

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 4 December 2014

Pennllergaer Woods

Sadly, my best friend has had the worst possible news.  We are both stunned and bludgeoned emotionally.  I find it hard to write at this time, so please bear with me.

Some photos from a lovely walk yesterday at Penllergaer Woods on the outskirts of Swansea, with my friend D and her Jack Russell and rescue greyhounds.

This was the estate of John Dillwyn-Llewellyn , an early pioneer of photography and who created a beautiful Romantic landscape.

Now I have discovered the Sport setting (!) I can "do" water !

I'll post some more photos soon.


  1. That place looks quite magical. I hope your walk was soothing to your soul. Big hugs for you and your friend.

  2. So sorry to hear the news. Plenty of love to your friend - it does help (I know from experience) and plenty of walks like this for you - they are good for the soul.

  3. Beautiful pictures BB and what a wonderful place to walk. So sorry for the news - sometimes there are no need for words just silence and understanding as it is the peace and quiet that touches us the most . Hugs Pattypan xx

  4. Absolutely beautiful photos.... I am just so sorry to read your news. Sending more hugs across the 'blogosphere'. Jx

  5. Keep your chin up, are your going to the Dylan Thomas Reading “Under Milk Wood” Monday December 8 at Y Talardd, Llanllwni. I thought of you when I saw it :-)

  6. Kath - it certainly was on a bright frosty morning, with the sun out. John Dillwyn-Llewellyn was quite a bloke it seems, and he planned all his gardens and plantings on his estate.

    Pat - good for the soul - yes, that's just the right expression. My planned beach walk yesterday, however, was swiftly abandoned when I felt how raw cold it was outside. Nasty.

    Pattypan - a lovely comment. Thank you.

    Jan - I'll try and find time to put some more photos up today. Hugs gratefully received.

    Dawn - How did I miss the poster for that? I was at Brechfa PO only last week too, on my way to my other poorly friend. I'd like to go, but don't enjoy driving at night these days. You're right though, just my thing.

  7. I cannot say anything that has not already been said, except keep strong. The photos are absolutely glorious, what a lovely walk.

  8. The photos are beautiful - love the one of the water on the sports setting.

    I am so sorry to read about your friend - my thoughts are with you. Stay strong and take care.

  9. Thanks thelma and R. Robin. It's nice to know you enjoyed the photos and are thinking of us.
