

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Kaffe Fasset (and friends) Quilts

This was made by one of his friends.  I just loved the way she had used the colours - it just glowed.

I loved the log cabin effect on this one.

This was called Seahorses, if I remember correctly.

This had an interesting combination of colours, but I have to say, the Welsh quilts called me louder . . .

I think this is another one I forgot to turn.  I am envious of the curved seams on some of the blocks.  (The darker border inside of the lime greens one.)

A bright quilt for a winter's day, though I'm not usually keen on orange.

A close up of one of the blocks from the quilt above it.

This one is even better for cheering up a winter's day.  I don't think I could be as bold as Kaffe Fassett with the colours.

They were all very beautiful, and very colourful, very skilfully designed and my daughter loved them.  If I could take one home, it would be this zig-zag one above.

BTW, the cooty Welsh quilt had its soak last night.  The colours - beneath the dirt I could see it was a dark red material matched with a purple - didn't run, but oh my GOODNESS, the water was like black tea within seconds . . .  Anyway, I soaked it overnight and dried it on the line today.  The blanket in the middle had just rotted completely and some of the top too, but the back shows enough of a pattern for me to photograph tomorrow.  I made out a central medallion with Elder (?) leaves, and fan type pattern, and elsewhere more leaves and various geometric infills.  The stitching has disappeared in places, along with strips of the material on the front!


  1. I am planning on going to this exhibition as it looks stunning !

    Love the photos :-)

  2. Lovely bold colours! I was intrigued by the quilt with the figures and animals. Were they all appliquéd to the back ground? what a lot of work that must have been.

  3. Kaffe Fasset fabrics are too bold for my taste, but I am very intrigued with the way clever quilters can utilize them to full effect. I enlarged the photo of the log cabin effect quilt and think I'm seeing a construction of 'triangle-squares' with the rows of diagonal quilting stitches creating the logs [?]
    It sounds as though the "Cootie Quilt" was a grand creation in its day--sad that it wasn't better cherished and preserved. Is there enough for a cushion, or to salvage a chunk for mounting and framing?

  4. I am so pleased you are trying to preserve that old quilt BB - someone spent many hours working it.

    As for Kaffe Fasset's work - I think you either love it or hate it. I personally am absolutely bowled over by his bold use of colour, both in his quilts and his embroider/needlepoint. I would never dare to be as daring.

  5. Gorgeous....I love the one you said you forgot to turn!

  6. I look forward to seeing some pictures of your old welsh quilt too. Jx

  7. I'm glad you all enjoyed. Much as I love colour, some of these would be very difficult to match in a room as a working quilt. Perhaps they are purely designed to be works of art hung on a wall to show his skills.

    CW - Enjoy!

    Kath - all applique as far as I know.

    MM - as you will see from the cootie quilt (now on show) all I can save is fragments of its memory in bits of the quilting pattern. It is quite rotten. I am surprised it wasn't just taken to the dump - but to include it in an auction box!!!

    Weaver - I just don't have the design skills - I am a copier only!

    Em - yes, it is rather nice.

    Jan - your wish is my command!

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