to something below rank amateur status--all I can do to laboriously quilt along a seam line.

  6. Astonishingly beautiful and so humbling! Thank you for posting these pictures.

  7. Hi Kristi, and thank you for visiting. I just checked out your blog and lots of interest there. I love old fashioned roses too, though they don't do too well here in Wales.

    MM - isn't it fabulous? The best thing I quilted was a satin cushion for my late ma-in-law, with a swan on it. I really enjoyed making it. Of course, I aspire to making a quilt like one of these . . .

    Jan - I think she holds an Exhibition each summer - I went to one a few years back - but this one really was WOW!

    Denim - I would be useless at designing and getting the most out of colours and patterns as he does. I am best as a copier!

    Weaver - it is good to hold on to the old, even if it will not be used again. I am sure it has a story to tell, as its design will. Where was yours made?

    Em - ah, the distractions of our normal lives DO get in the way of creative impulses. Perhaps that urge went into your art instead, so not lost.
