

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 30 November 2014

Walking through the tears

Sorry not to have made the promised postings, but I have one dear friend terminally ill with cancer and now my best friend (since we were 5) is very ill and in hospital and may well have cancer.

It is difficult to deal with, but as usual a good long walk has allowed me to think things through and the endorphins help.  I saw the first Primrose in flower on a sheltered bank near Colomendy - not sure if it is the last of this year or the first of next - the latter I will assume.  It has given me hope.  Where are we without it?  So if I go very quiet on here, I may be away at my best friend's house.

Here is Cobweb in the window of Carmarthen Antiques Centre.  I just need to make him up a couple of Christmassy rosettes to set him off properly.


  1. Several of our friends and family have been very unwell in recent weeks. We lost one, but others have pulled through. I am thinking of you and your friends x

  2. So sorry to hear about your friends. Take care

  3. Cobweb is looking grand, its nice to know you are able to clear you head out walking, life just dosent play fair sometimes.

  4. Dawn - that's just what I said yesterday. The walk helped me think things through.

    Smallholder - I am hoping I have gotten a grip now, and I am planning going to visit my best friend in the next week or so - just waiting her to come out of hospital.

    CT - it all seems to happen together. Sorry to hear about your loss.

  5. so sad. We never know what's round the corner do we.

  6. Hi BB

    I am so sorry. Be gentle on yourself and your friends love them and be there when you can and ease their passing/give them strength as much for them their families as for yourself.It is the most horrendous of diseases and affects individuals very differently.Give yourself time BB. Hugs



  7. Walking through tears can help us get through worry and sorrow. I did a lot of prayer walking after my dad's death. Our family bird is the pelican and on my first walk after my dad died, God sent 5 pelicans flying near me and that made me smile.Take care of yourself in this tough time.

  8. Kath - no. I think it's so important to grab life by the throat and enjoy every day.

    Pattypan - bless you for your kind words. It's hard right now - pretty well like having that diagnosis yourself. I wish I was still living in Dorset as at least I could see Trish more often then, though I would be a long long way from Annie, my other friend. . . .

    Terra - thank you. Walking is very therapeutic - and so is hard work and that is what I shall be doing today. I am glad God sent the pelicans to give you that link with your dad.

  9. No easy way to get through this BB - have been there. Walking helps, chatting to friends helps. And giving your old friends support and love is important too. Thinking of you.

  10. I am so sorry to hear about your friends - my thoughts are with you. I remember walking and the natural world helped me a lot when my dad passed away some years ago. Take care.

  11. Sad news. The natural world is the best place to be, it reminds you that life goes on, it distracts the mind like a balm..

  12. Very sad news. I too have one of my best friends fighting brain cancer and she lives a state away.
    It is so hard. Glad the walk helped.

    cheers, parsnip

  13. parsnip - so many people are affected. I hope that your friend has a reasonable quality of life. I'm about 250 miles from Trish, but only an hour's drive from Annie, my other friend (she has terminal cancer). I hope Trish hasn't . . .

    thelma - being out in the countryside does act like a balm on the mind - a nice analogy.

    R. Robin - we are both hoping she will be out of hospital and home soon, to carry on with her treatment, but they aren't hurrying themselves on the CT scan and biopsy . . .

    Pat - you're right, no easy way. But I hope I can be a help and a support to both Trish and Annie.

  14. Sorry to hear your news.... Sending best wishes across the blogosphere. Jx

  15. Thanks Jan. We are still in the "finding out" stage, whether this is a primary or secondary . . .

  16. Sadly, the primary has been found, so it's not good news. Not good at all. No reprieve.

    Thank you all for your friendship right now. I will try and keep posting pretty pictures of walks on here but I'm not feeling very chatty at the moment.

  17. Holding you all close as you walk this path. May there be moments of grace and perhaps even the occasional smile; loving you from the west coast of usa.
