

Jennie's recipes

Friday 10 April 2015

A wonderful birthday walk in Pembrokeshire

The view at Newgale, Pembs.  Back later with lots of photos from yesterday's birthday walk around St. David's Head, from whence the new header photo has come.


Leaving Whitesands Bay.

Just above the car park for exploring St David's Head, there was once a tiny chapel dedicated to St Patrick (who had his vision here of converting Ireland to Christianity), but none of it remains now.  He set sail for Ireland in 500 AD.

Looking back at Whitesands Bay, famous for its surf and very popular with surfers.

There were lots of many wild flowers which welcomed this recent warm weather.  These are Sea Campion.

A lovely spot for a picnic out on that bit of headland.

The coast ahead.

Of course, there was masses of Gorse everywhere, and also plenty of little Oasis of Violets.

One version of our walk included climbing up to Carn Llidi, but by the time we got there we decided to leave it for another time as we had run out of energy - it was such a hot day for early spring.

Welsh Mountain ponies grazed this area.

A small island off the coast.  One of the Bishops and Clerks??? possibly, which have wrecked many an unwary seafarer in this area.

I managed a tick on my list of Welsh burial chambers to visit, by visiting  Coitan Arthur, a Neolithic burial chamber.

The views were just amazing.  I have more photos to share with you, but a VERY busy weekend ahead with two Antiques Fairs/Fleamarkets back to back.  I will try and post some more photos over the weekend.  Apologies for the lack of comment, but I am still absolutely shattered - so much happening this week.


  1. My Aunite Maida used to live in Johnson, exactly halfway between Milford Haven and Haverfordwest...her son Robert used to drive me to some suspnsion bridge nearby, a very dramatic view. There was cockle picking on the beaches, or watching the big boats through the coin op binoculars overlooking Pembroke dock...

  2. Ah, Happy memories for you then Simon. I hope you like the rest of the photos later.

  3. Love the new header, looking forward to more images.

  4. My sweetest birthday wishes are winging their way over mountains, ocean waters and landforms of unmatched beauty to get to you before the week is out !~! Many happy returns of the day are wished for you.

    I look forward to seeing the rest of the pictures; I love seeing your photos of the country from whence comes my favorite singer/songwriter/performer of ALL TIME: Martyn Joseph of your lovely seaside village of Cardiff. If you've not heard his portfolio, I give his name to you with a blessing that you can take to the hills. His work is phenomenal and he's Welsh. For the first time in the dozen concerts I have seen of his, someone asked him about Wales, and BB, he waxed rhapsodically for several minutes over his homeland and its environs. If I ever go overseas, your Wales is my First Stop.

    Happy Birthday, BB !~!

  5. Happy Belated Birthday, you have some love pictures there, we have been very spoiled by the sunshine. I am looking forward to when we have more time for going out exploring :-)

  6. Happy Birthday my lovely. And how lucky were you with the weather? x

  7. Happy Birthday and what a lovely way to celebrate your day.
    The photos are wonderful.

    cheers, parsnip

  8. What beautiful clear photos of a place I know so well, especially Coitan Arthur. The sun definitely shone on your birthday.
    Happy Returns for the day X

  9. Belated birthday blessings from the happy hippy town of Glastonbury x

  10. Lovely to see your beautiful photos of the coastal path around St David`s Head. When we were there a few years ago we did that walk from St Non`s Chapel westwards. Probably the other direction from you? Stunning views and the birds and wild flowers were wonderful!

    So pleased that you had such a happy birthday outing after the recent difficult weeks.xx

  11. A belated Happy Birthday. Beautiful images and a glorious walk - so makes me want to have a holiday in Pembrokeshire!

  12. Love those burial chambers - I have visited those in Pembrokeshire many times and they never fail to give me afunny feeling of being part of history.

  13. Thank you everyone. It was one of those really special days (quite apart from being a birthday). It's a beautiful area and we will go again this summer, as my OH missed out this time.

    More photos tomorrow, when I have recovered from a really busy and tiring weekend.
