

Jennie's recipes

Friday 5 December 2014

Penllagaer part II

These photos were taken at the lower lake, which is a great place for wildlife of all sorts.  The Mallards weren't impressed by the dogs, and soon made a hasty exit.

Running is thirsty work . . .  One of D's lovely rescue greyhounds.

And his more adventurous girlfriend (she was swimming earlier on!)

And here is Mr Sensible!!!

The light was amazing and it was warm in the sun - just like a spring day.

What gorgeous colours still in the beech leaves.

There are lots more to come, so I will put those up later.  I am hoping T has her laptop in hospital now, to keep her amused, so expect LOTS of regular blog posts now.


  1. Photographs like these are good for the soul BB, so keep them coming.

  2. Lovely photo's .. I could almost feel that lovely sunshine!

    Vicky x

  3. Glad you're enjoying them Pat.

    Vicky - I had too many layers on by the time we started climbing the slope that used to be the old carriage road, that much I do know!

  4. Beautiful photos BB. Wintery light through beech trees is wonderful.

  5. Good news that Trish is now connected. Excellent. Hope Annie is as well as she's able. I think of her often and hold her up tot he Universal Healing Power.
